I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 163 Impermanence Appears And Past Sins Are Exposed (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

The figure was very faint and even seemed to be translucent.

But after a while, the figure gradually moved towards him.

This made Wu Jinshan's heart leap into his throat!

"Wu Jinshan, come and accept your fate!"

A shrill and resentful voice sounded.

Wu Jinshan curled up into the quilt.

The scene before him frightened him.

He didn't dare to look directly at all this!

But he didn’t dare not look at it!

Because, he felt that if he didn't keep an eye on it, then he might not know how he died.

So, Wu Jinshan is now.

He could only curl up most of his body under the quilt and peek out his eyes through the gaps.

he noticed.

What appeared in front of me at this moment was a white figure!

He wore a tall pointed hat on his head and held a mourning stick and a soul chain in his hands.

It is the legendary Bai Wuchang!

"Grandpa W-Wuchang, I haven't done anything bad! I'm just an ordinary citizen. You can't kill me!"

Wu Jinshan said with a mournful face.

"Ordinary people?"

After hearing this, Bai Wuchang on the other side let out a cold and terrifying laugh, "If you say this, who would believe it?"

Zhou Chen, who transformed into Bai Wuchang, had already made preparations before coming to see Wu Jinshan.

Of course he knows what kind of guy Wu Jinshan is!

Is such a person worthy of saying such words?

Zhou Chen thought it was so ridiculous!

He waved his hand and a powerful force appeared.

He directly lifted the quilt off Wu Jinshan!

Wu Jinshan was frightened.

He hurriedly kowtowed to Bai Wuchang: "Grandpa Wuchang, please spare your life, Grandpa Wuchang, please spare your life! I have never done anything harmful to nature in my life, so please be noble and let me go~"!

I have to say that Wu Jinshan is really frightened now.

In front of Zhou Chen, he had completely lost the high airs he had in front of other people.

As humble as a dog!

"Twenty years ago, you robbed a family. You killed three members of that family and caused other people's homes to be destroyed!"

"Do you still remember this matter?!"

Impermanence's voice is as cold as a knife.


In an instant, Wu Jinshan was brought back to the past minister.

All these things appeared in Wu Jinshan's mind like a movie!

Let Wu Jinshan be immersed in that night twenty years ago!

twenty years ago.

A silent night.

In a very ordinary town, in a private house.

A family of three is sleeping in bed.

But at this moment, a figure suddenly broke through the door.

The figure looked very fierce, holding a sharp blade in his hand, and broke into their home all of a sudden!

The family of three was awakened.

Under the dim moonlight, they happened to look at this uninvited guest.


The girl among them let out a shrill scream.

She was obviously frightened by this guy!

"Shut up!"

"If you dare to scream, I will kill you!"

The uninvited guest waved the blade in his hand and roared.

In a family of three, the wife protected her daughter, while the man immediately got up from the bed and asked, "What do you want to do?"

This man looks quite thin, with a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose. He is no match for the burly Wu Jinshan.

Wu Jinshan laughed slyly and said, "What are you doing? What do you think I want to do?"

As he spoke, he shook the blade in his hand.

The blade was gleaming white, and under the illumination of the moonlight, it revealed a sinister murderous intent.

"." My brother is short of money recently and wants to borrow some money from your family. I just don’t know, brother, are you willing?"

Wu Jinshan waved his knife and leaned towards the man.

The man also felt deep fear in front of him.

He stepped back step by step.

Soon, he retreated to the bed.

Behind him were his wife and daughter curled up on the bed.

Of course he can't escape anymore!

Otherwise, you will definitely be hurt by the other party!

It is precisely because of this that the man gritted his teeth and said: "I'm telling you, don't mess around. If you mess around, I will call the police!"

"Threatening me? Do you think it will work?"

But Wu Jinshan was not afraid at all.

Before he came, he had already noticed that this family was relatively remote (Zhao's) compared to other nearby residents.

Even though it was quiet at night, if he shouted loudly, no one might agree.

Moreover, even mobile phones are not very popular in this era.

Although their home has a landline phone, it is located at the entrance.


They have no way to call for help!

It is precisely because of this that Wu Jinshan is so rampant!

He didn’t take the other party seriously at all!

With a sinister smile on his face, he approached the man step by step: "It's useless for you to call anyone now! So, instead of doing this, it's better to obediently hand over the money!"


The man gritted his teeth.

Of course he couldn't hand over the money!

So, he punched Wu Jinshan directly!

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