I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 170 When You Go Astray, An Evil Thought Arises! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

The big man's words seemed to be filled with great shock.

Jiang Hushen was shocked and confused, with no possibility or chance to refute. Because what the big man said was like a barrage of cannon fire.

It took Jiang Hushen a long time before he finally came to his senses.


He hesitated and wanted to say something.

However, the big man kicked him hard and knocked him to the ground.

Then, he spat at him hard and said: "Fuck, did you hear that? If you hear it, just give me a shout!"

"Listen, I heard it..."

How could Jiang Hushen dare to disobey the Han Dynasty?

At this time, he could only answer tremblingly.

Seeing him like this, Yinhan nodded with satisfaction: "That's pretty much it!"

After saying that, the big man turned and left.

Seeing the big man's retreating figure, Jiang Hushen felt extremely uneasy in his heart.

He really didn't expect that things would develop to this point.

At the same time, he became uneasy in his heart.

Because Jiang Hushen didn’t know how he could get the money back to him!

He had already borrowed money from his ex-wife once, and it was still a huge sum of 100,000 yuan. Although the other party definitely still has money at home, he will never lend it to him again.

This made Jiang Hushen feel very helpless and embarrassed.

If he couldn't get the money, the big man would definitely kill himself!

He had no doubt about this.

Because he has seen similar things before!

Therefore, of course he dare not not pay back the money he owes.

But how to get money is a very confusing place.

Perhaps because he felt his own life, his thoughts became very fast at this time. In just a moment, a crazy idea emerged.


Mo Qifei and Zhao Zewen are eating.

During the dinner, Zhao Zewen asked Mo Qifei: "Qifei, regarding Jiang Hushen, do you think he will pay back the money?"

Mo Qifei is eating.

But suddenly, when she heard her husband say this, she was slightly stunned.

After taking two more mouthfuls of food, he asked: "Are you worried that he won't pay back the money?"

Zhao Zewen sighed and replied: "Not really! In fact, I was already prepared in my heart for him not to pay back the money. But I think that compared to whether he pays back the money, whether he can get rid of his bad habit of gambling will be more important. is the most important!"

"Have you made this mental preparation yet?"

Mo Qifei was a little surprised.


After hearing this, Zhao Zewen smiled helplessly: "I heard people say that it is difficult for those who are addicted to gambling to change their ways. Therefore, "I have made similar mental preparations."

"Even if we can really help him get rid of this bad habit, it won't be a problem if we don't get the money back! Anyway, our family is not short of such money!"

Zhao Zewen said lightly.

After listening to her husband's words, Mo Qifei felt a warmth really emerge in her heart.

Lao Zhao is really great!

In comparison, I really owe him too much!

After thinking of this, Mo Qifei felt a sense of sorrow and sadness in her heart.

She looked a little touched, and there were even a few tears in her eyes: "Old Zhao, thank you so much."

"Where is the word!"

Zhao Zewen waved his hand disapprovingly.

Soon, they finished their meal.


In the dead of night, the couple was lying on the bed.

A ghostly figure also broke into their home quietly.

This night.

It was the dead of night.

The figure quietly came to their room.

Mo Qifei is sleeping.

But suddenly, she felt startled and sat up directly.

Because she had a nightmare just now.

I dreamed that Jiang Hushen broke into my home with a knife and forced me to hand over the money. And he was unwilling to hand over the money, so Luo Hushen directly moved towards him to arrest him!

Fortunately, it was just a dream.

But when she just regained consciousness, she was startled by a figure in front of her.

At some point, a figure appeared in front of her.

A figure covered in black clothes and holding a sharp knife.

Outside the window, there was moonlight coming in.

The moonlight shone on his sharp blade, emitting a very eerie cold light.

In an instant, Mo Qifei lost all sleepiness in her heart!


Someone broke into the house and robbed it!

Mo Qifei understood immediately!

she almost exclaimed.

But that figure waved the sharp blade and rushed towards her quickly!


A hard blow and blood spurted out!

However, this blow did not hit Mo Qifei's body, but was blocked by another arm.

The owner of that arm is Zhao Zewen!

Zhao Zewen gritted his teeth, with a look of pain on his face.

"W-who are you?"

At the same time, Zhao Zewen uttered a word.

But the figure did not speak, but retracted the short knife and continued to rush towards Zhao Zewen!

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