I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 194: Eliminating Harm For The People, The Whole People Are Excited (Please Subscribe, Please

At this moment, this soul-enchanting chain even released a kind of power.

That kind of power is like the gathering of resentments of countless people, constantly impacting Brother Zhu's mind and consciousness.

At this moment, Brother Zhu could only feel the heartbreaking pain.

"Zhu, I have no enmity with you, why do you want to occupy my land!"

"My wife is sick and I really have no money. Brother Zhu, Brother Zhu, please give me some grace! When my wife recovers, I will definitely pay you back the money!"

"If you want to touch my daughter, just step over my body!"

Various voices came and went at this time.

It kept pouring into his ears, making Brother Zhu feel the shock that shocked his soul.

Because these are the people he has wronged.

They were all the victims who had died at his hands! 200 But now, those victims have turned into thoughts, constantly impacting Brother Zhu's consciousness.

Let Brother Zhu finally know what is truly terrifying!

Let him know how many sins he has committed!

"I was wrong, I was really wrong!"

"Please let me go, I really know I was wrong!"

Brother Zhu cried hoarsely.

But unfortunately, he has no way to resist now.

This is his punishment, the endless punishment for the sins he has committed!

Soon, the sky became brighter.

In the ward.

Zhou Chen opened his eyes.

After killing those three scourges, Zhou Chen had completed a mission.

"Congratulations to the host, for gaining 30,000 merit points!"

After all, these three people are not on the real task list, so the merit points obtained are relatively small, (bgae)

But eradicating a local snake in Xiangjiang is indeed a blessing to the people of Xiangjiang!

After all, Xiangjiang is still much more chaotic than the mainland.

If one more scourge can be eradicated, people in Xiangjiang can live a more peaceful life.

All in all, Zhou Chen is quite satisfied with the current results!

As for the bodies of those three people, leave it to the local security guards to discover them!

This is not within the scope of Zhou Chen's mission!

After daybreak.

Not surprisingly, their bodies were soon discovered.

A nearby villager discovered the bodies of Brother Zhu and Lu Dekai first, and then immediately notified the security personnel to come.

In fact, of course the villagers also know the names of these two people.

For many people in Xiangjiang, these two people are simply like demon kings!

But now, their bodies have been exposed in the wilderness!

This is indeed very good news for the outside world.

Therefore, when many people learned the news, they expressed unprecedented excitement.

Everyone rejoiced and thought that the judge had done something good for the people.

Although the Judge has always been doing things to eliminate harm for the people, many of the people he eliminated in the past were quite far away from the general public!

Ordinary people cannot come into contact with those evil people!

But it’s different now!

Now this Brother Zhu is obviously a person who is causing trouble in all directions!

His elimination is undoubtedly very good news for everyone in Xiangjiang!

It is precisely because of this that the Internet is even more jubilant.

There are even people setting off firecrackers in the streets!

However, some people are happy, and naturally some people are unhappy.

For example, Mr. Huo.

Mr. Huo’s nickname is Huo Qiangpeng.

He is the CEO of a very large giant in Xiangjiang!

With billions of assets under his name, he is the leader of Xiangjiang’s real estate industry!

In the early stages of development, Huo Qiangpeng also relied on many illegal things to accumulate funds.

Until now, although he himself is no longer engaged in those industries, there are still many people under him working in related industries.

In some shady places, Huo Qiangpeng is provided with relevant funds.

For example.

Brother Zhu is one of them!

It was precisely because of this that when the news of Brother Zhu's death reached his ears.

Huo Qiangpeng thought of something almost without hesitation.

Since the judge can kill Brother Zhu and those people, he may also kill himself!

Moreover, there was a rift between him and the judge.

Because the judge had killed his partner Yuan Xinya before!

This is undoubtedly a huge blow to Huo Qiangpeng. This quickly gave rise to other ideas in his mind.

It seems that it is indeed necessary to eliminate the judge.


This person will definitely threaten his own existence!

As soon as he thought about this, Huo Qiangpeng said to the people around him: "Hurry up and ask the master to come over. I want to negotiate with him in detail!"


The followers around him immediately retreated.

After a while, a man came over: "Mr. Huo, what do you want from me?"

This man with a gloomy face was the so-called master who had met Huo Qiangpeng once before.

Huo Qiangpeng replied: "The judge took action again! Moreover, this time the person he killed was one of my capable men!".

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