I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 164 The Wronged Soul From Twenty Years Ago Comes To Take Revenge! (Please Subscribe, Please

As the head of the family, he certainly has the responsibility to protect his wife and daughter.

Even if you are clearly not his opponent, you must still fight to the end!


Even so.

He didn't notice a thing either.

That is, in front of the opponent, he is completely an inconspicuous weakling!

Wu Jinshan turned sideways and easily avoided his attack. Moreover, the sharp blade in his hand also stabbed the man's chest fiercely.


The man was caught off guard.

He was stabbed directly by one blow!

Suddenly, the man let out a shrill cry.

at the same time.

His body shook and he almost fell to the ground.

At this time, his wife and daughter also screamed.

Obviously, he was frightened by this scene.

When Wu Jinshan saw this, he simply refused to do anything.

He said nothing.

He drew out his short blade and stabbed 770 Man in the abdomen over and over again.

Puff puff!

Countless blood flowed out, and the man felt that his body suddenly became extremely heavy.

After a while, he couldn't hold it any longer.

And he fell to the ground all of a sudden!


With a muffled sound, the man completely lost his life.

At this time, his wife and daughter were already completely dumbfounded!

Their faces were pale and their whole bodies were trembling.

A pair of eyes fell on the demon in front of him, looking really full of infinite fear.

"You, don't come over?"

The woman wanted to hold onto something to protect herself.

But unfortunately, after grabbing it for a long time, all she finally got was a pillow.

But Wu Jinshan had no intention of letting them go!

In his opinion, he had killed someone anyway.

Then he simply kept doing nothing (bgfi) and killed all three members of the family. When the time comes, just take their things and run away!

This is not the first time!

Anyway, to him, all this is nothing!

He has several such lives on his hands!

Thinking of this, the fierce light in Wu Jinshan's eyes became more intense.

Next, something terrible happened.

As the man continued to commit violence, his wife and daughter were also brutally murdered.

Afterwards, he emptied all the cash at home.

Although this family lives in a relatively remote place, they are actually quite wealthy.

In one fell swoop, he found more than 10,000 yuan in cash.

in this era.

More than ten thousand can be considered a small fortune!

After doing all this, Wu Jinshan lit a fire and burned the entire house to the ground.

From the perspective of outsiders, perhaps the cause of all this is just a fire [I can’t even find my head!

It was precisely because of this that Wu Jinshan left with satisfaction.

Wu Jinshan returned to reality.

The scenes from back then shocked his memory.

So much so that he seemed a little stunned now.

Bai Wuchang looked at him with a gloomy face, and made a strange sound like hell: "Have you remembered? The sins you committed back then will be completely repaid today!"

As soon as his voice fell, there was another wonderful change in the room.

Then I saw figures appearing one after another!

These figures, all charred and black, looked like evil ghosts from hell.

Climbed out from the surrounding area and moved closer to Wu Jinshan Jian!

Wu Jinshan noticed.

They were charred figures, obviously scorched!

"Wu Jinshan, you killed our whole family! Today, I will make you pay with your life!"

"We, a family of three, were very happy, but it was you who killed us! I want you to pay with blood, so you must accept your life!"

A strange sound came out loudly.

And what about Wu Jinshan?

Under such a voice, he was so frightened that his face turned pale.

no doubt.

These three charred figures were the three members of the family he killed back then!

Now, ten years later.

They appeared in front of Wu Jinshan again and came to avenge Wu Jinshan for the past!

"No, no!"

"Don't come over here!"

Wu Jinshan shook like chaff.

He wanted to escape, but found that he actually had nowhere to escape.

The three charred corpses had already arrived in front of Wu Jinshan. Moreover, he was trapped in a group!

The blackened hands finally touched Wu Jinshan.

At this moment, Wu Jinshan felt an extremely intense burning sensation!

The burning sensation made him let out a heart-rending scream.

Wu Jinshan knew that he had no way to escape!

Under such an offensive, he could only endure it obediently!

Along with the three charred corpses, he was completely suppressed among them. At this time, Wu Jinshan's whole body was on fire!

However, no one can save him!

Under such an offensive, Wu Jinshan's body was being burned at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In the end, it turned into a ball of black!

But his soul was also thrown into the netherworld.

Suffer unlimited punishment for eternity!.

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