I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 84: Gold Thread Seals Mouth And Nose, Cement Suppresses Wronged Souls! (Please Subscribe, Pl

But next.

Who should be used to make this stake became a point of confusion in Pang Tianlong's heart.


Xuan Cangzi just smiled faintly.

"Mr. Pang, isn't this ready-made pile?"

While talking.

He glanced slightly.

It fell on the foreman on the ground!

Although the foreman was hit on the head, he did not lose his life.

I just fainted temporarily!

after awhile.

The foreman slowly woke up.

But he found that he had been tied up by Wuhua Da.

And his upper body clothes were also taken off.

The friction between his skin and the hemp rope made him feel some pain!

in front of him.

Pang Tianlong stood with a sneer on his face.

Next to Pang Tianlong, there was Xuan Cangzi with a cold expression.

"Pang Tianlong, you, what do you want to do? Let me go, let me go!"

The foreman struggled for a while.

"Let you go? And then let you continue to attack me? Ridiculous!"

Pang Tianlong's tone was cold.

Immediately afterwards, Xuan Cangzi came over.

In Xuan Cangzi's hand, he held a sharp short knife!

"Awake people are sealed in piles, which can generate more resentment."

"Later, I will carve a rune on his back.

"With this rune and the resentment he generated, not only can the bridge be completed smoothly, but it can also reverse the feng shui of this place and bring wealth to the Pang family!"

Xuan Cangzi said.

His eyes also shot out a sharp edge!

It seemed like a blade, piercing straight into the heart of the foreman.

What piling?

What resentment?

What does this person want to do?

The foreman was stunned for a moment.

But after all, he is an old builder who has been working for so many years.

Just after thinking for a moment, I have already guessed some clues!

Could it be that…………

Driving raw piles!

A word popped into his head!

Could it be that Pang Tianlong wanted to pour himself into the bridge pile as a living pile?


"Pang Tianlong, are you crazy?!"

"If the bridge piles cannot be built, that is a problem with the engineering design. How can you make the bridge successfully completed if you engage in such feudal superstition!"

the foreman shouted at the top of his lungs.

He himself doesn’t believe in anything like driving piles!

But I can’t stand being treated like this!

For a living person to be sealed into a bridge pile like this would cost his own life!

No one would be able to accept it!

At this moment, the survival instinct took over.

Let him crave help from other workers!

But that's strange.

In such a silent night, no matter how loud the foreman screamed, no worker could hear him.

The surroundings seemed to fall into a deathly silence!

Let the foreman feel deep despair!


Xuan Cangzi came behind the foreman.

He trampled the foreman to the ground and started carving on the foreman's back with a short knife!

The sharp blade penetrates the skin!

The foreman felt the excruciating pain!

He burst into a shrill scream!

At the same time, the intensity of the struggle becomes even greater!

This makes it impossible for Xuan Cangzi to draw the talisman properly!

So, he glanced at Pang Tianlong.

Pang Tianlong understood and asked his bodyguard to come over directly.

Several people punched and kicked the foreman!

Bang bang bang!

The foreman wails and wails.

After a while, he was pressed hard.

Can't move anymore!

"Mr. Pang, Mr. Pang, I know I was wrong!"

"You don't remember the faults of villains, don't treat me like a bitch like me!"

"Please, let me go..."

Although he was beaten to the point where he no longer had the ability to resist.

But in his mouth, he still kept pleading.

Because, he knows.

Waiting for your own.

It will be the most terrible death!

Unfortunately, no one listened to him.

Xuan Cangzi's cold blade kept scratching his back (bgef).

Blood flows!

In a moment, a rune that filled the entire back was completed!

The foreman’s back was already a bloody mess!


Pang Tianlong's men brought over another large iron bucket.

Just enough space for one person!

They stuffed the foreman into an iron bucket.

Start pouring cement into the bucket again!

"Mr. Pang, as long as you let me go, I will do whatever it takes for you!"

"Please, let me go!"

"I don't want to die. I still have a bedridden wife to support at home!"

The foreman's voice was hoarse from shouting.

However, Pang Tianlong just looked at it coldly.

Let the cement pour in, bit by bit, and the foreman will be submerged!

Soon, only one head was left exposed.

Cement slurry is a high-density colloid, and the pressure in it is very strong!

The human chest simply cannot withstand this kind of pressure for a long time!

And this time.

A strong sense of suffocation came up, making it difficult for the foreman to even breathe.

Not to mention a cry for help!

The foreman will suffocate to death before the cement dries!

However, the foreman may not even be able to suffocate.

Because the temperature inside the cement is extremely high!

He just felt hot all over!

It’s as if the internal organs have been thrown on the stove to bake!

And he could only bear it silently.

Can't even lift a hand!

"Next, seal his facial features with gold thread!"

"This can completely seal his soul. Even if he turns into a ghost, he can only be imprisoned in this body forever!"

Xuan Cangzi said again.

He has already prepared things!

He took out a gold needle in his hand and had Jin Jian threaded through it.

Just like an embroidery needle.

Without saying a word, he directly pierced the foreman's eyelid with the needle!

Severe pain is transmitted!

Make the foreman shake his head!

Unfortunately, it still doesn’t help!

A full hour passed.

Xuan Cangzi has completed all the work!

What was before everyone's eyes was a dying man whose eyes, ears, nostrils and mouth were sealed with countless gold threads, and his whole body was wrapped in cement and placed in an iron bucket!

So terrifying!


"Seal the barrel!"

Xuan Cangzi was very satisfied with his masterpiece.

He gave another order.

Soon, people came over.

They sealed the lid of the barrel, and Xuan Cangzi painted various runes on the mural on the barrel.

Finally done!

the next day.

The project continues.

Before the construction, Pang Tianlong ordered people to sink the bucket into the bridge pile!

This time.

The bridge piles were driven down successfully!

The workers were relieved.

However, the project was successful, but no one cheered.

Because the foreman is missing.

Pang Tianlong claimed that when he went out to pee last night, he heard Tang Weiren's screams.

I took a few people and ran over to take a look and found that Tang Weiren had fallen into the river.

He wanted to save people, but the river was too fast!

Tang Weiren was swept away in a moment!


He will send people to search and rescue.

Find the person at all costs!

You want to see people when you are alive, and you want to see corpses when you are dead.

Pang Tianlong picked himself clean.

Anyway, last night, the workers were all drugged and knocked unconscious by Xuan Liangzi, and they had no idea what happened.

Aren't you just listening to his nonsense?

Of course, he will definitely compensate Tang Weiren's family.

But there must be a way!

He claimed that Tang Weiren violated safety regulations and caused his death.

Therefore, the compensation must only be symbolic and cannot really be based on standards!

At the same time, other workers should also take a warning!

After hearing what Pang Tianlong said, the workers just listened silently.

No one asked him where he went.

On the construction site.

Everyone remained silent.

It seems that everything is left unsaid!


A small, remote village.

A pale woman was sitting on a small bench peeling edamame.


When she peeled off two pieces, she had to cough a few times.


A teenage boy walked in from outside the yard.

"Sister-in-law, just rest on the bed and let me do this kind of work."

The young man hung the meat in his hand at the door of the kitchen.

"Your brother is coming back today, so I have to get some food!"

the woman answered.

And her face was filled with a happy smile.

She is the wife of foreman Tang Weiren.

The name is Liu Feng.

The young man is Tang Weiren's younger brother, Tang Weijie.

"This project is not far from our home, so my brother can come back every month to rest for a few days and see how beautiful you are!"

Tang Weijie joked with a smile.

The two brothers lost their parents when they were young and relied entirely on their grandparents to survive.

Later, my grandparents passed away one after another.

This pair of brothers is the only one left in the world who depend on each other.

My elder brother works outside, making money for his younger brother to attend high school, while also saving money to buy medicine for his sick wife.

Although his academic qualifications are low, he became a foreman in just a few years through hard work.

So, the income is pretty good.

However, there are two people at home who cannot work, so Tang Weiren still lives frugally on weekdays!

On weekdays.

Tang Weiren works outside, and Tang Weijie takes care of the family while going to school.

The days passed by like this.

Today is Tang Weiren's day to rest and go home.

Both my brother and Liu Feng are very happy!

Tang Weijie also took a small bench.

Sit down in front of Liu Feng and help her peel the edamame together.

But at this moment, his cell phone rang.

Tang Weijie picked it up and saw that it was Da Maogao from the same village calling!

Damao and Tang Weiren worked on a construction site.

If something happens between the two families on weekdays, they can take care of each other!

Why is he calling himself now?

Did something happen?

Tang Weijie answered the phone, and Er Mao's deep voice came from the other end.

"Weijie, your brother..."

"He's gone!"

Er Mao's voice was very deep.

In an instant, Tang Weijie's cell phone almost fell to the ground.

"When did this happen?"

He was stunned for a long time.

Tang Weijie then asked.


Er Mao answered.

after an hour.

Er Mao came back with the pension from the construction site.

Only a mere ten thousand yuan.

There is also a letter written by Pang Tianlong on behalf of all members of the construction site.

stated in the letter.

Tang Weiren violated safety regulations and lost his life. Logically speaking, he should be solely responsible.

However, the construction site still gave a pension of 10,000 yuan out of humanitarian concern.

This reflects the construction site’s spirit of treating workers as family!

Moreover, they will try their best to search for Tang Weiren's body!

What a high-sounding letter!

Pang Tianlong himself was written so noblely!

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