I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 186 Confrontation! Uncle Long Is No Opponent (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

"Of course I will make you my perfect creation!"

The old man laughed slyly.


This old man is Uncle Long.

Perfect work?

At this time, men and women really didn't know what the deep meaning of his words was.

But looking at his appearance, both of them had a feeling.

Knowing that is definitely not a good thing!

It is precisely because of this that they all couldn't help crying.

Unfortunately, no one will respond to their words.

And what awaits them next is a very terrible nightmare!

I don’t know how much time has passed.

Those two people were finally made into a brand new zombie!

"Seven Five Three" is a zombie with green skin all over his body!

Moreover, there are even faint white hairs on some parts of its body.

These white hairs declare that the strength of this work is indeed beyond ordinary people's cognition.

"Sure enough, by splicing people born on extremely yin days and those born on extremely yang days together, we can achieve a balance of yin and yang and create green zombies."

"Moreover, this Green Zombie is very powerful, and is even about to transform into a White Zombie!"

Looking at his outstanding work, he seemed very happy.

At the same time, he looked at the zombie standing quietly beside him. The corners of Uncle Long's mouth twitched slightly, seeming a little unhappy.

"Hmph, compared to this green zombie, you are like a rough and inferior product!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he waved his hand slightly.

The green zombie immediately jumped in the direction of the zombie as if it had received instructions.

At this moment, the zombie was obviously aware of the danger.

It also wants to escape from here.

But then, it obviously had no chance to escape.

The green zombie rushed forward quickly and bit the opponent's throat.

Then he bit off the opponent's neck with a fierce bite.

And, it began to swallow its blood in big mouthfuls.

When the zombie finally turned into a mummy, this green zombie had long hair growing all over its body!

It gives people an extremely shocking feeling!

When Uncle Long saw this scene, he was obviously very satisfied: "Hahahaha, good, very good! This is indeed my most outstanding work, and this is the effect I want!

for many days to come.

In order to increase the strength of this green zombie, Uncle Long kept killing people everywhere.

Let one innocent person after another become the dead souls of his men.

In this way, during a period of time in Xiangjiang Bing.

A legend began to spread.

The legend of a midnight ogre!

And the culprit of all this is naturally Uncle Long!

the other side.

At this time, Uncle Long was still in a state of silently reciting mantras.

After a period of investigation, he had actually discovered the whereabouts of the judge.

Because of this, Uncle Long did not dare to slack off at all.

He exerted even more powerful power and prepared to completely uncover the Judge!

Moreover, his consciousness became more and more nervous.

Because he has confirmed the target!

But at this moment, something strange happened.

Uncle Long felt a very powerful force coming suddenly!

That power came quite suddenly. Almost in an instant, he rushed to Uncle Long.

And Uncle Long can realize it.

The reason why this force attacks me is to attack me and is full of hostility towards me!

But Uncle Long obviously has no ability to hide or fight back under this power...

He realized that this force was so powerful.

It struck directly at his vitals at such an incredible speed that he had no time to dodge!

When Uncle Long finally realized this, the force had already hit him hard.


Uncle Long was directly hit by this force!

At the same time, he let out a shrill scream.

The whole person flew out and fell heavily to the ground!

Later, because of a piece of paper.

He spit out a pool of blood and looked really embarrassed!

At this time, Brother Zhu and Lu Dekai were completely shocked.

Because in their opinion, Uncle Long was defeated in an instant. From the moment he exerted his power to find the judge, to when his body flew out.

Not even a minute in between!

This left Brother Zhu and Lu Dekai unprepared at all!

They didn't expect that Uncle Long would lose so embarrassingly!

However, Uncle Long has not died because of this.

Because he had already made some preparations before taking action, and of course he would not be killed on the spot so easily. 4.1 But it has to be said that such impact still made Uncle Long realize that the danger was gradually approaching.

And let him know the power of the judge!

When Uncle Long realized this, he climbed up from the ground with difficulty.

"Uncle Long, how are you?"

Brother Zhu asked quickly.

Uncle Long replied: "I didn't expect this guy to be so powerful. It's beyond my imagination!"

After hearing this, Brother Zhu and Lu Dekai couldn't help but look at each other.

How powerful is this judge?

Even Uncle Long thought the other party was very powerful?!

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