I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 30 The Weak Man In The Past Has Become A Demon Now

In the ward.

After reading what Li Guangzong did.

Zhou Chen's heart was filled with endless anger!

one person.

For money.

To be able to do such a thing!

Pushing all his closest relatives to a dead end!

Tiger poison doesn’t even eat seeds!

Such a person is not worthy of being a human being!

A death notice was also sent out!

In a closed room.

The noisy sound of chess and cards could be heard.

Li Guangzong smoked a cigarette and played mahjong loudly.

"What a fool!"

"Hahaha, the God of Wealth is with me today. It's hard not to make money!"

Li Guangzong smiled so hard that his eyes narrowed into slits.

"Damn it, it's true!"

"Brother Li, why are you so lucky today!"

Someone asked next to him.

"What are you talking about, brother Li? We have always been very lucky!"

"That's right! Who is our Brother Li? He created such a scene to give the brothers a place to play!"

Several other people also echoed.

Li Guangzong smiled even brighter.

He enjoys this feeling!

After killing his wife and mother, Li Guangzong defrauded a large sum of money by defrauding insurance companies.

Not only did he pay off the foreign debt, he also repaid Jiang Chen's favor.

With this relationship, an underground casino was opened.

I recruited a bunch of my former buddies to come over.

We usually check out the venue and play cards when we have nothing to do. Not to mention how comfortable it is!

After having money.

Those who looked down on him before.

Now, I am also groveling in front of him.

This feeling made Li Guangzong feel so happy!

The lap is over.

Li Guangzong stood up and moved his hands and feet.

Soon, those people came over to massage his shoulders.

While walking to the lounge, he inspected this huge place.

Li Guangzong is really satisfied!

"By the way, Brother Li. Have you heard that the judge seems to be making trouble recently?"

A younger brother brought up the topic.


"I've heard of this man! He has already killed three people, who knows who his next target will be!"

Another younger brother echoed.

Hearing this, several other people also expressed their opinions along with you.

Without exception.

They all felt a little afraid of the judge.

After all, they also know what kind of people they are.

Know what you are doing!

Under such circumstances, it is natural to worry that the judge will come to your door!

However, Li Guangzong was dismissive.

"Hmph! If you ask me, this is just a trick to show off!"

"Return to the judge? Does he really think he is some great person? Come and kill me if you can!"

he spat.

Today's Li Guangzong is no longer the gambler who owed a lot of debt and went around hiding from debt like a grandson.

With money, he became an extremely arrogant person!

Don't be afraid of heaven and earth, don't take anything seriously!

"Come here quickly!"

At this moment, a younger brother came to Li Guangzong carrying someone by his collar.

He threw this person in front of Li Guangzong.

He kicked him hard and the man knelt down on the spot!

"what happened?"

Li Guangzong frowned.

"This man has been in gambling debt for more than a month!"

The younger brother replied.

The person who owed money was a thin man. He wore glasses and looked a bit scholarly.


By now the man was in a panic.

His clothes were messy and there was blood on his forehead.

One corner of the glasses was even broken into pieces.

At this moment.

He was lying on the ground, trembling. Like a frightened mouse, it looks so humble and small!

"How much do you owe me?"

Li Guangzong stepped on his back.

The man was so suppressed that he couldn't breathe and let out a scream.

"Reply to Brother Li, I, I owe you fifty thousand..."

The man replied hesitantly.

In addition to providing gambling services, underground casinos like them also have a greater source of income from loan sharking.

Those gamblers ran out of money and wanted to make money.

I always think that I will definitely make money back in the next round!

But in fact, this is all the casino’s plan!

They just want to take advantage of the psychology of betting on dogs to eat up people and squeeze out the last drop of your residual value!

Such as this man.

It was said that he owed fifty thousand, but in fact it was less than five thousand.

There are tens of thousands left.

All are usurious interest rates!

"fifty thousand……"

"You've been owed for a month! Tell me, how much do you plan to pay in arrears?"

Li Guangzong took an iron rod from his younger brother.

Give this man a hard blow!

The man was blinded.

For a moment, he was speechless.

Today, Li Guangzong has long become a demon attached to these gamblers.

As long as someone fails to pay the money, they will inevitably be beaten by him!

"Hit me!"


He gave the order.

The followers around him also rushed forward.

He was punching and kicking this person!

The man was beaten until he screamed and had no ability to resist.

He could only curl up into a ball holding his head.

After a long time, their fists and kicks finally subsided a little.

But this man has been beaten into disgrace!

Li Guangzong sneered, grabbed the man's hair, and lifted him up from the ground.

At the same time, he said in a very sinister tone: "Just remember, I will give you another seven days! In seven days, pay back all the money you owe me!"

"Brother Li, please give me a little more grace, sir!"

The man looked at Li Guangzong with a sad face.

after all.

Seven days is too little time!

Fifty thousand yuan is simply not enough!

When Li Guangzong heard this, he spat at him viciously.

"I give you seven days, which is considered merciful enough. After all, you already owed me a month before!"

"In this month, if you really want to pay back the money, there is absolutely no way you can't get even a penny!"

"Seven days is seven days, and one more day won't do. If you don't pay back, then don't blame me for taking action against your family!"

Speaking of which.

The smile on Li Guangzong's face became more sinister.

The man looked at him and shuddered instantly.


He is an old man and a young man!

If Li Guangzong really targets his family, will they still have a way to survive?

There was a chill in the man's heart.

But in seven days, let him get 50,000 yuan...

How is this possible?

Isn't this obviously trying to embarrass him?

He was really desperate!

"Did you hear me?"

Li Guangzong shouted angrily again.

"Listen, I heard it..."

the man answered.


Li Guangzong shouted again.

He kicked the man directly, causing him to roll several times!


ps: A new book is about to set sail, data is very important, please give me flowers and evaluation votes!

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