I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 158 Ignorance Harms People, Killing Two People! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

She wanted to ask for help, but to no avail.

Eventually, the voices became quieter and quieter.

Until there was no movement at all.

Everyone knows that the woman is dead.

"Cui Lian!"

The man shouted sadly.

He rolled and crawled and came to the woman's side.

He kept shaking the woman's body, trying to get her to get up from the bed.


Totally useless!

The woman is completely dead!

The people watching outside the door couldn't help but sigh and sigh.

The great witch walked up to the man, stretched out his hand and patted his shoulder. It seemed as if she sympathized with him very much.

But in fact, the great witch was sneering in his heart.

In his eyes, Cuilian's life was not important at all.

Maintaining your reputation is the most important thing!

So, under this premise.

Everyone is expendable!

Such as Cuilian.

Moreover, the people in the village are very ignorant, and they can be deceived by any reason they make up. With their lofty status in the village, it is impossible for these people to question it!

"A person haunted by evil spirits can easily spread bad luck to other people. Therefore, it is better to cremate her as soon as possible!"

The great witch said again.

The man said nothing.

He was heartbroken, but he still listened to the wizard's words.

Cuilian's body was indeed burned quickly.

The great witch believes that this matter ends here. But I didn’t expect that this was just the beginning of a nightmare!

Later, people in the village spread the news that Cuilian was possessed by a ghost and died in childbirth.

Even when her ashes were brought back, they were not allowed to be sent to the ancestral temple.

The man had no choice but to bury her in a relatively remote place.

However, this is not the end.

From then on, men could no longer survive in the village.

People in this village began to take various extreme measures against men.

They believe that men are also haunted by evil spirits and become an ominous person!

Therefore, the people in the village tried their best to exclude him.

Full of hostility towards men!

Over time, in infinite pain, the man finally ended his life!

But the people in the village did not feel guilty at all.

When something like this happened, the great witch felt a little uncomfortable in his heart. It's not out of guilt for the miserable couple, it's just that I don't want to stay here any longer.

I am worried that what I have done may be investigated by the Public Security Department.

So, in order to avoid unnecessary trouble.

He finally chose to leave this place!

After leaving the mountain village, Dawu did not change his mind. Instead, he moved to another place and continued his old business.

He returned to his old business and even founded the Tianwu Sect.

He recruited many disciples, taught them some witchcraft, and asked them to do some shady things for him!

As for himself, he gradually retreated behind the scenes.

As for Huang Yuxia, she is the most outstanding representative under him!

After reading the experience of the great witch.

A series of other pictures appeared in Zhou Chen's mind.

It’s all about how those people under his command are misbehaving outside!

It's the same as the head-dropping master I encountered before.

To perform witchcraft, they often need some very special props.

Such as dead babies, virgin blood, corpses, etc.

In order to obtain these things, they naturally did some shady things in secret.

Therefore, it is not unfair for the entire village to die!

After all, they are all evil wizards!

Late at night.

The sky is covered with dark clouds.

All around, there was a gloomy wind.

In such an environment, the entire village was enveloped in a strong atmosphere of murder.

Everyone is ready.

They are fully prepared and waiting for the judge to arrive!


for them.

The Judge is a completely unknown existence!

They don't know who the judge is, let alone what appearance the judge will come in.

Coupled with the powerful description of the Judge on the Internet, this caused everyone to start to feel nervous.

Especially some young juniors.

Although they are gathered here with their fellow disciples, they are still very worried.

The great witch saw their fear, but he snorted and said: "What is there to be afraid of? We have arranged everything now! When the judge (the king) appears, even if he is the king of heaven, I must Tell me here!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he immediately waved his stick.


A cold fire shot into the sky.

Instantly, the surrounding area was illuminated.

It was at this time that other people finally regained their fighting spirit.

They followed and roared one after another, and their voices echoed in the mountain village for a long time.

And all of them.

In fact, Zhou Chen secretly saw everything.

Zhou Chen witnessed this scene and couldn't help but feel ridiculous.

They thought that everything they did could deal with the legendary judge. But I didn't expect that in the eyes of the judge, all this was simply a waste of time!

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