I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 179 Jiang Hushen Is Dead! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize!)

In the ward.

Zhou Chen opened his eyes.

"Congratulations to the host for killing Jiang Hushen and completing the mission!"

"Get fifty thousand merit points!"

The system sound rang.

Fifty thousand merit points!

Zhou Chen exchanged 10,000 yuan for money and lifespan respectively, and kept the rest temporarily.

Anyway, he has now gathered the four great judges and the top ten evil commanders, so he does not need more templates for the time being.

All the merit points can be stored.

Early the next morning.

Jiang Hushen's men went to find him.

But as soon as they arrived at the gate, they smelled a strong smell of blood coming from the crack in the door.

The minions' hearts trembled, and an ominous feeling emerged.

They all realized something was wrong and thought Jiang Hushen might have had an accident at home!

So, everyone quickly tidied up and prepared to break in.

And when they finally broke open the door, they were really shocked by the scene in front of them.

I saw Jiang Hushen's eyes wide open, he had already expired.

Moreover, he was disemboweled and his death was extremely miserable. However, judging from the situation at the scene, he should have committed suicide!

Soon, the Sheriff's Department also got involved in the investigation.

Although there has never been a case in Xiangjiang of anyone being killed by an inquisitor, information from the Public Security Department is exchanged.

The Hong Kong Public Security Bureau also heard about what happened in the mainland.

I know that there is a person called the Judge in the Mainland!

Moreover, that person was very powerful and killed many evil-doers by himself.

Therefore, the Public Security Bureau still has a certain favorable impression of the judge.

As soon as they looked at the traces at the scene, they knew that it was probably the judge who killed Jiang Huhua!

In addition, Jiang Hushen is a heinous person, so the Public Security Department does not intend to put too much thought into this case!

They just briefly surveyed the scene and already came to a conclusion.

It is certain that Jiang Hushen was killed by the judge!

Moreover, they made Jiang Hushen's crimes public.

On the Internet, we finally learned about all the crimes Jiang Hu had committed!

It even included the fact that he killed his ex-wife and his family and fled to Xiangjiang. Including the Mainland Public Security Bureau, the case can finally be closed!

In this way, the innocent souls who were harmed by him can get the rest they deserve!

Jiang Hushen is dead, but some people are still living in fear.

For example, Lu Dekai and Zhu Ge.

Of these two people, one is Jiang Hushen's good brother and the other is Jiang Hushen's immediate boss.

It can be said that they are two people who have a very close relationship with Jiang Hushen.

And now, after seeing Jiang Hushen's miserable death, these two people felt even more terrified.

They believe that the judge is likely to target them.

Because of this kind of thing, there have been similar situations before.

For example, after the judge kills a target, he then focuses on some people around the target.

Then, (bgai) quickly killed those people.

This made them all realize that they might also encounter the same treatment.

Brother Zhu and Lu Dekai had to seek shelter immediately.

"Compared to the mainland, "Fan Jiang actually has more things related to gods and ghosts.

And they all hang out in the Tao, so they actually have some connections in this area.

Not long after, the two found a so-called expert.

After several hours of running around, the sky gradually darkened. At this time, the two finally arrived at the door of the master's house.

This is a house hidden in a ghetto.

It looks very dilapidated, like a garbage dump.

If it weren't for the scent of incense emanating from the room, they would never associate this place with experts and masters.

"Brother Zhu, is this the master's house you mentioned?"

Lu Dekai asked with some confusion.

Brother Zhu responded: "Yes, let's go in!"

As he spoke, he led Lu Dekai towards the house.

The two of them came to the door one after the other.

Immediately afterwards, Brother Zhu was the first to knock on the door.


After a knock on the door, the door opened a gap.

Immediately afterwards, a little old man poked his head out from inside: "Who are you looking for?"

Brother Zhu seemed polite and polite: "Is this Master Huang?"

The old man looked at them again and then replied: "That's me."

With that said, he opened the door a little more.

But he didn't invite the two people in, but looked at them through the security door.

Brother Zhu rubbed his hands and said with a smile: "We would like to ask Master Huang for a favor. I wonder if Master Huang is willing!"

In fact, according to Brother Zhu's own wishes, he was not willing to be so polite.

But after all, he has something to ask for, and of course he has to be more polite.

"What's up?"

the old man asked.


"Master Huang, can you let us go in and talk?"

The smile on Brother Zhu's face became even brighter.


The old man didn't talk nonsense and opened the security door. .

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