I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 187 A Mysterious Bullhead Comes And Scares Everyone! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

After realizing this, they looked forward.

And their eyes were looking somewhere in the void at this time.

Although they couldn't actually see anything, they seemed to be able to see something existing in the void, looking in their direction.

This feeling made both of them shudder for a moment.

But, next.

It seems that something very strange has indeed appeared!

They suddenly saw that in this dark place, there was really a void that began to twist and deform.

"Brother Zhu, have you seen it?"

Lu Dekai asked first.

But at this time, Brother Zhu didn't say anything.

Because he had already been shocked by everything.

The scene in front of him 16 really impacted his outlook on life, making him realize some incredible feelings now.

Therefore, he is silent now.

Because he actually didn’t know what to say.

Just like that, some time passed.

The twisted space in front of them is actually getting bigger and bigger!

As this space continued to distort and deform, everyone could also notice that something gradually appeared from the distorted space.

It was a huge hand.

It seemed to be a mysterious existence tearing apart this space, and it appeared in front of everyone after a while.


Everyone gasped when they saw such a huge hand appearing.

Because, where have they ever seen such a terrifying existence?

This kind of thing should not exist in the human world!

This hand is simply too huge.

It’s bigger than an adult’s head!

When it appeared, the entire void was torn open. Immediately afterwards, the extremely thick arms and body were displayed in front of everyone.

It is precisely because of this that the guy gradually appeared completely in front of everyone.

I saw that this was a huge monster with a bull's head!

It is wearing armor and holding a steel fork.

It is majestic and gives people an unparalleled terrifying pressure!

When they saw this huge monster appear, the innate fear suddenly emerged from the bottom of their hearts.

Just like this, Brother Zhu and Lu Dekai couldn't help but take a few steps back.

Then, they all trembled and said at the same time: "What, what is this?"

But when they said this, no one answered them.

Because no one can give the answer!

No one present had ever seen such a terrifying thing, and of course they didn't know how to describe it.

All I know is that this is a monster with a bull's head and a human body, which can bring an unparalleled sense of terror and oppression to people!

However, Uncle Long can be considered a professional after all.

He just thought for a while and seemed to think of something.

However, now his voice is obviously trembling: "This, this can't be the legendary bull head, right?"

"A bull's head? What a bull's head?"

Brother Zhu was stunned.

"In legend, the ghost in hell. The bull's head among the bull's head and the horse's face?"

An idea flashed in Lu Dekai's mind.

Soon, he realized something.

Uncle Long's face turned pale, and he immediately replied: "Yes, it's the legendary bull head!"

When these words came out, Brother Zhu felt very unbelievable: "A bull's head and a horse's face? Isn't that something in myths and legends? How could it appear in the real world!"

He was obviously aware that it all seemed impossible indeed.

But soon, Lu Dekai on the side said tremblingly: "Brother Zhu, there are already zombies in this world! And there are bull heads and horse faces, what else is impossible?"

As soon as he said these words, Brother Zhu trembled all over.


There are even zombies in the world, so what if there are bull heads and horse faces?

But even so.

Brother Zhu is still very shocked in his heart.

After all, this was the first time he saw the so-called ghost!

That's much scarier than seeing zombies or something like that!

The main thing is.

This bull head appeared after Uncle Long started looking for the judge.

Does 527 mean that the legendary judge is actually a ghost in the underworld?

Brother Zhu is not the only one who thinks of this!

Both Uncle Long and Lu Dekai thought of this at this time.

Therefore, their expressions changed instantly.

Regarding this matter, he showed an unparalleled shock.

They couldn't help but look solemn, and then they all looked in the direction of Uncle Long and asked, "Then what should we do now?"

However, Uncle Long now still looked shocked and helpless.

What do these people mean?

Should we place our hopes on ourselves now?

If I really have a way, do I still need to join them and look shocked here?

It’s so funny!

Uncle Long's heart ached and he couldn't help but complain.

But even in this case, Uncle Long did not dare to stop his thoughts for a moment.

He really needs to think of a countermeasure!

Otherwise, they will all be doomed!

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