I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 189 No One Can Escape! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

Just one glance, and a chill swept through Uncle Long's heart.

This chill surged into his heart, making him tremble slightly. An indescribable feeling of fear emerged immediately.

This made Uncle Long feel that he really had a feeling of liver and gallbladder splitting.

It was at this time.

He suddenly looked towards the distance and discovered that Niutou was waving the steel fork in his hand and charging towards him.

The speed was so fast that it was incredible.

Moreover, Uncle Long obviously has no ability to resist such an offensive!

This caught him off guard.

The paper talisman he shot just now hit Niu Tou's body hard, but it seemed to have no effect at all!

Just hearing a bang, the paper charm exploded in the air instantly.

And what about the bull head?

At this time, he continued to wave the huge steel fork and attacked Uncle Long.

Uncle Long wants to resist!

So, he quickly mobilized his strength and prepared to use it to resist Niutou's offensive.

But the next second, he realized that he seemed to be wrong.

Even if Uncle Long uses all his strength, he still can't resist the attack with his head.


The huge attack directly penetrated Uncle Long's body.

This made him realize that he was now absolutely certain to die!

The next moment, the huge steel fork penetrated Uncle Long's body directly, nailing him to the ground alive!

Countless blood sprayed out, splashing all over Zhu Gao and Lu Dekai.

And they also opened their eyes wide, looking at all this with dumbfounded eyes and disbelief.

Uncle Long was killed so quickly?

Then it will be their turn next!

Such thoughts actually appeared in the minds of Lu Dekai and Zhu Ge.

And in fact, it is indeed the case!

Because the Niutou's next target was directly aimed at them.

With the help of Niutou's eyes, Zhou Chen noticed the whereabouts of these two people.

In his eyes, these two people are really heinous people!

Soon, the information of these two people was also displayed in the system - displayed.

The first thing that caught my eye was Lu Dekai!

This person is a native of Xiangjiang, but because he has relatives in the mainland, he often travels between the mainland and Xiangjiang.

Doing the kind of work that helps mainlanders sneak into Hong Kong!

Everyone charges a hefty fee.

And because basically those stowaways have committed crimes in the mainland and cannot survive. So most of these people were arranged by him in some restaurants, construction sites and other places.

Doing very heavy and superficial work, you can only make enough food and clothing.

In fact, what Lu Dekai did was to take advantage of the information gap among the stowaways.

Most of the money they have on hand is used for smuggling, and there is basically no spare money for other things, such as settling in Hong Kong.

Therefore, he had to follow Lu Dekai's arrangements.

As for the life and death of those people, it is not Lu Dekai's business.

And among them there are very few people, like Jiang Hushen. It takes a lot of luck to be able to get out of that predicament.

Ordinary people don’t even think about it!

(bgbd) As for this person himself, he is just a pawn under Brother Zhu.

Their real leader behind the scenes is Brother Zhu!

Whether it is the debt collection business owned by Jiang Hushen or the connections of Lu Dekai who smuggled in, Brother Zhu provided them with it behind the scenes.

In other words, Jiang Hushen and Lu Dekai "are just Zhu Hua's subordinates.

Now, Jiang Hushen is dead.

There is no need for Brother Zhu and Lu Dekai to stay in this world anymore.

Therefore, the sound of the bull-headed urn soon started to sound: "Now, please give me your life!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the huge steel fork stabbed hard.

These two people were already scared to death!

They are not people with strong fighting power like Uncle Long.

So, for them.

When he saw the bull head turning its gaze towards him, a bone-chilling chill emerged.


The two people did not hesitate and were ready to escape from here.

But it's a pity that how can people like them outrun Niutou?

In fact, Niutoudu didn't even have to play the chasing game with them.

He just stood there quietly and let the two of them run away in front of him.

Because, it’s just the next thing.

There are even more interesting things waiting for them!

The two men were running away while looking behind them, obviously trying to see if Niutou was chasing after them.

But after they ran ahead for a while, they stopped slightly.

Because, they found that no one was following them.

Gradually, the two of them finally breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the bull head is not as scary as imagined!

But just as they breathed a sigh of relief, they suddenly realized that there seemed to be something wrong with the environment they were in.

"Brother Zhu, have you noticed? Why do we seem to be spinning in circles?"

Lu Dekai asked. .

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