I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 188 The Bull Head Appears To Punish Rape And Eliminate Evil (Please Subscribe And Customize)

When he thought of this, his thoughts immediately began to spin rapidly in his eyes.

Soon, Uncle Long had a thought in his mind.

After a while, he had already made a judgment: "I still don't believe it. Could it be that you are really the legendary Minotaur Horse Face!"

After saying that, he took a hard bite and bit his fingertips.

At this moment, a stream of warm blood came out.

As the bloody aura quickly spread, you could clearly see a figure emerging from the darkness.

And that figure looks very tall and strong, obviously not an ordinary person!

Accompanied by a putrid smell and roaring sounds, Brother Zhu and Lu Dekai finally knew who appeared at this moment!

There is no doubt that it is the green zombie controlled by Uncle Long!

The green zombie that is about to turn into a hairy zombie!

As soon as they saw the green zombie appear, Brother Zhu and Lu Dekai couldn't help showing ecstatic expressions: "Hahaha, okay, that's great!

They didn't believe in their hearts that this bull's head was really the legendary bull's head.

In other words, I don’t want to believe it.

They would rather believe that this guy is just a very ordinary warlock, or he is the embodiment of something like a wild ghost in the mountains.

The purpose is to scare them.

Let them think that the judge is a very powerful existence!

Even, to connect the judge with things like ghosts and gods.

It is precisely because of this that they are also very much looking forward to Uncle Long's zombies being able to eliminate this guy!


It has to be said that Green Zombie's strength is indeed extraordinary.

For safety reasons, my uncle hid the green zombie quite far away.

But at this moment, it only took a few clicks to easily leap from a distance. And with bared teeth and claws, he charged towards the huge bull head!

Countless green auras spurted out from all over this green zombie.

Under the green aura, even Zhu Ge and Lu Dekai, who were watching the battle, felt a deep sense of shock.

This shows how powerful Green Zombie’s killing intent is!

"Everyone please hold your breath and don't inhale this gas!"

Uncle Long reminded me.

Immediately afterwards, both of them immediately held their breath completely.

At this time, the green zombie had already rushed to the bull's head.

The terrifying aura on it has reached an incredible level. Those countless auras enveloped the bull's head and went away!

It's as if the raw head is to be completely wrapped in it!

But at this time, the bull head didn't move at all.

Seeing the zombie rushing towards him, Niutou finally made a move!

I saw him picking up the steel fork in his hand, and then stabbed the green zombie fiercely.

At this moment, the three people watching held their breath and waited quietly for the first confrontation between the two sides.

But it's incredible.

The next scene directly shocked all of them!

Because although this green zombie looks quite powerful, in fact, it is no match for the bull head.

Even though Niutou didn't make any unnecessary movements, he was just waving the steel fork casually.

But just this simple blow was enough to defeat all the opponent's attacks!


A voice as powerful as breaking a bamboo sounded!

The green gas surrounding the green zombie was instantly broken by him.

At this moment, it continued to spread towards the surroundings, tearing open a crack.

At the same time, Green Zombie had no chance of resisting at all, and was directly pierced through the body.

Kill instantly on the spot!


Green zombie is actually dead?

In fact, zombies are inherently dead things. Using death to describe zombies is not an appropriate word.

The current green zombie was directly torn in half by the majestic force, causing its body to fall to the ground like a torn bag.

Seeing such a scene, both Brother Zhu and Lu Dekai were completely shocked.

After all, this zombie itself is quite powerful!

But what about now?

He couldn't resist even one move!

Was he killed on the spot just like that?

This is too terrible!

They didn't dare to think too much about it.

At this time, he looked towards Uncle Long with even more shock.

The look on Uncle Long's face was also slightly cold. Obviously, he also realized the power of this bull head!

But (Denuo Zhao), even this minister.

At this time, Uncle Long had no intention of admitting defeat.

Although he lost the most powerful zombie, he thought he still had the strength to fight.

Therefore, the corner of his mouth twitched violently.

Then an extremely fast paper talisman flew out of his hand and shot towards the opponent fiercely and quickly.

"."I want to see how powerful you are!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the paper talisman was shot out quickly like a cannonball.

But even so, Niutou still stood quietly.

Seeing the rapid attack, Niutou's huge eyes finally looked in the direction of Uncle Long. .

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