I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 178 Revenge! Jiang Hushen Deserves What He Deserves! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize!)

At this time, Jiang Hushen's shrill screams resounded throughout the room.

But no one can come and save him!

Jiang Hushen can only accept his fate obediently!

The fate of being avenged by three evil spirits!

I don't know how much time passed before Quanhu gradually woke up from the chaos.

His memory was still immersed in the unparalleled pain just now. He thought he was dead, but unexpectedly, he regained his memory at this time.

Although in his mind, the memory was still the terrible scene before.

But he quickly discovered a problem.

That's how I am now, actually becoming complete again!

He was stunned at first, wondering if this was his illusion?

Is it the illusion left behind after his death?

But soon, he pinched his body hard and found that he was experiencing severe pain.

This made Jiang Hushen feel that he was probably not dead!

not dead!

He actually didn’t die!

Jiang Hushen couldn't help but feel happy!

If this is the case, then he seems to be relatively happy!

But soon, Jiang Hushenze heard another voice from behind him: "Jiang Hushen, what are you happy about?"

Jiang Hushen shuddered and looked behind him.

It was okay not to look at it, but when he looked at it, he found that someone had appeared behind him at some point.

That person looked very ferocious and terrifying.

Apparently he was the man who was hacked to death by me in the villa before!

Besides him, there were some people standing around. Including his wife who was hacked to death by him together with this man!

There are some others too!

But without exception, these people were all the people who died by their own hands!

These people all died because of their own debt collection. No matter how they begged for mercy, Jiang Hushen would not let them go.

But now, these people all appeared in front of him!

Each and every one of them had extremely fierce gazes in their eyes.

It was like a wolf that had discovered its prey, staring closely at Jiang Hushen in front of him!


As soon as he saw these people appearing, Jiang Hushen let out a scream.

He was already in shock, but now he felt deep fear.

He wanted to avoid it, but found that he could not avoid it now.

Just like that, a sense of panic emerged, making Jiang Hushen want to retreat. But after a while, he found that he had no way to retreat!

Because there are such people everywhere, front and back, left and right.

In the past few years, more than dozens of people have died at his hands?

It is estimated that hundreds of innocent souls died in his hands!

This made his heart tremble suddenly, and he once again felt unparalleled fear in his slightly calm mood!

"Jiang Hushen, I only owed you less than 10,000 yuan at the beginning, and I promised to pay it off in three months. But you kept adding interest, making it impossible for me to pay back the money!"

"In the end, you set fire to me and burned me to death! I want you to die and I will let you taste the feeling of being burned to death today!"

A charred man stood up.

His face had become extremely distorted due to the fire, and now he was speaking angrily.

His face instantly became even more ugly!

Jiang Hushen was so shocked that he didn't know what to do.

He kept trembling, and his eyes were filled with unparalleled fear.

With a plop, he knelt down on the ground again: "Please, I know I was wrong, I know I was wrong. I will burn paper money for you, just let me go!"

He has actually used this trick once before.

But it was of no use last time, let alone this time.

Now, the look of fear in his eyes could not be increased.

After a while, a lot of blood came out from his forehead. But those people had no intention of letting him go!

I saw a group of people rushing up and directly picking Jiang Hushen up.

He was carried to a cross and tied up!

Under the cross, a thick pile of firewood has been piled up.


Huge flames burned instantly, burning every inch of his skin. Gradually, Jiang Huyong felt that his body was about to be torn apart!

In just a moment, the burning flames had burned his entire body to ashes!

However, this is not the end.

Because next, there were other people - rushing over.

Those people kept tearing Jiang Hushen apart and tortured him.

Let Jiang Hushen now have to taste the pain they had before!

Just like that, over and over again.

No matter how Jiang Hushen begged for mercy, those people would never let him go!

Instead, the torture became even more brutal.

This is the sin that Jiang Hushen must bear.

And in a mysterious dark place.

A figure watched all this silently.

When Jiang Hushen was completely dead, the figure gradually left the scene!

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