I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 57 Will You Believe It Only If I Die? (Sixth Update, First Order Please!)

Hu Feifan’s so-called price.

It’s actually fried rice noodles!

This is also Hu Feifan’s usual method!

He will take advantage of the opportunity for female fans to stand out and perform on the same stage with him to trick fans, especially underage fans, into throwing themselves into his arms!

Most of these fans are still young.

Many of them are even minors.

They have no ability to distinguish right from wrong!

Under Hu Feifan's coercion and inducement, they were all tainted by Hu Feifan's claws!

Hu Feifan, however, gained unparalleled pleasure from it!

some of.

Including Yin Xiaodie!

But unlike most fans.

Yin Xiaodie soon realized that there was something wrong here.

Because after I left the villa.

Hu Feifan did not contact her again!

Not to mention the so-called making her a female artist in the company!

But when Yin Xiaodie wanted to contact the president, she found that she was included in the fan group and her contact information was blocked by the president!

Finally, she realized that she might have been deceived!

Yin Xiaodie found the public contact number of Hu Feifan's company and called to confront them.

However, the other party is completely confident.

Because the other party has already processed all the evidence!

Moreover, he also threatened Yin Xiaodie.

If she dares to tell this matter, she will suffer a lot!

Feeling the threat, Yin Xiaodie was also a little scared.

However, she still decided to expose this matter!

She compiled the information overnight and posted the content on the online platform, hoping that everyone could see Hu Feifan's true face!

At the same time, I also hope that Hu Feifan can be sanctioned!

As soon as this news broke, it really caused an uproar on the Internet!

As one of the top celebrities, Hu Feifan brings a lot of traffic even without the company's marketing!


This news became a hot search topic at that time!

However, the evidence in Yin Xiaodie's hands was pitiful.

Because when she went to see Hu Feifan, she was driven directly into the community by a car with the windows painted black.

Therefore, she did not know the specific location of that community at all.

And out of trust in her idol, she did not deliberately preserve any evidence during the whole process!

All that can be obtained is the chat history on the phone.


This cannot be used as ironclad evidence!

Sure enough, Hu Feifan's company launched its powerful public relations capabilities!

They first made the announcement online.

It means that what Yin Xiaodie said is a complete fabrication!

Indicates that they will reserve the right to pursue legal liability!

As for Yin Xiaodie, she also faced the darkest moment in her life at this moment!

The comments made by people in the fandom are very extreme!

Under years of brainwashing by fan circle leaders, they have become an extremely aggressive group.

Anyone who says something bad about their idol will be bombarded by these people like locusts!

At first.

It’s just that Yin Xiaodie’s online account has received numerous private messages of abuse!

"You stinky cousin! If you dare to slander our Brother Fan, you really want to die!"

"Where did you come from, you little bitch! Brother Fan, you are the one who can touch porcelain? Why don't you die? I think you are crazy about being angry!"

Yin Xiaodie had no choice but to close the private message function.

However, those in the fan circle have already experienced many battles.

Close private messages?

It's no use at all!

They posted insulting remarks one after another and called out Yin Xiaodie!

"I think this bitch is just a black fan, sent by the enemy to slander our brother Zifan!"

"Yes! Through this kind of sexy news, my opponent wants to make Brother Fan's efforts go to waste!"

"She is here to harm brother Fan. Jimeis, scold this stinky cousin to death!"

"That's right! I think this person is a black fan! If he is really a fan of Brother Fan, he would love to sleep with Brother Fan!"

"You're absolutely right! As long as I can sleep with Brother Fan, I'm willing to let my parents die!"

There can be hundreds or even thousands of messages like this in a day!

Although Yin Xiaodie doesn't want to pay attention.

But every time she clicks on it and takes a casual look, she is insulted in all aspects!

no way.

Yin Xiaodie could only log out her social account.

However, the more she canceled her account.

On the contrary, it plays into the other party’s intention more and more!

"Look, Jimeis, this stinky cousin has canceled his account!"

"I said she was just a bitch here to get some heat. She couldn't stand up to our justice and went to the police, so she was scared away!"

"She dares to slander and frame our brother Fan, we must not let her go. Everyone, hurry up and kill her!"


Yin Xiaodie thought that she could avoid this storm by logging out her account.

However, it didn't take long.

Her mobile phone number was revealed!

As a result, Yin Xiaodie's mobile phone is bombarded with various text messages all day long!

The content of the bombing was naturally a crazy humiliation to her!

Even those in the fan circle follow the clues.

Using some means, they uncovered the selfies she had posted on social networks.

Selfies were photoshopped into photos of corpses, photoshopped into various humiliating images, and posted on various online platforms!

"Everyone, come and see, this guy is really trying to frame our brother Fan!"

"Now we hang her up and let her rot and stink!"

"Yes! If she doesn't want Bilian herself, we will help her become famous!"

"I hope this bitch gets hit by a car when she goes out, chokes to death when eating, chokes on drinking water, or preferably the whole family dies!"

"Yes, let's curse her whole family to death together!"

"Such a bitch doesn't deserve to live in this world at all. Her parents should die together if they gave birth to such a bastard!" 203 "Yes, this cousin should die!"

Countless comments flooded Yin Xiaodie like a tide.

Those words of humiliation and abuse are like sharp knives.

It penetrated deeply into Yin Xiaodie's heart!

some of.

There are even many netizens who are Yin Xiaodie!

Some netizens I met because of chasing stars!

Those good sisters in the past immediately turned against each other because of this incident.

Moreover, their photos were transferred out of their personal space!

These are words from a former friend!

The damage is deeper!

In the lonely night.

Yin Xiaodie felt deeply helpless and desperate!

Finally, she turned on her phone again.

The canceled account has been restored.

During the account cancellation period, all kinds of abuse against her still did not stop.

There are thousands of them!


Yin Xiaodie doesn't care anymore.

She posted an update.

"Will you believe it only if I die?"

At this moment, she was already standing on the high rooftop.

The cold wind in the early morning blew her already cold heart.

Look at the neon lights of the city.

Yin Xiaodie slowly closed her eyes.

Tears streaked down her cheeks.


Take a leap!

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