I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 71: Collaboration, Evil People Finally Join Forces (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

Luo Qi is also always paying attention to everything on the Internet.

Chen Fugui's death intensified the fear in her heart!

Because she knows it too.

In order to maintain their beauty and popularity, many people actually paid the price with their lives!

The corpse oil lipstick Asa used on her was also good.

Some other beauty-maintaining drugs.

There is a lot of blood of babies and virgins in it!

And where in the world are there so many abandoned and dead babies to make medicine for her?

Many of them were obtained by Asa through other channels!

Not to mention, she asked Asa to curse some other popular artists for her!

There were several people who jumped off the building alone!

This blood debt is enough to make the judge focus on her!

Think of this.

Once again she came to the village where Asa lived.

This time, Asa is back.

After seeing Asa, Lu Xian fell to his knees with a plop!

"Master, master, please save me. Hu Feifan is dead, and the judge is still punishing others."

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die like those people!"

Luo Qi's beauty turned pale, and her tears couldn't stop flowing down!

"If you don't come to me, I will come to you!!"

Asa replied in a deep tone.

The judge killed his apprentice, and this revenge must be avenged!

and. "One four three"

Whether it was for him to study the head-lowering technique or for the things he did to help Luo Qi.

It is indeed enough for the judge to find him!

Therefore, Asa also knows.

You must be prepared to deal with it!

"Now, in order for you to continue to be prosperous and for me to continue to be free from the world, that so-called judge must be killed!"

Asa added.

And his tone was very serious.

But when Luo Qi heard this, her heart skipped a beat.

Asa's aggressive look made her feel that the other party was confident.


Thinking of this, Luo Qi also sounded a little nervous: "Master Asa, I know that. That judge is too powerful. How can we defeat him?"

"Judge? He can kill my apprentice, but that doesn't mean he can kill me!"

"I have just refined a new magic weapon recently, and I haven't had a chance to test its power yet. In that case, I will apply for the Judge to be the tenth soul under the magic weapon!"

Asa said.

A sharper edge flashed across his eyes.

no doubt.

He is fully confident about this action!

It seems.

The magical weapon he refined is very powerful!


Luo Qi had another doubt: "But the Judge is elusive, and no one knows who he will target next. How can we find him!"

As soon as she finished speaking.

Asa showed a strange sneer.

It seemed that he already had a coping strategy in mind.

"Don't this judge like to meddle in other people's business? Then I will release the news, and I can protect those who are targeted by the death notice!"

"I can also threaten him to show up!"

"If he doesn't show up, then I will kill one person a day!"

Worthy of being a head-turning master.

In his eyes, human life is really like a piece of grass!

It’s completely something that can be consumed!

"Okay! This is a good idea!"

Luo Qi finally calmed down: "If this judge really claims to be the enforcer of justice, then he will definitely not let these people live and die without care!"

"However, this news must not be made public, but must be done cautiously."

"Because if you are too showy, the detectives will definitely be attracted before the judge comes to your door!"

Asa said again.

"On this point, Master, you can rest assured."

"I also have my own connections and can spread news on the dark web!"

"I believe that the judges will definitely notice the news on the dark web!"

Rocky came up with his own idea.

The so-called dark web is the shady part of the vast Internet that lurks underwater!

Information about child sales, assassinations, kidnappings, etc. will all be released on the dark web.

"Well, okay!"

Asa nodded.

It can be regarded as agreeing with Luo Qi's idea.

In Guyun Temple.

Jiang Chen is still tortured by nightmares every day.

Although in the beginning, he relied on the abilities of Fa Ming and others, he was still able to reduce the number of nightmares.

But it wasn't long before the nightmares became more frequent.

Soon, I returned to the state of being haunted by nightmares every night.

If this continues, his spirit will definitely collapse!

Now I'm a little nervous.

but now.

Even Fa Ming and others have no good solution!

This made Jiang Chen feel very distressed!

this day.

He was sitting in the courtyard of Guyun Temple.

His brows were furrowed, because his heart was also extremely tense.

"Mr. Jiang, Mr. Jiang, I got good news!"

That's when.

Scar Liu ran in in a hurry.

"What are you doing? Don't you see that I am bothered? If you don't have information about the judge, don't bother me!"

Jiang Chen looked very dissatisfied.

"Reporting to Mr. Jiang, I really got information about the judge!"

Scar Liu's eyes were a little excited.


Jiang Chen also frowned slightly.

It seems that there is a glimmer of hope for this news.

Scar Liu took out his tablet and swiped on it.

After a while, a page was called up: "Mr. Jiang, look!"

He handed the tablet to Jiang Chen.

Jiang Chen took it and took a look and found that there was indeed information about the judge on it.


It wasn't like anyone had found any trace of the Judge.

Instead, someone posted information on the dark web, expressing their intention to challenge the judge.

He even said that he could protect those who were given death notices by the judge!

"Mr. Jiang, look!"

Scar Liu looked up at Jiang Chen again.

Jiang Chen frowned slightly.

At this time, he fell into thinking.

Although he still trusts the strength of Fa Ming and others.

But Fa Ming is a monk after all.

The personal network is relatively simple, and it is impossible to take the initiative to provoke the judge.

But the person who sent the message was different!

He took the initiative to challenge the judge, and even said that if the judge did not challenge, he would kill one person every day!

This is proof enough.

This person still has some strength!

Moreover, it is not a problem for him to be waiting in the temple for the judge to come.

Jiang Chen thinks.

You can also contact this person yourself!

Joining forces like this may increase your chances of winning!

Think of this.

He came to the Zen room.

Fa Ming is reciting sutras.

Seeing Jiang Chen coming over, Fa Ming also put down what he was doing.

"Donor Jiang, what's the matter?"

Fa Ming asked in a deep voice.

"Master, it's like this...

Jiang Chen revealed the information someone posted on the dark web challenging the judge.

Moreover, he also expressed his thoughts.

I just hope Fa Ming can cooperate with this person.

Then they will deal with the judge together!

Better chances of winning!

In fact, Jiang Chen is still worried...

Fa Ming will not cooperate with such a person.

After all, Faming is still an eminent monk no matter what!

But unexpectedly, Fa Ming answered almost without thinking: "I can promise you.

Jiang Chen was stunned.

Is this okay?

"The judge killed our people from Guyun Temple. This matter cannot be left alone."

"Since the person you mentioned challenged the judge, it means that the judge will go find him!"

"This is better than waiting here for him to come!"

Fa Ming expressed his thoughts.


It coincides with what Jiang Chen thought!

At this time, Jiang Chen finally smiled: "In that case, I will send someone to contact the other party!"


Fa Ming nodded slightly.

Except Jiang Chen.

Another person was very frightened.

That is Li Rongfa!

Originally, Ji Rongfa was planning to go to Chen Fugui early the next morning.

But as expected.

Chen Fugui could not escape trial in the end!

Especially the tragic death of Chen Fugui made Li Rongfa shocked and frightened!

He was worried too.

When will the judge find himself!

He felt very scared!

We urgently need to find a way to save ourselves!

However, it's quick.

Li Rongfa discovered a piece of information on the dark web.

It was that provocative message sent by Asa!

This made Li Rongfa realize that he seemed to have found a life-saving straw!

He didn't even think about it.

Contacted that person directly on the dark web!

The other party was also very happy and sent Li Rongfa an address directly.

Just ask Li Rongfa to go to that address!


Li Rongfa came to a remote village.

The village was very desolate and there seemed to be no one around.

But he looked closely.

I found a house with lights on.

He knew that that should be his destination!

Li Rongfa walked towards the bright light.

And a moment later.

He saw a luxury car approaching.

He stopped not far away from him.

Three people got out of the luxury car.

One is a man in a black suit with a scar on his face.

2.2 The other one is a monk wearing monk's robes.

There was another person, a tall man in a suit and leather shoes.

"Mr. Jiang!"

Saw the man in the suit.

Li Rongfa blurted out immediately.

That's right.

It was Jiang Chen and his party who came here at this time!

They also cooperated with the storyteller Asa and prepared to join forces to deal with the Judge!

Therefore, I brought Fa Ming with me.

"who are you!"

Jiang Chen's tone was grim.

He is instinctively wary of strangers.

Li Rongfa stepped forward with a sneer on his face.

"You may not know me, but I know you. You are my idol. I have always wanted to know you and seek refuge with you!"

"I just don't know why you came here?"

Li Rongfa seemed quite curious.

"What are you doing here?"

Jiang Chen didn't speak, but Scar Liu on the side spoke.

"I, I came here to seek refuge..."

"That judge......"

Li Rongfa hesitated a little.

He knew that Jiang Chen was in the same group as him.

Therefore, there is no concealment.

At this point, he also noticed Fa Ming beside Jiang Chen.

This monk is very powerful!

Soon, Jiang Chen's purpose of coming here was guessed!

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