I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 180 Asking For Help From An Expert, But Being Rejected (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

Under the leadership of the old man, Zhu Ge and Lu Dekai entered the room.

They noticed that this was a very common residential house in Xiangjiang, a small and very small subdivided house.

Moreover, because there are too many things piled up in the house, the whole house looks very messy.

The old man took them into the house and did not tidy up the house deliberately. He just casually let them find a place to sit down by themselves.

But in fact, this room is really too messy.

As a result, even if they find a place by themselves, there is not enough area for them to sit.

It is precisely because of this that the two of them coughed twice now.

However, he didn't say much.

After sitting down completely, the old man brought them tea.

Then, he asked with some confusion: "Tell me, what kind of help did you come to me to ask for? What kind of thing is it?"

The old man's eyes flickered slightly, and he seemed a little confused.

However, he obviously does this frequently.

He seemed quite calm.

At this moment, he just sat down opposite them quietly.

Then, just wait for them to continue talking.

Seeing the old man say this, the two of them also looked at each other.

Immediately afterwards, Brother Zhu was the first to speak: "Old man, we want you to help us deal with someone."

"Against a person?"

The old man spoke.

Judging from his appearance, he was quite calm.

The name of this old man, known as Uncle Long, is a famous martial artist.

Legend has it that he often helped other wealthy people deal with their competitors.

Moreover, they only recognize money, not people.

Even if you have asked him for help before, as long as your competitor can afford the money, he will turn around and help his competitor deal with you!

Therefore, this old man has a very weird character.

In the eyes of many people, they are the type that are often difficult to get along with.

But in Brother Zhu's eyes, that's not the case.

In Brother Zhu's opinion, such people are actually easier to get along with. Because with him, there is no need to think about anything else.

Just withdraw the money directly!

It's simple and crude, but much better than many pretentious people!

It is precisely because of this that Brother Zhu crossed his legs and said: "If you can help us complete this matter, I will give you two million square meters!"

Brother Zhu is still very rich, and two million is not a big number to him.

In the eyes of this old man, two million is not a small amount.

Before coming here, Brother Zhu also made a special effort to learn about it.

Long Shuduo's charging standard is actually between tens of thousands to one million.

Two million, a price higher than his highest bid!

This is truly irresistible!

While saying this, Brother Zhu's eyes were staring straight at Uncle Long, as if watching his reaction.

And as expected.

Uncle Long was obviously tempted by this!

This is actually very easy to understand!

After all, you can easily make money that you can’t usually make on several orders. Where can I find such a good thing?

Suddenly, Uncle Long's originally quite stern old face revealed a bright smile.

Then, he looked at the two of them and said, "No problem! That means I don't know who you are going to deal with?"


As soon as he said these words, he showed a rather curious expression.

In fact, it’s completely understandable!

After all, you have to figure out who the target is. Only in this way can we carry out entrusted tasks better!


Brother Zhu and Lu Dekai looked at each other.

Then, he said three words in unison without hesitation.

As soon as these three words were spoken, the expression on Uncle Long's face froze instantly.

Immediately afterwards, he stood up immediately and was about to rush the two of them out of the house: "I'm sorry, I'm powerless! I can't deal with this judge, please find someone else who is wise!"

Uncle Long's tone sounded very serious and dignified.

This made the two of them slightly stunned, as if they couldn't understand his change of attitude.

Especially Brother Zhu, he asked coldly: "Uncle Long, we all come because of your reputation. We know that you are powerful, so we want to ask for your help!"

"Yes! Moreover, that judge is not very powerful. I believe that with your strength, you can definitely defeat him easily!"

Lu Dekai also echoed.


Uncle Long was not polite to them at all, "Old man, do you think I'm stupid and don't know what's going on in the outside world? Although I help people, I can't do everything."

"Who doesn't know about the judge? Who doesn't know clearly? Let me go against the old man? That's simply outrageous! I can't do this job!"

Uncle Long waved his hand, looking very angry.

"Uncle Long, you have to help us! If you don't help us, we won't know who to ask for help!"

Lu Dekai also looked very pitiful. .

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