I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 165 Hit Three Templates In A Row! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

"Congratulations to the host for killing Wu Jinshan!"

"Get thirty thousand merit points!"

The system prompt sounded.

Because Wu Jinshan is not the mission target, the merit points obtained are slightly less.

But Zhou Chen was quite happy to be able to get rid of such a heinous person!

"Now I have 120,000 merit points in my hand!"

"Let's fire ten rounds in a row and see if something good comes out this time!"

Zhou Chen originally planned to accumulate more merit points before drawing a lottery.

But when he was playing games before, he was someone who couldn't save any resources for drawing cards, so now that he has a little merit value, he wants to draw them as soon as possible!

never mind!

Give it a try and turn your bicycle into a motorcycle!

Zhou Chen thought of this and clicked on the system interface without hesitation.

"Ten draws in a row!"

Zhou Chen simply clicked and consumed all the 100,000 merit points!

He did not directly consume all the merit points.

Because he felt that it would be better to keep 20,000 yuan on him for emergencies.


Soon, a ray of light flashed.

Zhou Chen knew just by seeing this light.

It’s definitely not a good thing!

as expected.

Third level soul elixir!

It doesn’t matter, there are still nine draws left!

Even if he couldn't draw the last top ten shady handsome templates, Zhou Chen didn't lose much. For him, his current strength is strong enough.

At worst, just complete more tasks and smoke slowly bit by bit.

But Zhou Chen was still very curious about the mysterious reward mentioned by the system!

Therefore, this has always made him a little impatient.

And very quickly.

The results of the second draw also appeared!

Still a soul pill!

This made Zhou Chen feel a little speechless.

Could it be that I haven't even smoked anything good today?

This made Zhou Chen feel a little speechless.

However, Zhou Chen had no intention of letting it go.

Since we have agreed to draw a lottery, we must draw all ten consecutive draws!

Next, it’s the third draw!


Zhou Chen noticed.

This time a golden light appeared!

"Is he the last handsome guy?"

His heart trembled, and he couldn't help but thump.

Soon, the golden light dissipated.

What was displayed in front of him was not Yin Shuai.

Instead, he is a judge-like figure wearing an official uniform and an official hat, with eyes as bright as lightning!


Chacha Division: Lu Zhidao!

Another judge template!


Zhou Chen finally breathed a sigh of relief.

The best result is definitely the last one among the top ten handsome men.

But if you don’t get it, it would be nice to give it to a judge!

Anyway, his four major judges have not gathered together.

Even if there is one more judge, one's own abilities will be enhanced!

And Lu Zhidao is also the prototype of Lu Pan in "Liao Zhai". His eyes are like lightning and he can see all the good and evil in the world.

Understand all the subtleties of the world!

very good.

Next is the fourth draw!

Just when Zhou Chen was secretly happy, another ray of light appeared!


Zhou Chen was so excited that he almost jumped out of the hospital bed.

Create two character templates in a row!

This has never happened before!

Therefore, Zhou Chen is also looking forward to what role this latest template will be.


The light faded.

Another image of a judge appeared.

The judge holds the book of life and death in his left hand and the soul-enchanting pen in his right hand.

Majestic and upright!

Specialized in performing the task of extending the life of the good and letting the souls of the evil return to the underworld!


It is Cui Jue, the leader of the Four Great Judges!

At this point, the four judges are completely gathered!

Zhou Chen looked very happy!

After a lot of effort, we finally collected the four great judges.

However, it was only the fourth draw now, and there would be several more draws to come, so Zhou Chen was not in a hurry.


Another ray of light flashed.

But the result this time was actually nothing good.

It’s just a third-level soul elixir!

The next few draws were all still third-level soul pills, and nothing good could be drawn.

Soon, only the last thrust was left!

In fact, being able to draw two templates today was already very satisfying for Zhou Chen.


Next, even if it is still Soul Pill, Zhou Chen will not be too disappointed.

But in his heart, he actually still hopes to draw something good.

"System, please give me something good! If this draw is still a soul pill, it will be really bad luck for eight lifetimes!!

Zhou Chen secretly cursed.

Next, golden light appeared!

Zhou Chen knew.

Definitely another template!

But what kind of template is it? This is not something Zhou Chen can know!

Soon, the golden light dissipated.

A ferocious, burly, green-faced and fanged evil ghost appeared!

However, the temperament of this evil ghost is obviously much stronger than that of other evil ghosts!

Obviously, it has a king-like temperament!


The last handsome guy!

Ghost King!

The legendary king of ghosts!

Although its name seems to be very loud, it is actually very different from the real leader of the underworld.

In fact, it is just like the king of ghosts.

But perhaps it is precisely because of this that it also has the position of one of the top ten Yin handsome men, and its strength cannot be underestimated!

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