I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 56 Opportunity To Become Famous? Huge Price! (Fifth Update, First Order Please!)

Hu Feifan came from a wealthy family and had no intention of studying.

The family also found a development direction for him early on.

Hu Feifan's family has some connections in the entertainment industry.

Therefore, we decided to send him to the entertainment industry to develop!

With the dual support of the company and his own capital, Hu Feifan quickly became famous.

Although he has no creative ability, he has captured the love of a large number of girls just by his appearance!

Became one of the hottest celebrities today!

With fame.

Hu Feifan's true nature was gradually revealed.

In other words, he in front of others and behind him are two different faces!

In a high-end villa area.

A girl walked into the community timidly.

It was obviously her first time in such a high-end community.

There is still a bit of caution and caution on the childish face.

Soon, a woman wearing a business suit came to her.

"Five Six Three" "Is it Yin Xiaodie?"

The woman asked.

The girl nodded.

"Come with me!"

The woman didn't talk nonsense and led her directly towards the interior of the community.

Soon, I arrived in front of a luxurious single-family villa.

From beginning to end.

Yin Xiaodie kept a cautious attitude.

After entering the villa.

She even walked quietly, as if she was afraid of soiling the carpet here.

At the same time, her heart was also full of anxiety.

Can I really meet the idol I dream of like this?

Can idol Hu Feifan really help himself become famous?

She is a fan of Hu Feifan.

Some time ago, there was an official follow-up meeting in the group.

The president sent a private message to himself.

Sent a message.

It is said that Hu Feifan's company is planning to select suitable women from Hu Feifan's fan base to become the artists that the company will train in the next step.

Those who are successfully selected will not only be able to become stars from now on.

Moreover, you will also have the opportunity to perform with Ming Zhen!

Yin Xiaodie thinks.

Almost all fans don't want to miss this opportunity.

However, the president also said.

Not everyone has this qualification.

It's all because Yin Xiaodie has a very good image and temperament!

Spotted by Hu Feifan's company!

And, I hope Yin Xiaodie can seize this opportunity!

After Yin Xiaodie learned about it.

Of course I am extremely excited!

She really wants to seize this opportunity!

Because her family is poor.

My parents are very old and they still have to support themselves to study.

But her grades were also very average, and she thought there would be no future in her studies.

So, I wanted to go out to work early.

In this way, it can also help parents share some of the burden.

And if you just go out to work without a degree, you probably won’t make much money.

There happened to be such an opportunity, and Yin Xiaodie wanted to give it a try.

However, she didn't have high hopes.

Did she even think she was dreaming?

Because among the fan base, Xiaodie is not one of those "high-quality fans"!

She is just one of Hu Feifan's countless fans!

Moreover, it is the most common type!

Everyone who is in the fandom knows that if you want to be in the fandom, you must spend money on your "brother".

The more money you spend, the higher your status will naturally be.

Although Yin Xiaodie likes Hu Feifan, she used to just listen to Hu Feifan's songs and watch Hu Feifan's TV shows.

I simply can’t afford those peripheral products.

But in order to be closer to her brother, she gritted her teeth and used the 200 yuan she saved through frugality to buy a poster.

Although when I got it, I found that it was just a color-printed poster that cost ten or twenty yuan in a print shop.

But because it is Hu Feifan’s official peripheral product, Yin Xiaodie is still very happy!

She hung the poster above her bed.

In this way, every day when I get up, I can see Hu Feifan's smile.

Yin Xiaodie felt very satisfied.

With this poster, Yin Xiaodie also joined Hu Feifan's official fan club group.

It's just the fans in the group.

Many spend more than themselves!

A few hundred dollars and no say in it at all.

Many fans spend thousands or tens of thousands!

The more you spend, the more permissions you can unlock in the support club.

For example, some exclusive peripherals, videos, etc.

And the group leader, their fan leader, speaks in the group every now and then.

I encourage everyone to spend more money and rank for Hu Feifan!

Only in this way can Hu Feifan be able to outperform other young talents and always have high-quality resources!


Fan leaders often use words to belittle those who spend less.

Although he didn't mention her by name, Yin Xiaodie felt through the screen that the fan leader's remarks were referring to herself!

But now, Hu Feifan actually took a fancy to himself!

Yin Xiaodie feels that she is so happy!

I was so happy that I almost jumped!

She has even begun to fantasize about performing on the same stage with Hu Feifan in the future...

That way.

Being among the fans, I will definitely gain more face!

Make those fans jealous!

"Yin Xiaodie, here we are!"

"You go in!"

The woman's words brought Yin Xiaodie back to reality from her thoughts.

Then, she was slightly stunned.

I found myself standing at the door of a room.

"Oh well!"

Yin Xiaodie responded.

Then, he knocked on the door cautiously.

"come in!"

Inside the door, a voice rang.

As soon as she heard this voice, Yin Xiaodie's heart skipped a beat.

Because this is exactly Fan’s voice!

As a fan of Hu Feifan, she is very familiar with the idol's voice!

She pushed open the door and entered.

The room is very luxuriously decorated.

Across the way is a sofa.

And sitting on the sofa was a young man in a suit with a feminine appearance.

It’s none other than Hu Feifan!

Looking at Yin Xiaodie, Hu Feifan smiled slightly: "Close the door!"

Yin Xiaodie was stunned.

Then she closed the door.

But when he turned around again, he found that Hu Feifan had stood up and came behind him.

The two were very close.

This made Yin Xiaodie's heart beat fast.

"Brother, brother, I..."

Yin Xiaodie didn't even know what to say.

This is her idol!

She never dreamed that one day she would meet her idol on 4.9!

"Hello Xiaodie, I think you have a good image and temperament, and you are very suitable to be the female artist our company will train next."

"I wonder what you have in mind?"

Hu Feifan spoke.

Fan is already familiar with how to handle fans!

As soon as she opened her mouth, Yin Xiaodie felt like she was about to faint!

"I-I don't have any ideas."

It took a long while before Yin Xiaodie said such words.

Hu Feifan smiled even more.

I saw him continue to speak: "However, if you want to become an artist in our company, you will have to pay a certain price. I don't know, are you willing?"

"I-I do!"

Yin Xiaodie answered without thinking.

However, she didn't know.

Just such a seemingly simple sentence pushed myself into the abyss of eternal destruction!

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