I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 193 The Only Thing Waiting For You Is Death! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

Immediately afterwards, Brother Zhu ran for a while.

But gradually, his pace became slower.

Because, at this time, he suddenly realized something was wrong.

He noticed that no matter which way he walked, the scene around him seemed to be the same. This situation made him feel terrified!

Could it be said that I have entered into a world where ghosts are fighting against the wall again?

Brother Zhu thought so.

But before he could think about it, he saw gusts of dark wind blowing.

The sinister wind swept over instantly and enveloped Brother Zhu in it.

Moreover, the wind was extremely fierce.

It was like a blade, covering Brother Zhu's whole body, leaving him with no possibility of escaping!

"W-what the hell is this?"

Brother Zhu was obviously frightened.

At this moment, he kept waving his arms, trying to break away the evil wind.

But Yin Feng was like a tarsal maggot, not giving him such a chance at all.

As time went on, it started to look even more weird.

After a while, Brother Bao had another inexplicable feeling.

He felt as if something was coming quietly from around him. It was cold and wrapped around itself.


Brother Zhu took a closer look and was stunned by this scene.

Because what he saw appearing right now was an iron chain!

There was no one controlling the iron chain, it was just like a snake, wrapping around Brother Zhu's body tightly!

Instantly, Brother Zhu was frightened.

He trembled repeatedly and struggled to free himself from the restraints.

But what a pity!

Such a restraint made it impossible for him to get rid of it. It could only get tighter and tighter, and even made him feel deeply suffocated!


"You should run, I want to see where you can run!"

Just at this time.

A weird laugh came.

Brother Zhu looked over following the sound, and he saw a figure already appearing beside him.

The figure had a sly smile on his face and looked tall and thin.

The main thing is.

This man was wearing white clothes and a white pointed hat on his head.

This doesn't look like a person!

This is simply the legendary Bai Wuchang!

And the iron chain that tied him appeared from his hand.

At this moment, the iron chains were really getting tighter and tighter, giving him a feeling of almost suffocation.

As soon as he saw Bai Wuchang appear, Brother Zhu was immediately frightened. His whole body was shaking uncontrollably, and his face turned pale at the same time.

He said repeatedly: "Master Wu Chang, Master Wu Chang, please forgive me! I am an honest kid, but I have never done anything bad!"

Brother Zhu was completely frightened and dumbfounded.

His voice also seemed a little hesitant.

Even, I can't even say a complete sentence.

Jie Jie Jie, you actually said you haven’t done anything bad?”

But as soon as he said these words, Bai Wuchang opposite him let out a hideous and terrifying laugh: "Jie Jie Jie,


Brother Zhu said tremblingly.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Yin Chang tightened the iron chain in his hand: "Do you think I will believe your lies?"

This iron chain seemed to be alive. As the words of impermanence became more severe, it became obviously tighter and tighter.

After a while, it even seemed to be strangled into his flesh and blood.

This frightened him.

Brother Zhu's face turned pale, and he kept begging for mercy: "I know I was not a good person before, but I still want to ask Master Wuchang to spare my life. Don't hurt your temper because of someone like me. .After I go back, I will definitely compensate the victims!"

As a local snake in the Xiangjiang area, if you say that he has not done a single bad thing and is a good person, then you are just kidding!

In Xiangjiang East District, who doesn’t know his name, Brother Zhu?

Therefore, although Brother Zhu tried his best to quibble at first.

But he soon realized that in front of Bai Wuchang, no matter how he tried to quibble, it would be useless.

The legendary ghost of impermanence can see through all lies.

No matter how much he argued, Guiding had no way to conceal Master Wu Chang's explanation.

Therefore, after thinking about it, he quickly changed his tone and expressed his willingness to provide compensation to those people. (Zhao Zhao)

But Wu Chang has no intention of letting him go!

"."Do you want to pay compensation to offset your sins? That's really ridiculous! People like you should be killed completely to avoid future troubles!"

Impermanence's voice was as cold as ice and came thickly.

It seems to carry a powerful power of judgment, giving people an irresistible aura and pressure!

As for Brother Zhu now, he has no ability to resist at all.

He let out a shrill scream and felt a pain that was like the separation of skin and flesh.

In such pain, no matter how Brother Zhu howled, it was of no use at all.

The only way waiting for him is death!

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