I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 183 Uncle Long’S Trump Card, Green Zombie! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

Those spots on his body should be the legendary corpse spots.

And this person's figure is obviously taller than the average person. The muscles on the body also seemed to be made of steel, bulging high.

Gives people a strong explosive power!

However, the most surprising thing is. This man's hair, beard, etc. are all white.

In fact, it’s easy to understand that these things are white.

In addition to these parts, there are also some white hairs growing in many other places on this person's body.

Although it's not much, it does appear and disappear!

Because of this, it immediately attracted everyone's attention.

After everyone saw this scene, their hearts skipped a beat.

Brother Zhu only felt that this zombie exuded a very strong aura.

It was a feeling of mixed yin energy and domineering energy, which seemed to make him feel a strong sense of suffocation.

But in Lu Dekai's view, it was a different feeling.

Lu Dekai is younger than Brother Zhu. In addition to watching some zombie movies, he also likes to play games and read online novels.

So I have a little understanding of the zombies in myths and legends.

When he saw this zombie with white hair, he blurted out: "Mao Zombie!"

At the same time, he stepped back a few times.

Obviously some feeling of fear has arisen!

Brother Zhu obviously doesn't know what the so-called Mao Zong is?

So, at this time, he asked: "By the way, what is Mao Zong? Can you explain it to me〃〃!"

Lu Dekai over there was speechless for a moment, as if he didn't know what to say.

But the expression on his face became very ugly.

There is no doubt that Lu Dekai is indeed afraid of this zombie.

Uncle Long on the side laughed loudly after hearing Lu Dekai's words: "I didn't expect that your boy is actually somewhat capable and even knows these things. But what I want to tell you is that I am not a fool. stiff!"

"Isn't it Mao Zhan?"

Lu Dekai looked surprised.

"Yes, it is actually just a Green Zombie. But as a Green Zombie, its strength is already very powerful. Did you notice that white hair began to grow on its body? This means that soon, It can be advanced into a hairy zombie!"

Uncle Long introduced with a smile.

And this is the trump card he has been talking about before!

That's right.

Uncle Long has a green zombie on his hands!

This is also the most powerful ace in his hand!

Compared with ordinary zombies, Green Zombie's body has been strengthened to a certain extent. Apart from sunlight, it basically has no weaknesses.

It is a very powerful zombie!

At this moment, Uncle Long introduced everyone.

After everyone listened to his introduction, they undoubtedly realized that this guy was indeed quite powerful.

"I just don't know, with this guy existing, are we the judges' opponents?"

As soon as he said these words, he immediately attracted the attention of others.

Brother Zhu seemed very satisfied.

He gave a thumbs up and said: "Hahaha, I didn't expect such a powerful guy to exist in the world! In this way, even if the judge really comes to kill us, we will have nothing to fear!"

When he said this, there was a very sharp chill in his eyes.

No doubt he thought so.

The judge is definitely dead this time!

It will definitely not be his opponent!

And what I have to do now is also very simple.

That's just waiting, waiting for Uncle Long to destroy the opponent!

After hearing this, Uncle Long's face overflowed with a very proud look.

Next, they entered the room together.


In addition to this green zombie, Uncle Long also has many other arrangements.

In order to successfully deal with the judge, he can be said to have put in a lot of effort.

Therefore, Uncle Long and the others certainly need to be very cautious now.

if not.

If you are not careful, you may encounter some dangers!

As for Brother Zhu and Lu Dekai, they now have 100% trust in Uncle Long's words.

They would do whatever Uncle Long asked them to do.

Just like that, everything is ready.

And the sky is gradually getting darker into the night!

Next, they will start looking for the judge!

As a warlock, Uncle Long certainly has his own secret techniques.

Therefore, it is actually relatively simple for him to find traces of the judge.

He pulled out a piece of paper talisman and then lit it with fire. It burned to ashes, and then even held its breath.

He quietly watched the paper talisman burn up, and finally, with a stern look in his eyes, he said: "."Okay, I found it!"

After saying this, the atmosphere in the venue suddenly changed.

In an instant, it became extremely gloomy!

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