I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 166: Gather The Top Ten Handsome Men And Unlock Fengdu City! (Please Subscribe, Please Custo


Seeing the Ghost King template, Zhou Chen felt happy again.

Now, all the top ten handsome templates are collected!

He wanted to see what kind of surprise the system could give him!

Zhou Chen looked forward to it.

At this moment, I only heard the voice of the system: "Congratulations to the host, you have collected the top ten handsome templates and unlocked the Fengdu Underworld!"

Fengdu Hades?!

Zhou Chen was suddenly shocked.

At this moment, he was also slightly surprised.

Because he has never obtained the real Fengdu Hades before.

Whether it is the space where he punishes evildoers or the previously embodied Judge's Office, they are all in the illusory "Nine Five Seven" space, not a real entity.

But now, the situation is completely different.

Zhou Chen now.

With the four great judges and the top ten evil commanders, you are certainly qualified to own a real Hades!

Thinking of this, he became extremely excited.

"Would you like to unlock it now?"

the system asked.

"Does that need to be said? Of course it's unlocked!"

Zhou Chen answered without hesitation.

"Hey! Congratulations to the host for successfully unlocking the Fengdu Underworld!"

The system's voice sounded again.

And soon, Zhou Chen noticed.

In that mysterious system space, very wonderful changes have also taken place!

A very huge and towering city slowly appeared!

This city looks ancient and vicissitudes of life. But it reveals an indescribable aura, giving people a very powerful sense of oppression!

And on the tower, there is a huge plaque hanging.

There are two big characters written on the plaque: Fengdu!

This Fengdu city looks unparalleled and magnificent, as if it is a powerful existence from a long time ago.

When it appears, it naturally reveals an absolutely unique aura and pressure!

At this moment, Zhou Chen also noticed.

His consciousness seemed to have transformed into a specific figure, and he could directly enter the Nongcheng King.

So, he had a thought.

Inexplicably, consciousness entered Fengdu City!

This city not only looks grand and tall from the outside, but after entering it, you find that the layout inside is similar to the ancient city seen on TV.

However, there is a gloomy air everywhere in this city.

There was absolutely no life at all.

Moreover, the entire Fengdu City was empty.

There are no pedestrians on the streets, or there are no so-called ghosts.

Walking in such a place can indeed give people a very depressing feeling.

Even for a person like Zhou Chen, he can still have a feeling in the dark.

I feel as if something is watching me secretly!

This made Zhou Chen feel very bad psychologically.

But when he looked around, he couldn't see anything, as if those things quickly disappeared without a trace!

Thinking of this, Zhou Chen couldn't help but shudder.

He felt that he needed to figure this out!

"System, why do I feel like someone is watching me secretly?"

Zhou Chen couldn't help but ask directly.

He thinks the system should give him a reply, right?

Just stop fooling yourself!

The system replied: "Reporting to the host, that is the consciousness of Emperor Fengdu. As the Lord of the Netherworld, the host can temporarily integrate his consciousness with it and monitor everything in Fengdu! When the host obtains the template of Emperor Fengdu, he can completely control Fengdu! "

Emperor Fengdu?!

After Zhou Chen heard this, he couldn't help but feel a little thump in his heart...

Because, he originally thought.

The highest level of a template in this system is just a judge.

After all, the system is called the judge system!

But what now?

The system actually said that there was still Emperor Fengdu!

That is the legendary Lord of the Netherworld!

Zhou Chen couldn't help but feel happy!

I just don’t know when I can draw Emperor Fengdu!

In that case, you will really control the entire Netherworld!

The more he thought about it, the more excited Zhou Chen became.

Next, he continued walking towards Fengdu. While walking, he observed everything in Fengdu.

In the middle of Fengdu City, there is a huge palace.

That place is the core area of ​​the entire Fengdu.

That is where Hades is!

But now, Zhou Chen has not obtained the template of Emperor Fengdu, and cannot directly control this huge underworld.

This made Zhou Chen feel very regretful.

If you can enter directly, you can at least experience the feeling of the Lord of the Netherworld in 3.1!

Next, he visited several other areas in Fengdu.

For example, Judge's Office, Wangxiang Terrace, Eighteen Levels of Hell, etc.

And now, those evil people who were captured by Zhou Chen are now suffering in the eighteen levels of hell!

"very good!"

Zhou Chen was very satisfied with this trip to Fengdu.

In this way, you can directly show the entire Fengdu scene to others in the future!

Let them know what the underworld is like!

How terrifying it is to be in the netherworld!

It can be considered as shocking to the world!

Let people in the world not do evil!

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