I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 172 Escape From The Mainland, Jiang Hushen Starts A New Life (Please Subscribe, Please Custo

He has killed someone now. If he continues to stay in the mainland, he will definitely die.

Regardless of whether he returns the money to the guy or not, the Sheriff's Department will eventually find him.

Therefore, he cannot stay in the mainland!

He decided to escape!

But where to escape?

This requires Hu Shen to think carefully.

He felt that the farther away the better.

But if you go abroad, you don’t know the foreign language, and the cost is too high. The little money I have on hand may be enough to pay the smuggling fees for those smugglers.

When I got to that place, I was completely destitute!

It’s no different than being dead!

After thinking about it, he suddenly had a choice.

Three days later.

Jiang Hushen disappeared.

The death of Zhao Zewen's family was also discovered by other people.

16 people called the police, and the Public Security Department arrived quickly. Moreover, because Jiang Hushen did not deliberately hide his information when he committed the crime.

Therefore, the Public Security Department quickly locked in the criminal and the convicted person.

That is Jiang Hushen!

But at this time, Jiang Hushen had disappeared.

Based on the clues he had left before, the people from the Public Security Department quickly targeted the underground casino.

They found the big man who was a loan shark, but they couldn't find any information about Jiang Hushen from the big man.

Of course, this big man was also massacred by the security forces because of loan sharking.

Even the underground casino is here!

Unfortunately, Jiang Hushen seemed to have disappeared from the world.

It was not until later that people from the Public Security Department discovered through surveillance that Jiang Hushen had finally appeared in a city in the south.

From then on, he disappeared without a trace.

People from the Public Security Department believed that Sui Zhou had fled to Xiangjiang!

Some people who commit crimes in the Mainland will try their best to go to Xiangjiang.

They believe that Jiang Hushen is also like this.

In fact, it is indeed the case!

When Jiang Hushen came out of the container and finally set foot on the land of Xiangjiang, he felt unprecedentedly comfortable.

"Let's go, come with me!"

Beside him, a person patted him on the shoulder.

He was a man with sallow skin and as thin as a monkey.

This person was met by Jiang Hushen at the casino. He is a southerner and has connections in Xiangjiang.

You can help people sneak across Hong Kong.

And the money required is also very cheap, only 30,000!

Jiang Hushen also sold the gold and silver jewelry, and together with the cash, it amounted to close to two hundred thousand.

Therefore, thirty thousand yuan is not a lot of money to him.

Even the remaining money is enough for him to start over in Xiangjiang.

This man's name was Lu Dekai, and he led the way, leading Hu Shen on the lively and bustling streets of Xiangjiang.

As he walked, he said to Jiang Hu: "I will take you to see Brother Zhu. From now on, you can follow Brother Zhu in Xiangjiang!"

"Okay, okay!"

Jiang Hushen nodded repeatedly.

Now, as a murderer, he actually doesn't have much choice.

As long as he can continue to live here without being so miserable, "he is content.

And he also heard that he was able to hang out with Brother Zhu just because of Lu Dekai's face.

Many people from the mainland can only work in the lowest level jobs in Xiangjiang.

That’s just starving to death!

As for the rest, don’t think too much about it!

And Jiang Hushen can directly hang out with Brother Zhu and become his subordinate, which is much better than many mainlanders!

Therefore, he also thanked me profusely.

In this way, the two walked while talking.

Soon, they arrived at an older neighborhood.

Compared with the prosperity of other places, this place seems a bit rundown and lonely.

However, although Jiang Hushen has never been to this place, he still has a certain understanding of Xiangjiang and knows that the gap between the rich and the poor in Xiangjiang is very big!

For example, where they are now.

It is a relatively poor area in Xiangjiang!

"Here we are, right here!"

Lu Dekai pointed to a door and said.

Inside the gate, there was Chang Ran's voice.

Jiang Hushen looked up and saw a plaque hanging on it with a few large characters: 173 Zhu Ge Club.

One month later.

Jiang Hushen has completely adapted to life in Xiangjiang.

He would even say a few jerky Cantonese sentences from time to time.

News also came from the mainland, indicating that the Mainland Public Security Bureau had basically given up on hunting him.

In this way, Jiang Hushen's worried heart finally relaxed a little.

this day.

He followed Brother Zhu to collect debts.

On the surface, Brother Zhu runs a club, but secretly he also makes a living as a loan shark.

As for younger brothers like myself, they naturally follow Brother Zhu and are responsible for debt collection and other tasks!

Jiang Hushen used to belong to the category of debt collectors, but what about now?

But he became a debt collector.

This is indeed what makes him feel that everything in the world is impermanent!

Seeing those who were in debt being forced into desperation, Gehu didn't even show any mercy.

Because he knew that when those people were forced to die, their remaining property would be recovered. And my source of income depends entirely on these!

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