I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 182 Reaching Cooperation! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

After leaving Uncle Long's house, Lu Dekai couldn't help but reveal a somewhat mysterious smile.

"Brother Zhu, I didn't expect that you actually have this skill? With this method, we can easily make that old guy willing to help us!"

Lu Dekai gave a thumbs up.

"Of course! You should pay more attention to your actions in the future. Sometimes being reckless will not achieve the results you want. It might actually be better to change the way!"

Brother Zhu was praised so much by Lu Dekai.

At this time, he also seemed a little arrogant.

On the next day, Uncle Long immediately went to some relevant places to buy what he needed.

After everything was ready, he found Brother Zhu and Lu Dekai again.

At this time, the sky was gradually getting darker.

In fact, Uncle Long still had his own confidence in accepting this task.

Because he has a trump card in his hand! It's just that he has never used the trump card of 16 before.

He felt that as long as this trump card existed.

Then dealing with the judge yourself is not a problem!

Thinking of this, Uncle Long naturally did not reject them. After all, who doesn’t love a huge sum of five million?

When night falls.

Brother Zhu and Lu Dekai met Uncle Long again.

But this time, they did not meet Uncle Long at his home in the city.

Instead, I made an agreement with Uncle Long in a house in the countryside!

This made both Brother Zhu and Lu Dekai feel a little strange: "Speaking of which, Uncle Long. Why do you want us to meet here?"

They looked around.

I found this place to be a very ordinary farmyard.

But it just stood alone in the wilderness, with no other residents' houses around it.

This makes this room seem very lonely.

And this house does look quite ordinary.

It's not like there's anything unique about it at all.

Because of this, everything here is incomprehensible.

But after Uncle Long heard what they said, the look on his face immediately became mysterious and unpredictable.

It seemed that they felt a little helpless at what they said: "It seems that you still can't understand this!"

As soon as he said these words, both Brother Zhu and Lu Dekai were slightly shuddered.

Obviously, they really couldn't understand what Uncle Long said.

As for Uncle Long?

After hearing what the two said, he immediately burst into laughter.

Looking at that look, it seemed as if they were deeply mocking the actions of the two of them.

When the two of them saw his appearance, they couldn't help but frowned: "Uncle Long, what do you mean? Do you think we are ridiculous?"

"of course not!"

Uncle Long put on a very calm and composed attitude, "I can only say that you know nothing about true power!"


Both of them looked confused.

They all looked at Uncle Long in confusion.

They knew that Uncle Long definitely meant what he said at this time.

But why he said this is not understandable for the time being.

And perhaps seeing their confusion, Uncle Long clapped again and said: "It seems that you still can't understand. In this case, then I will let him come out to meet you!"


The two of them felt strange for a moment.

At this moment, I have no idea what this means.

Do you still think it might be someone powerful?

But what happened next made them all feel a little incredible!

Because, I saw a figure slowly appearing from the darkness.

But that figure looked very stiff, in a state that seemed to be human, but not human!

It is precisely because of this that everyone couldn't help but trembled after seeing that figure.

They really want to find out who this figure is!

It was precisely because of this that everyone's hearts trembled.

They all looked over there, and in a moment, they discovered the clues.

Regardless of Brother Zhu or Lu Dekai, 550 they have all watched the movie.

Among them, there are also some so-called zombie movies.

And when they saw this figure appear, and then thought of Uncle Long's profession, they felt that this figure looked like the legendary Zanghu!

Therefore, everyone's heart skipped a beat.

An ominous feeling emerged instantly.

Could it be that what appeared at this time was actually the legendary zombie?

Brother Zhu and Lu Dekai were frightened again.

Then, they looked at each other again.

To be honest, they don't really believe this in their hearts. In other words, I don't want to believe this.

But some things don't seem to be just something they don't want to believe.

For example, right now.

The thing that appeared in front of me!

He does look like a human, but compared to humans, his skin is dark green and his body is covered with spots.

It seems to be the legendary zombie!.

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