I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 70 Always Look For The Good In Everything (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

Early the next morning.

The villagers got up to work one after another.

last night.

Most of the young and middle-aged men in the village are concentrated in Chen Fugui's home.

As for the other old, weak, women and children, they were all hiding in their own homes.

Because everyone feels it.

There was a lot of unrest in the village last night.

Those beasts like pigs, dogs, cattle and sheep kept barking!

There was also a fierce wind that echoed throughout the village.

In the dark wind, there was even a faint sound like a ghost crying!

Gives people a creepy feeling!

They didn't know what those young and middle-aged laborers were gathering at Chen Fugui's house for.

Until daybreak.

Everyone dared to walk out of the house after seeing the early morning sunshine.

And the first thing they have to do.

Just go to Chen Fugui's house and see what happened!

no doubt.

What they saw in front of them shocked everyone!

I saw that the doorstep of Chen Fugui's house had become a hell on earth!

Those more than a hundred young adults.

Most of them are dead!

There were only a dozen people left huddled in the corner shivering.

Some people even fainted and died on the spot!

When someone checked their breathing, they realized they were still alive.

Although these people are also prepared to help Chen Fugui deal with the judge.

But because they didn't forcefully buy a wife.

Therefore, the judge did not sanction them!

Just knocked them out!

Judge, rewards and punishments are clear!

We will never tolerate crime, and we will never wrongly accuse an innocent person!

Although these people may have evil intentions because they live in such an environment. But because he had no evil deeds, he was not executed on the spot!

The first of all evils is sexual immorality, and one has no regard for one’s actions and one’s heart.

There are no good people in the world!

I only hope that after this lesson, they can wake up and repent in the future!


The Sheriff's Department arrived.

Although some people were left alive, most of them were still killed.

More than a hundred people died!

Including the village chief who has business dealings with Li Rongfa and acts as their protective umbrella!

Undoubtedly, this is the largest number of people since the Judge's Operation!

Sensational to the entire internet!

However, there is nothing to beat around the bush in this case.

Because the Public Security Department soon discovered Xun Juan and others who had fainted in the cellar.


Including Xun Fang, who is mentally abnormal!

With Xunjuan being rescued, a mountain village that has relied on human trafficking to continue its family lineage has finally been exposed to the world!

In addition to Xunfang, there are dozens of other women who have experienced similar experiences!

Some of them, like Xun Fang, had been imprisoned for many years and were already unconscious.

Although some were not imprisoned, they were drugged and made stupid!

He also became a stupid and crazy person!

There are still some, although sane.

But they are all voluntarily or forced to marry here in various ways.

After living for so many years, I have accepted my fate!

I never thought that one day I would be able to leave this nightmare place!

Those shocking wounds, those cellars like dog kennels and pig pens

Those rusty and deformed chains…………

A photo that deeply touched the hearts of netizens!

Each miserable person ignited the anger in everyone's heart!

It even aroused heated discussion across the Internet!

"Oh my god, I didn't expect these people to be so cruel!"

“I only heard about abduction and trafficking when I was a child, but I didn’t expect that in the new century, there would be such a large-scale abduction and trafficking case!”

"Beasts! These people are all beasts!"

"They deserve to die!"

"If it were me, I would kill them all too!"

"The judge has really done a great job! We should all let these trash, who are worse than beasts, die!"

"This village should be burned down! Let the evil here be wiped out with the flames!"

"Justice served! Well done to the Judge!"

Netizens were filled with all kinds of indignation.

For a time, everyone's eyes were focused on this.


He also paid attention to the aftermath of the incident all the time.

In fact, the Public Security Department attaches great importance to this.

The women who were rescued were first sent to the hospital for proper treatment.


An investigation was also conducted on the remaining villagers.

What makes the Public Security Department and netizens find it incredible is that most of the adults here actually know all this!

Regardless of gender!

Even, even some women.

He also expressed that he was used to things like buying and selling people!

They not only trafficked women from outside the mountains to serve as wives for bachelors.

Sometimes, some of the girls who were born were sold to Li Rongfa!

In such a poor mountainous place, buying and selling people can be considered a huge income!

Until the Sheriff's Department investigated them.

Many people don’t realize their mistakes!

For example, Chen Jun’s grandmother.

After she saw Chen Fugui's tragic body, she just collapsed on the ground and cried loudly.

And the content of her crying was actually about pity for her son!

"My son, you died so miserably!"

"What did we do wrong? We just want the old Chen family's legacy to continue!"

"There are three ways to be unfilial, and the last is the last!"

"That murderer is so hateful! Why didn't your Public Security Bureau arrest the murderer? Why did you want to investigate me, an old woman, instead?"

"Does your Public Security Bureau want to exterminate my Chen family?"

These words.

It was completely recorded by people from the Sheriff's Department.

At the same time, it was also exposed online.

One can imagine.

Naturally, it caused a wave of criticism from netizens!

"You're an old woman. Do you really think that you have a throne in your family that you want to inherit? You still want to continue the family line!"

"That's right! He caused the teaching teacher to become insane and was imprisoned like a pig or dog for more than ten years. Now he still has the dignity of his own son? Go to hell!"

"We all like to call some uneducated bastards on the Internet the Nine-Leaked Fish. In fact, there are many real Nine-Leaked Fish in the world!"

"That's right! These ignorant thoughts of feudal superstition have long been rotten and stinky! I didn't expect these fools to be so stubborn as to be treasures!"

"It's so stupid! I seem to be seeing people from ancient times!"

"I just feel sorry for the women who were victimized. I hope they can get good compensation!"


In the ward.

Zhou Chen let out a sigh of relief.

One thing is finally over!

"Congratulations to the host for killing Chen Fugui and completing the mission!"

"Get 50,000 merit points!"

Listening to the system prompts, Zhou Chen opened the golden carousel.

Now, he has enough life and money.

He plans to use all the 50,000 merit points in the lottery!



Get the third level soul elixir!

the second time.

It’s still a third-level soul elixir!

the third time.

It’s still a third-level soul elixir!

Zhou Chen wondered if this broken system was trying to trick him?

He couldn't help but curse: "System, do you only have third-level soul pills in your prize pool? This is too cheating!"

"Reporting to the host, this system is fair and just!"

"Don't blame others for your bad luck!"

The sound of the system is cold.

Although there is no emotion at all, it sounds extremely sarcastic!


I don’t believe this evil anymore!


Zhou Chen twitched again!


"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained: the broken ghost mask!"

"After wearing it, three souls and seven souls will be devoured, and you will become a living dead that can be controlled by others!"


A prop!

It's ok!

Now, there is only one last draw left.

Zhou Chen gritted his teeth!


With a flash of golden light!

A tall, burly figure wearing armor and carrying a lantern appeared!

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained the Night Travel God template!"

Night God.

The just and kind night watch god in folklore.

When he is patrolling at night, he often inspects the good and evil in the world, so that justice can be done and evil can be punished!

Have the ability to protect good and punish evil!

Zhou Chen secretly sighed: "It's not bad to have another template!"

Now, he already has seven templates: Impermanence, Ox Head, Horse Face, Yaksha, Meng Po, Ye You Shen, and Zhong Kui.

"Those victims are so pitiful!"

"Now that we have the Night Travel God template, we can use his ability to protect these people!"

Zhou Chen sighed.


The power of the Night God is activated!

A faint light emerged and floated towards all the families of the victims in the past!

The judge wishes.

The good in the world will be blessed, and the evil in the world will be judged!

There is no injustice in the world!

From then on, these people will have everything go smoothly and be happy and healthy.

Never suffer any bad luck again!


After careful treatment.

The victims also recovered well from their injuries.

Of course, this also has the blessing of the Night God!


Some people who have become mentally disturbed find it difficult to return to their former self!

Such as Xun Fang.

At this time, she was sitting on the hospital bed.

He looked out the window blankly with empty eyes.

Outside the ward, Juan and her old mother stood together.

Tears fell from the old lady's face, and she burst into tears!


"I thought I would never see you again in this life!"

"I didn't expect that you are still alive. It's a pity that you can no longer recognize me as a mother..."



Xun Mu took out a handkerchief from her pocket and wiped her tears.

"Mom, think of the good things. At least the bad guys will be punished."

"And sister, you don't have to suffer there anymore!"

Xunjuan comforted her mother.

But her tears couldn't help but flow down!

That day.

When she woke up from the cellar.

What caught his eye was a dirty and smelly woman huddled in the corner.

Maybe it’s the chemistry between the sisters!

When she saw that woman for the first time, she recognized her as her sister who had been missing for many years!

Looking at my sister who is covered in bruises!

Look at that heavy chain!

Look at that stinky, spoiled food!

Xun Juan could no longer suppress her inner emotions.

Tears burst out of my eyes like a spring flood!

She hugged her sister, fearing that as soon as she closed her eyes, she would disappear from her life forever!

Xun Juan couldn't imagine it.


My sister has lived in such a harsh environment for more than ten years!

Anger, sadness, and other emotions surged out of my heart.

She wanted to cut Chen Fugui into pieces!


As the Sheriff's Department opens the cellar.

Only then did the group see the light of day again!

At the same time, she also knew that Chen Fugui was killed by the judge!

I just regret that this evil man died too early and was not solved by himself!


He was chopped into human sticks by the judge, and his internal organs were ripped out. What a brutal death!

It’s a relief!

"Yes! Thanks to the Judge!"

"If it weren't for him, I'm afraid we would never know that Xiaofang is still alive in the world!"

"He is truly the savior of our family!"

Xun's mother burst into tears of gratitude.

Unfortunately, no one knows who the judge is.

Otherwise, she really wanted to thank her in person!


"It was another person who led me to my sister!"

Xunjuan said again.


Xun's mother was stunned.

"My nephew is your grandson..."

"Chen Jun!"

Xunjuan answered.

As she spoke, she looked behind Xun Mu.

Xun Mu also turned around.

I saw a little boy in very simple and shabby clothes walking over timidly.

To be honest, Xun’s mother didn’t like him!

She thinks Chen Jun is a scoundrel and a bastard!

It is the crystallization of Chen Fugui’s sin!

In an instant, his face immediately turned ugly.

Chen Jun also noticed Xun Mu's expression. He stopped and did not dare to take another step forward.

"Mom, it was Chen Fugui who made the mistake and it had nothing to do with the child."

"On the contrary, after Junjun learned what happened, he came to me immediately and told me, hoping that I could save his mother.

"This proves that although the child lives in such a sinful environment, his good nature has not been affected by those people..."

"Now Junjun's grandmother has also been arrested. He has no other relatives in this world."

"So, I want him to live with us!"

Xun Juan expressed her thoughts.

Xun Mu said nothing.

She looked at Chen Jun with extremely complicated eyes.

Chen Jun also lowered his head as if he had made a mistake.

He clenched the corners of his clothes tightly with both hands and said nothing.

"Army, army, army, army..."

"my son......"


There was an indistinct sound.

It turned out that Xunfang came to the window at some point.

She was putting her hands on the window and looking at Chen Jun.

In his eyes, there was no longer the anger and madness that he had when he first met Chen Jun.

Instead, there was an unprecedented water-like tenderness.


Looking at Xun Fang across the window, Chen Jun's eyes were wet with tears.

He spit out two words.

Finally, tears rolled down my cheeks.

he knows.

Xunjuan knows.

Even Xun's mother knew it.

The tenderness in Xunfang's eyes.

It’s called maternal love!

Innate maternal love!

"Perhaps, having her son accompany her will help the patient recover. Maybe one day, the patient will recover almost like a normal person!"

The attending doctor came over.

He was wearing a mask and had his hands in his pockets.


Both Xun Mu and Xun Juan seemed to see hope!

"I can only say that it is possible!"

"Because there are similar precedents in the medical field, and you have to look on the bright side of everything, right?"

the doctor replied.

After saying that, he smiled mysteriously.

And gradually farther and farther away.

Finally, disappeared at the end of the corridor.

"Okay, I promise you, let him live with us."

a long time.

Xun Mu finally spoke!

Outside the window, a ray of sunshine came in.

Sprinkle it on Xunfang's face.

She smiled very brightly!.

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