I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 82 The Villains Gather Again! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

A luxurious club.

in the past.

Every night, there must be cars coming and going at the door.

The parking lot is full of luxury cars.

But today, there were only a few luxury cars here and there in the parking lot.

that is because.

The clubhouse was completely taken over today.

And the person who rents the club is also a big boss among the big bosses.

after awhile.

Cars came one after another.

In the car, some people got out.

The first thing that catches your eye.

It’s the pot-bellied Qiu Jun.

It was he who booked the club!

He had a cigar in his mouth, took a puff, and looked at the other people.

Got off the car.

Naturally, they are also some big guys from all walks of life.

But without exception, these people are all people with blood on their hands!

After they got off the car, they greeted each other.

Then, they all walked towards Qiu Jun.

"Mr. Qiu is good!"

"Long time no see, Mr. Qiu!"

"Nice to meet you!"

Everyone - greet Qiu Jun.

After all, among this group of people.

Qiu Jun also belongs to a relatively high status.


They treated Qiu Jun with relatively respect.

At this time, Qiu Jun.

After greeting everyone, he did not enter the club.

He was still standing where he was.

It seemed like he was waiting for someone.

"Mr. Qiu, are you waiting for someone?"

At this moment, a person came over and asked.

Qiu Jun smiled mysteriously.

"Of course!"

"We still have one of the most important people who hasn't arrived today!"

His words also attracted everyone's attention.

Everyone looked at each other for a moment.

I don’t know who the person Qiu Jun is talking about is?

But not long after 16.

I saw a luxury car slowly approaching.

As this car appeared, many people present realized something.

Because they recognized the owner of the car.


The car stopped in front of everyone.

Immediately afterwards, a person got out of the car.

Of course it is Pang Tianlong.

The young owner of the Ponzi Group.

Even for such a high-end club.

Pang Tianlong is also that kind of aloof person!


When everyone saw Pang Tianlong.

Many people started talking about it.

Everyone was somewhat surprised by Pang Tianlong's appearance!

Only Qiu Jun showed a full smile: "Everyone, Mr. Qu is the most important person in our gathering this time!"


Behind Pang Tianlong was a thin, dark man about 1.7 meters tall.

He is different from Pang Tianlong, who is in a neat suit and has a high spirit.

The thin black man was wearing a robe.

The robe is black and embroidered with some patterns such as Tai Chi and Bagua.

He has long hair.

Her hair was tied high into a bun on the back of her head.

There is also a goatee on his chin.

You can tell at a glance that this is a mage!

"Mr. Pang, you are finally here!"

As soon as Qiu Jun saw Pang Tianlong, he immediately walked towards him.

"Is everyone here?"

Pang Tianlong asked.

"I notified thirteen people, but only five came!"

Qiu Jun looked quite unhappy.


Hearing this, Pang Tianlong couldn't help but snorted: "These people are really smart! They are waiting to see our situation and make next judgments based on our situation!

"Damn it!"

When Qiu Jun heard this, he also cursed directly.

He originally wanted everyone to work together.

But I didn't expect that those people were so smart.

Now hiding in the dark, they must still be observing their actions!

Just like they were observing Xue Hao secretly!

How long has it been, and these guys are still so selfish!

Qiu Jun even wanted to scold his mother.

But Pang Tianlong said: "If they don't come, they won't come. Our plans can't be delayed because of this!"

"Yes, we still have to do business!"

Qiu Jun replied.

"Apart from those people, are other things ready?"

Pang Tianlong asked.

"Everything is ready!"

Qiu Jun responded.

Later, under the leadership of Qiu Jun.

The group finally entered the club.

All the way up.

We arrived at the luxury private room on the top floor.

Sat down.

Soon, Qiu Jun got straight to the point: "Everyone, I have called you here today. I think you all know why, right?"

As soon as he said these words, everyone nodded.

Because, the people here.

They were all the ones who sent people to spy on Xue Hao.

I also have some understanding of the power of the Judge.

"I think we can no longer fight alone. Facing the judges, we must pool our wisdom and take the initiative!"

Qiu Jun added another sentence.

As soon as this statement came out, it certainly aroused the recognition of many people.

But even so.

At this moment, everyone still had a doubt.

"So, how do we deal with the Judge? This guy is mysterious and powerful, so he shouldn't be that easy to deal with!"

Someone spoke.

This man had a fierce look on his face and a very thick beard.

At first glance, it’s not a bad thing!

"Don't worry, Mr. Cai, I already have a plan!"

The smile on Qiu Jun's face became even bigger.

Everyone looked at him.

I saw Qiu Jun shouting into the phone: "Everyone, come in!"


I saw a few figures walking in from outside.

Everyone noticed.

The dressing of these people is also very traditional.

Some are wearing Tang suits and some are wearing robes.

Others dress like ordinary people, but wear a pair of sunglasses.

There were three people in total.

Moreover, although they are of different ages.

But their looks are somewhat similar.

It seems that they are brothers.

"Mr. Qiu, these are..."

Everyone was a little strange.

"Let me introduce them. They are the masters I have met. They are known as the Three Talents of the Qimen!"

Qiu Jun crossed his legs.

"It turns out you are the Three Talents of the Qi Men!"

No one spoke yet.

The thin, dark man brought by Pang Tianlong spoke first.

"You know us?"

Among the three talents of Qimen, the eldest one spoke.

"I'm Xuan Cangzi!"

The thin, dark man introduced himself to his family.

"It turns out to be fellow Taoist Xuan Cangzi, whom I have admired for a long time!"

The leader of the eight sons is also very polite.

The three talents of Qi Sect are also members of Xuan Sect.

The three brothers are proficient in Qi Men Dun Jia and Feng Shui divination.

Good at layout and formation!

Their surname is Wu, and according to their seniority, they are Wu Da to Wu San.

This time I was invited by the Empress Qiu with a huge sum of money, specifically to deal with the Judge!

Moreover, the three of them also have a unique secret technique.

It means that the three of us are united in mind and can maximize each other's abilities!

It can be regarded as having a great reputation among peers!

"Unexpectedly, Taoist fellow Xuan Cangzi also came out of the mountain!"

Wu Da smiled slightly.

"I came out of the mountain to repay Mr. Pang for his kindness. Secondly, I also wanted to avenge my junior brother!"

Xuan Cangzi replied with a stern face.

The Xuan Cangzi that Pang Tianlong found was extraordinary!

In his early years, he was in poverty.

It was Pang Tianlong's father, Mr. Pang, who discovered him.

And, his potential was discovered.

In addition to Xuanmen Taoism, Xuanmen Circle is also proficient in the art of strategy.

Shopping malls are like battlefields.

Over the years, he has also assisted the Pang family in completing many things.

And some things that couldn't be easily accomplished by commercial means were also solved by Xuan Cangzi using mystical skills!

It can be said.

Xuan Cangzi has become the right-hand man of the Pang family.

And his junior brother.

It was Xuanjizi who died at the hands of the judge earlier!

After learning the news, Xuan Cangzi always wanted to kill the judge and avenge his junior brother.


It also coincides with Pang Tianlong’s plan!

"Hahaha, okay!"

"Since several experts have a common goal, can we discuss specific countermeasures next?"

Pang Tianlong smiled and clapped.

At this time, other people also cast the same gaze.

Since they want to unite to deal with the judge.

Then the next step must be to find a solution.

Our brothers can first figure out the location and identity of the judge, and then find ways to lure him to his destination. "

"Set a dragnet at the destination, and you won't be afraid that he won't fall into the trap himself!"

Qimen Sancai expressed his thoughts.

While they were talking, Xuan Quanquan kept listening quietly.

He didn't have any 767 way to deal with it.

After all, he is only one person.

After thinking about it, I also felt that Qimen Sancai's method was indeed feasible.

And, he added: "Then, after luring the judge to his destination, I can also help and deal with him together!"


The others thought for a while.

Soon, a positive reply was given.

For safety reasons, these people decided to call in their thugs!

It’s always better to have more helpers!

Now that the decision has been made.

Then, a few people took action immediately.

In order not to be disturbed by other people, they chose a very secluded place.

It is a construction site of the Ponzi Group in the suburbs.

There is no one at the construction site at night.

Just the right place for action!

Everything is ready, hundreds of people have gathered at the construction site!

Except for the four mages Qimen Sancai and Xuan Cangzi.

There are also Pang Tianlong, Qiu Jun, Mr. Cai, and all the subordinates they called!

this moment.

Everyone lined up and waited quietly.

The three talents of Qimen were arranged in a square shape together with Xuan Cangzi.

Only one of the three Qimen took out three copper coins.

They chanted mantras and threw copper coins into the air.


The copper coin fell to the ground.

Everyone was very curious and held their breath to get closer and take a closer look.

But everyone knows it.

If they get close now, it is likely to disturb their divination results.

Therefore, he still stood where he was.

In the hospital.

Zhou Chen is resting.

Suddenly, he felt a flash of inspiration in his mind.

"It is detected that someone is testing the host! Start counterattack!"

The system prompt sounds.


Zhou Chen opened his eyes.

A threatening cold light shot out instantly!

In an abandoned factory.

Everyone held their breath and concentrated.

But the next second.

Just listen to the banging sounds one after another!

Those copper coins exploded instantly!

Before anyone could say anything, the three talents of Qi Men seemed to be hit by a strong force!

They flew out one after another!

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