I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 171 The Murderer Jiang Hushen! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

Seeing this situation, Zhao Zewen roared angrily.

At the same time, he turned over and kicked the opponent suddenly.

The man groaned and staggered.

However, he was not defeated.

Zhao Zewen's behavior completely angered him.

I saw him scolding, and then continued to swoop in: "Grandma, I will fight with you!"


He waved the sharp blade in his hand and stabbed Zhao Zewen directly in the lower abdomen. But Zhao Zewen couldn't dodge in time and let out a scream.

Seeing that he succeeded with one move, that person simply stopped doing it.

He kept pulling out the blade and stabbing it in again, like "Nine Three Seven" again and again, one knife after another.

Not long after, Zhao Zewen completely fell into a pool of blood, without moving at all.

As for Mo Qifei, she was already stunned by the other party.

She stared at this person blankly, her eyes full of shock, horror, panic... and disbelief!

And the reason why she had this look of disbelief was because she judged the identity of this person from the voice just now!


she blurted out.

That's right, the person who appeared at this time was none other than Jiang Hushen!

After hearing her words, the man in black was slightly stunned at first.

But within a moment, he started laughing.

Then he reached out and pulled off the black cloth covering his face.

Under the black cloth, a face with a ferocious sneer was revealed.

It is Jiang Hushen!

"I originally wanted to steal some money and leave without anyone noticing, but I didn't expect you to wake up. In this case, I have no choice but to leave you no way to survive!"

Jiang Hushen's words seemed to contain deep regret.

As he spoke, he waved the blade in his hand and approached Mo Qifei step by step.

Although Mo Qifei is just a female prostitute, now that her survival instinct has taken over, she is not willing to die in the hands of the other party.

I saw her swallowing, and then said very seriously: "You, don't come over. If you come over, I, I will fight with you!"

She picked up a lamp from the bedside table and smashed it on Jiang Hushen's head.

But maybe she is too panicked now.

Jiang Hushen just turned sideways slightly and easily dodged it.

Immediately afterwards, he struck at Yuan Xianjing with the short knife in his hand.

Mo Qifei couldn't avoid it and was stabbed by him.


With a scream, Mo Qifei fell on the bed.

Instantly, a large amount of blood flowed out.

And Jiang Hushen is obviously jealous now. He stabbed Mo Qifei's body again and again, killing her completely!

After finishing all this, Jiang Hushen wiped the sweat from his forehead.

"Hmph, don't blame me. If I can't get the money, that guy will definitely kill me. So, I have no choice but to do it!"

As he said this, he was about to turn around and look for money.

But as soon as he turned around, he saw a small figure standing at the door.

It's his daughter.


Rongrong looked at the man in front of her with a horrified expression.

This man was covered in blood and looked completely different from the father he knew.

Although the previous father was also very unreliable, at least he still seemed like a human being.

But this one now………………011803416 Feilu202172340]

But he is a complete devil!


Just a devil!

This caused endless fear in her heart!

It is precisely because of this that she now takes two steps back and plans to escape from here and call the police!

Even though Rongrong is not that old, in fact, because of her family, she is very mature in some aspects...

I know my father killed someone!

The teacher, mother, and Uncle Zhao all said that the murderer was a bad person and he should call the police!

But he didn't expect that he would be discovered by Jiang Hushen.

At this moment, Scratching Tiger's eyes turned cold.

He held a sharp blade and approached Rongrong step by step.

"Dad, don't come over!"

Rongrong was frightened and cried.

But Jiang Hushen turned a deaf ear and completely ignored Rongrong's words.

Because now, he is completely jealous.

He believed that his murder should not be discovered by anyone. And anyone who hinders himself should die!

Even if this person has his own daughter!

Therefore, Jiang Hushen directly waved the knife in his hand and killed Rongrong.


Rongrong—3.4 screams.

Soon, he also fell into a pool of blood.

After killing the people, Jiang Hushen rummaged through their house.

Fortunately, this family has a lot of money saved.

The cash alone is tens of thousands!

In addition to cash, he also took away a lot of gold jewelry and other things. It is estimated that there are tens of thousands more levels.

After doing all this, Jiang Hushen hurriedly left their home.

He originally planned to return the money to the big man, but after thinking about it, he gave up the idea!

There is no other reason.

Because Jiang Hushen suddenly had a new plan!

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