
Li Guangzong returned home.

He was really exhausted after spending the whole night with a bunch of friends.

I took a simple shower and lay down on the bed.

Get ready for bed!

Continue to go out and be cool tomorrow!

But as soon as his head touched the pillow, he noticed something under his head.

He looked up.

It turned out to be an envelope!

"Why is there an envelope at home?"

Li Guangzong opened it curiously.

But when he unfolded the letter inside, five large scarlet characters appeared before his eyes.

Death notice!


It turned out to be a death notice!

Li Guangzong was bragging to his younger brother today, but the notice came to him that night!

To say that I am not afraid would be a lie.

When death actually comes.

Li Guangzong was trembling with fear!

did not expect.

It found itself so quickly!

He violently tore the death notice into pieces, then balled it up and threw it into the wastebasket.


I took out my cell phone and dialed a number!

Toot toot…

Soon, the call was connected.

This is an elder brother Li Guangzong knows.

At this time, it was late at night.

The other party was obviously impatient: "Li Guangzong, are you sick if you call me in the middle of the night?"

Li Guangzong replied tremblingly: "Brother, brother, help me. I have received a death notice, I have received a death notice..."

"What the hell is a death notice?"

The person opposite had no intention of talking to Li Guangzong.

He quickly hung up the phone.

Next, Li Guangzong called one person after another.

But those people didn't intend to pay attention to Li Guangzong.

I gave him a few perfunctory words and hung up the phone.

no way.

Li Guangzong could only dial Jiang Chen's phone number.

He hopes Jiang Chen can help him!


Jiang Chen's call was answered.

And his voice seemed a little weak.

Apparently he was woken up by Li Guangzong while sleeping!

"Brother Jiang, Brother Jiang, you must save me. I received a death notice. I called many people, but they didn't care about me."

"Please, please don't ignore me!"

Li Guangzong's voice even started to tremble.

Of course.

He himself didn't expect Jiang Chen to save him.

After all, so many people in the past hung up the phone as soon as they heard the words of the death notice.

But he just finished speaking.

Seeing Jiang Chen immediately perked up: "What did you say?!"

Such a reaction shocked Li Guangzong.

He was stunned for a moment, and then he recovered: "I, I received the death notice..."

Jiang Chen is preparing to find the judge!

Unexpectedly, the little brother next to me received a death notice so soon!

This of course gave him other ideas.

I thought this might be an opportunity for me!

With the help of Li Guangzong, he can completely kill the judge!

So, after thinking about this.

Jiang Chen said coldly: "Don't worry, I will protect you!"

"Thank you Brother Jiang, thank you Brother Jiang!"

Li Guangzong seemed to have grasped the life-saving straw.

At this moment, he felt grateful again and again.

A night of silence.

Early the next morning.

Li Guangzong ran to see Jiang Chen.

He was like a dog, wagging its tail in front of Jiang Chen and begging for mercy.

"Brother Jiang, thank you for your willingness to save me. As long as you can help me get through this, I am willing to do whatever you ask me to do!"

In front of him, Li Guangzong looked extremely humble.

Jiang Chen sat on the sofa.

He held the cigar in one hand and took a deep drag.

But he didn't say anything.

Immediately, Jiang Chen waved his hand.


A figure walked in from outside.

This is a Taoist!

He wears loose robes and is tall, thin and lean. A pair of eyes are piercing, like a sharp blade unsheathed.

With a very sharp edge!

He came from outside with firm and powerful steps.

Although Li Guangzong didn't understand the secrets involved.

But just by taking a look, he knew that this Taoist was really capable, and he was completely different from the charlatan warlocks out there who were cheating money!

"Brother Jiang, this is..."

Li Guangzong asked curiously.

"This is an expert we found. With this expert's help, we can keep you safe!"

Jiang Chen didn't speak, but the secretary beside him spoke.

An expert? !

Li Guangzong was surprised and happy!

This Taoist's name is Xuanjizi.

It's a Yemaoshan with some righteousness!

When he was young, he also worshiped and practiced in the Xuanmen authentic sect. But because of his evil intentions, he was expelled from the school.

Later, I added some research of my own.

Now it can be regarded as some achievements!

Specializing in helping some rich people deal with evil things!

I have collaborated with Jiang Chen many times.

For example.

He had previously helped Jiang Chen put a curse on his rival.

Let the other party's business fail and the whole family fall ill and die in pain.

He and Jiang Chen are kindred spirits!

This time, Jiang Chen also spent a lot of money to invite him!

Xuan Jizi came to stand in front of Li Guangzong and stared at him carefully.

Being looked at by him like this, Li Guangzong felt a little uncomfortable.

He swallowed.

After a while.

Then he asked: "Taoist Priest, do you see anything?"

Xuanjizi shook the dust in his hand and made a masterful gesture: "This benefactor, you are already entangled in Yin Qi. If you don't deal with it as soon as possible, your life will not be long!"

"The immortal is so accurate!"

"The death notice says I will die at midnight tonight..."

With that said, Li Guangzong took out the death notice.

He had torn the notice into pieces before, but after thinking about it, he glued it back together.

Although it looks fragmented, the writing inside can still be seen clearly.


"I feel that this letter is very sinister, and there must be something sinister at work!"

"Donor, please be patient! It's a little evil thing that's causing trouble, and it's just a trick. If you are here, I will definitely keep you safe and sound!"

Xuanjizi took the death notice and looked at it in his hand.

Frowning slightly.

Quickly, judgment was made.

Then he shook his hand slightly, and a flame rose from his hand.


The notice was burned to ashes!

"Since the immortal is confident, I will leave this matter to you. Once the matter is accomplished, your benefits will be indispensable!"

The bodyguard beside Jiang Chen spoke.

"The poor man is bowing his head!"

Xuanjizi bowed slightly.

"Thank you, Immortal, thank you, Immortal!"

Li Guangzong thanked him again and again.

He returned to his home with Xuanjizi.

Naturally, he was treated with good tea and wine, and he didn’t dare to show any slightest care!

Originally, he didn't even dare to stay at his own home for a moment.

But now that I came back with Xuanjizi, I suddenly felt confident.

It seemed as if he was more confident in his steps!


He just had to wait quietly for the night.

Just wait for the judgment to come!

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