I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 184 Another One Looking For Death? (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

Every warlock has his own tracking ability.

For example, this Uncle Long can control a kind of spirit body.

Let this kind of spirit travel through the illusory space, so as to find its own goal in the vast sea of ​​people.

And, the most incredible thing is.

His method does not require much information about the target person.

Or it can be said that only a relatively abstract "image" of the other party is enough.

For example, he now wants to track down the Judge.

Then you only need to imagine various things about the judge in your mind, such as what the judge has done, etc., and you can directly find the other party among countless people.

This is similar to big data screening!

As long as you know some behavioral characteristics, you can immediately filter out very precise targets through big data!

You can even find out the other party's name and true identity.

And before that, there is no need to know all the real information about the other party!

I have to say that this is indeed a very powerful method.

For ordinary people, it is completely beyond imagination. 233 to know.

After all, Uncle Long is a person who can control Green Zombie. It is quite normal to have such a powerful special ability.

As for the rest, there's not much to say.

Brother Zhu and Lu Dekai are just looking at Uncle Long quietly now. Waiting for him, waiting for the results of his investigation!

at the same time.

In the hospital ward.

Zhou Chen was playing with his mobile phone in bed.

But suddenly, he felt a mysterious force sweeping towards him across the endless void.

This force is very powerful, and it can be said that it comes quite suddenly!

Zhou Chen felt trembled.

Even the mobile phone suddenly fell on the bed.

"Warning, people are detecting Suquan!"

The system made a prompt sound.


Zhou Chen snorted coldly.

There was nothing particularly nervous about this. (bgbb) Because in his opinion, all this is very familiar.

In the past, countless people tried to explore themselves in this way. But without exception, they were all eliminated on the spot by Zhou Chen!

And now?

There are people who don’t know what to do!

In this case, Zhou Chen didn't intend to talk nonsense to this guy.

Directly use the power of the system to track the opponent's location!

I only see it in the system.

All of a sudden, a picture emerged.

In the middle of the picture, an old man appeared.

It’s Uncle Long!

The old man muttered something, which should be some kind of mantra.

At this moment, he is using his own power to search for traces of the judge in the vast sea of ​​people.

And according to the system, the opponent's strength is indeed quite powerful.

He can determine his location without any external help, just relying on the outside information about the judge's image.

This is enough to show how powerful he is!

But in front of Zhou Chen, even so, there was no threat at all.

After all, who is Zhou Chen?

After confirming the whereabouts of the other party, Zhou Chen had a thought: "Since you are actively seeking death, then I will help you!"

As soon as his words fell.

A very powerful force crossed the endless void and swept towards the opponent's location!

This is Zhou Chen’s counterattack!

at the same time.

Zhou Chen also began to retrieve Uncle Long's information with the help of the system.

He wanted to see who this Uncle Long was!



Uncle Long's information appeared in the system interface.

Uncle Long's identity is nothing special.

He is a warlock!

A warlock who likes to delve into all kinds of heretical and strange arts!

Among all the heresies, his favorite one is the art of corpse refining!

The reason why Uncle Long was obsessed with the art of corpse refining originated from his childhood experience.

He was born in Xiangjiang in the old era.

Compared with now, Xiangjiang in that era was actually more chaotic and dilapidated.

It is even more difficult for ordinary people to survive in that place.

For example, Uncle Long's parents died under the gunfire of foreign colonists.

Uncle Long was still young at the time and believed that although his parents were dead, there was still a possibility of resurrection.

So, he kept his parents' bodies at home all day long.

Until the corpses became rotten and smelly, and neighbors rushed over smelling the smell, he still refused to give up his obsession with his parents' corpses.

Although the bodies of his parents were later cleaned and buried by people from the Public Security Department.

But from that time on, the young Uncle Long actually had a different idea in his mind.

He wishes to resurrect his parents.

Later, by chance.

He came into contact with some strange arts.

And, study hard.

Among the Qimen arts, he especially prefers the corpse refining technique.

In the next many years, Uncle Long began to study various corpse refining techniques.

He first used dead corpses to refine it, and after he achieved some success, he began to focus on living people.

Therefore, he also committed many crimes!

Places like Xiangjiang are indeed more chaotic than the mainland.

Therefore, even if some people disappear occasionally, it will not attract too much attention. .

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