I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 83: Driving Piles (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)


All of them spit out a lot of blood from their mouths.

The three of them fell to the ground at the same time!

This scared everyone else.

They came over in a hurry.

"Master, how are you?"

Seeing such a scene, Pang Tianlong immediately asked.

"S-what a powerful force!"

"We can't predict any information at all!"

Wu Da struggled to say a word.

Their divination is different from ordinary martial arts.

Through copper coins as a medium, they can allow their consciousness to observe the divination objects in the dark.

Logically speaking.

No matter where this person is in the world, they can easily find each other's existence!

But just now.

When they want to divine the judge.

But I feel as if my consciousness has hit an unattainable wall!

That wall is infinitely high!

Let their consciousness never be overcome!

Even when they want to touch even slightly.

Immediately, I felt the powerful aura that hit my soul so hard!

Let all their consciousness be bounced back!

In the hospital.

Zhou Chen observed these people.

Seeing the misery of the three of them, he just smiled coldly: "Judge Hades, how can you be so easily compromised!"

While talking.

A picture unfolded before his eyes!

It was the people in the abandoned factory who were preparing to deal with him!

At this moment, the book of sins was also revealed in front of him.

In the crime book, the information of these people is clearly visible!

Everyone is a treacherous and evil person!

The rolling river is rushing and raging.

river bank.

There is a group of people standing.

The crowd looked very anxious, because they had a huge problem waiting to be solved.

"Mr. Pang, I don't know why, but the bridge piles just can't be driven down."

"If it can't be completed before the weekend, the progress of the project will definitely be affected!"

The foreman looked anxiously at a man in a suit standing in front of him.

And this man is none other than Pang Tianlong!


Pang Tianlong said nothing.

I gave this person a loud slap in the face!

The man was stunned and could only look at Pang Tianlong in shock.

Pang Tianlong snorted coldly and said: "You are the foreman, I am not the foreman. Now that the piles cannot be driven, shouldn't it be you who is thinking of a solution!"


The foreman wanted to say something else.

"If you don't find a solution before tonight, I will throw you into the river to feed the fish!"

However, Pang Tianlong was furious.

He didn't give the foreman a chance to retort.

This project is very important to him.

Because this is his first project since taking over the company.

If he screws up, his father will definitely not trust the company to him.

Not only that.

Those shareholders in the company will definitely not despise my own discipline!

In the foreman's heart, an unknown anger emerged.

The river is notoriously fast, and many construction companies have tried to build it here, but all have failed.

Therefore, there has been no way to build a bridge on this river.

If you want to cross the river, you must go around a bridge dozens of miles away.

This has greatly increased the travel costs for residents on both sides of the river!


If any company can take over this project.

This is undoubtedly free advertising!

It is precisely because of this that Pang Tianlong is so interested!

But so what?

A project that no one else can handle, can he, Pang Tianlong, do it?

Could it be that Pang Tianlong still thinks that he is a proud man who can do something that others cannot?

Stop talking nonsense!

He was just being pampered all day long, which led him to really think that he was very capable.

But I have no idea how cruel reality is!

Now, Pang Tianlong gave himself such an impossible task.

Of course, it makes the foreman's heart become more and more angry!

He even had a murderous intention!

I wish I could kill Pang Tianlong on the spot!

"I won't leave tonight, I will stay here and watch you! If you don't give me an answer, I will throw you into the river to feed the fish tomorrow|||

Pang Tianlong said another harsh word.

The foreman knows that this guy can really do what he says!

The Pang family, who started out as a construction company, have also done a lot of shameful things behind the scenes!

For example.

Fake fires, set fire to the residents of the area to be demolished, and save a large amount of compensation, etc.

Before Pang Tianlong took charge of the company.

This kind of thing has basically always been done behind his back.


After the foreman heard what Pang Tianlong said.

My mood is extremely complicated.

But the foreman is not a fool either!

He quickly noticed what Pang Tianlong said.

At this moment.

An idea was brewing in his mind!


In the work shed.

Pang Tianlong was very unhappy!

Originally, he had made an appointment with someone else tonight.

I want to go to the club to have fun.

But because of this mess on the construction site, he had to stay here!

Although the iron sheets on the construction site now also have air conditioning.

But the simple environment still made Pang Tianlong angry.

He could only lie in bed and play with his mobile phone to pass the time.


There was the sound of rushing water in the river.

In such late nights, the sound of the rushing river is even more obvious!

But suddenly.

There was a knock on the door.


Pang Tianlong asked impatiently.

"It's me. Mr. Pang, I found a way!"

The foreman's voice came from outside the door.

When he heard it was him, Pang Tianlong became even more angry.


Since the foreman said he had found a way, Pang Tianlong had no choice.

I could only get up and open the door.

Outside the door, the foreman had a smile on his face.

Seeing Pang Tianlong open the door, he nodded and bowed: "Mr. Pang, I have thought of a good idea!"

the foreman said with a smile.


Pang Tianlong frowned.

"Please also ask Mr. Pang to come with me to the site to have a look!"

The foreman stretched out his hand and made an invitation gesture.

Pang Tianlong didn't want to go.

It's midnight again in this kind of wilderness.

Not to mention the darkness, the road is rugged and there are certain dangers.

This made him feel very irritable.

"Can't you decide for yourself?"

Pang Tianlong dismissed.

"No, Mr. Pang, if you don't make the decision on this matter, how can I make it without authorization?"

replied the foreman.

After thinking about it, Pang Tianlong felt that it made sense.


Under the leadership of the foreman, he walked towards the construction site.

late at night.

There are no street lights in the wilderness.

As a result, everything you could see was pitch black.

Only the light of a flashlight can bring a little bit of light!


They came to the river.

Pang Tianlong looked at the foreman.

"Okay, now you can tell me. What is the solution you came up with?"

However, when he turned around.

What caught his eye was the furious face of Yutou.

At the same time, the foreman raised a hammer high.

He roared angrily: "Pang Tianlong, I've had enough of you. Aren't you going to throw me into the river to feed the fish? Then I'll let you feed the fish first!"


He swung sharply.

The hammer hit Pang Tianlong hard!

Pang Tianlong was frightened!

He never imagined that the foreman would suddenly attack him.

Moreover, he is still so ruthless.

The distance between the two was very close. Pang Tianlong wanted to escape, but found that he actually had no place to escape.

one second.

The hammer has already turned in front of him!


Seeing that the foreman's hammer was about to hit Pang Tianlong.

His hand can no longer move forward to share!

It was like there was an invisible transparent wall between the foreman and Pang Tianlong.

Help Pang Tianlong resist his attack!

'."what happened!"

The foreman was stunned.

The next second, his hands seemed to be out of control.

Hit him hard on the head!

There was a muffled sound and blood flowed out.

The foreman rolled his eyes and fainted.

Stunned by everything in front of him, Pang Tianlong was still at a loss.

Then, a figure was seen walking over from a distance.

It’s Xuan Cangzi!

"Taoist Master, you are finally here!"

Pang Tianlong was overjoyed.

If Xuan Cangzi hadn't suddenly come to his aid, Pang Tianlong would have died at the hands of the foreman!

"The master knew that General Manager Pang was encountering difficulties, so he asked me to come and help him."

Xuan Cangzi replied calmly.

"Really? That's great!"

Pang Tianlong was overjoyed.

At the same time, he slapped himself on the head: "Look at my brain, it's so stupid. There are masters like you, Taoist Master, around me, but I didn't think of looking for you!"

"Such small things are easy for me."

Xuan Cangzi replied.

"So, the Taoist Master has a way to make the project proceed easily?"

When Pang Tianlong heard what he said, his heart was full of expectations.


Xuan Liangzi was very straightforward.

"I just don't know, what kind of calendar does Tao have?"

"(Zhao's) driving piles!"

Faced with Pang Tianlong's question, Xuan Cangzi just uttered three words.

Driving raw piles?

Pang Tianlong didn't know why.

It should be said that he is also majoring in engineering and construction.

But these three words are very unfamiliar.

"I know about driving piles, but what is driving piles?"

He expressed his confusion.

"The bridge piles cannot be driven in, either because the feng shui of the place is not good, or because there are some evil spirits and cultivators here."

"I observed when I came here that there are no monsters or monsters here. Such a result is purely due to poor Feng Shui.

"But no matter which one it is, if you want the project to proceed smoothly, the only feasible way is to drive raw piles!"

"That is, pouring living people into the bridge piles as sacrifices!"

"Otherwise, even if the bridge can be built successfully, it will definitely be prone to frequent accidents and be riddled with various problems!"

Xuan Cangzi answered.

This short sentence shocked Pang Tianlong's heart.

He has never heard of such a thing!

However, now that there is a solution.

Of course Pang Tianlong would not refuse: "In that case, please ask the Taoist Master to start quickly!"

He didn't think there was anything wrong with using living people to drive piles!

Anyway, a lot of people died at his hands!

For Pang Tianlong, his family's interests are the most important!

As for the lives of those ants.

What does life and death have to do with myself?

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