I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 86 New Template, Handsome With Leopard Tail! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)

Gulu gulu…………


There was a steady flow of water.

Pang Tianlong opened his eyes and found that he was in a dark place.

Only a slight light shines through the top of the head.

I told him that I was currently staying in the vast water city!

what happened?

Wasn't he in an abandoned factory just now?

Why did you suddenly come to a place like this!

Countless questions poured into Pang Tianlong's heart.

But before he had time to think about it, a stronger feeling surged into his heart.

Pang Tianlong only felt as if something had grabbed his ankle.

Ice cold!


He looked down.

I saw it was a hand!

A rotten hand with bones exposed!

And look carefully.

Then he discovered that there was actually a figure under him!


Pang Tianlong immediately realized something.

Tang Weiren!

That’s right!

As the figure becomes clearer.

Pang Tianlong finally saw the whole picture of the other party clearly!

It was Tang Weiren who was sealed in the iron barrel by himself!

But now, Tang Weiren's face was hideous and twisted, and the flesh on his face was rotten in many places.

Showing a terrifying sneer, he rushed towards Pang Tianlong.



Pang Tianlong wanted to shout. "Six six seven" But when he opened his mouth, a large amount of water poured into his throat!

He couldn't make a sound at all.

Tang Weiren, on the other hand, pulled suddenly.

Just drag him towards deeper water!

Suddenly, a strong feeling of suffocation came over him.

And Tang Weiren's voice also came to his ears.

"Mr. Pang, why did you seal me in an iron bucket and sink me into the deep, dark water?"

"I'm in so much pain, I'm so sad!"

"Come and stay with me, sleep here forever with me!"

A strange sound announced Pang Tianlong's death sentence.

Although Pang Tianlong wanted to struggle, it was of no use at all.

His figure could only follow Tang Weiren, sinking into the deep darkness little by little.

Seeing the light getting further and further away.


Unparalleled pain surged up.

This was the boundless pain Tang Weiren endured before he died.

Now, they are all imposed on Pang Tianlong.

And Pang Tianlong will also be imprisoned and tortured forever under such pain!

In the ward.

Zhou Chen received 30,000 merit points.

All for the lottery!

Zhou Chen didn't hesitate at all.

Anyway, this is a reward independent of the task.



Third level soul elixir.

the second time.

It's still a third-level soul elixir.

The third draw.

Zhou Chen held his breath.

Expect some good stuff to come this time.


I saw a flash of golden light.

Soon, a general with the head of a beast and the body of an armor appeared.

This general has a head like a leopard, and like a leopard, he has many spots on his body.

Behind him, there is also a long tail dragging.

It's the handsome leopard tail!

The handsome man in charge of the souls of beasts in the world!

“So handsome!”

Zhou Chen sighed with emotion.

My luck is pretty good this time!

There are more and more templates under my hands.

In the end, a complete Nether Fengdu will definitely be formed!


When people heard the news, they all applauded.

Because netizens think.

Whether Pang Tianlong or Qiu Jun, they are both real evil people!

If these people stay in the world, they are really causing harm to the world!

Therefore, going to hell is their only way back!

But now the judge takes action.

Kill these two guys directly!

There is no doubt that this is an act of justice for heaven!

"I heard that Qiu Jun had many illegal mines. I don't know how many innocent people were arrested and worked there, and I don't know how many people died there!"

"Yes! Didn't the Li Minghao from before die in a black mine? How pitiful!"

"I heard that the black mine where Li Minghao died is owned by Qiu Jun!"

"That's really great. Qiu Jun has been punished now, and Li Minghao can finally die in peace!"

"You're right!"

About these two people.

The Sheriff's Department actually has nothing to investigate.

With just a quick search, you can find out all their crimes!

For example, Qiu Jun's black mines and the records of his transactions with Hu Xiaodie.

As for Pang Tianlong.

To be able to do such a big business, he must have his own means.

For the things at hand.

Pang Tianlong also handled it relatively neatly.

There aren't many clues!


Another report attracted the attention of the Sheriff's Department.

It’s about the case of the disappearance of worker Tang Weiren!

The person who reported the crime was none other than Tang Weiren’s younger brother, Tang Weijie.

Regarding the disappearance of his brother, Tang Weijie did not want to let it go.

He felt like himself as a brother.

He has at least two responsibilities!

The first responsibility is to help the sister-in-law find the body of the eldest brother and seek justice for the eldest brother; the second responsibility is to take care of the sister-in-law on behalf of the eldest brother!

Therefore, he immediately reported the crime.

But Tang Weijie also kept an eye on it. He just asked the Public Security Department to help find Tang Weiren's body.

But it did not directly reveal the relationship with Pang Tianlong.

Because he believed that Pang Tianlong was a man with a big family and a big business no matter what.

If you break up with them directly, you will definitely bring unnecessary trouble to yourself!

Therefore, he just reported it as a missing person.

People from the Sheriff's Department went to the crime scene to investigate for a while.

There are no useful results!

Ask the people at the construction site and they don't know what happened to Tang Weiren.

This put the people in the Sheriff's Department into a dilemma.

The most terrible thing is.

Pang Tianlong is also dead!

This makes it impossible for them to get the information they want from Pang Tianlong!

That's why.

This makes people feel very speechless.

As a last resort.

The local police department had no choice but to turn to Ouyang Meng for help.

Ouyang Meng came here to investigate, but of course he had no clue!

But not for long.

A clue appeared in front of Ouyang Meng out of thin air!

It was the documents containing evidence of Pang Tianlong’s evil deeds!

Including that night, how they sealed Tang Weiren into an iron barrel.

It’s also vivid in my mind!

With this thing as evidence, it can be said that the truth of the case is completely revealed!

Ouyang Meng asked people to block the bridge.

Then, the bridge piles were directly exploded.

Although this behavior will completely scrap the newly built bridge.

But compared with finding Tang Weiren’s body, a bridge is actually nothing!


After a long and busy time.

The iron bucket was finally fished out of the water.

As the iron barrel was opened.

Everything inside was finally revealed to everyone!

The completely decomposed corpse still maintained a painful posture.

Everyone who saw this scene was moved.

It's hard for them to imagine.

When a person is treated like this, what kind of pain will he go through before he dies?

Seeing his brother’s appearance……………………

Even people like Tang Weijie can't stand it anymore.

He suddenly collapsed on the ground and cried loudly.

"Brother, you have never made enemies with anyone else, but why did you end up like this!"


Tang Weijie did not ask his sister-in-law Liu Feng to come.

Otherwise, I'm afraid Liu Feng will encounter the same situation as him!

Her condition may even worsen!


Ouyang Meng walked up from the side.

He reached out and patted his shoulder.

At the same time, she also sighed.

I didn’t expect Pang Tianlong to be such a bastard!

He actually listened to superstition and sealed a living person inside a bridge pier!

In the village.

There is a new grave.

It is Tang Weiren's grave.

In front of the grave, two people were kneeling.

It is his wife Liu Feng and Tang Weijie.

"Weijie, you finally got into high school, why did you do this?"

Liu Feng's tone was full of helplessness.

"Sister-in-law, please stop talking. I have made a decision, and the matter is settled!"

Tang Weijie burned paper for Tang Weiren and said in a deep tone.

He decided to go out to work.

Make money to treat my sister-in-law!

No matter how Liu Feng tried to persuade him, it was of no use at all.

Tang Weijie had excellent grades and was finally admitted to a key high school in the city.

Teachers and classmates all like him very much!

At the same time, he is also the hope of his family.

Tang Weiren has always hoped that Tang Weijie could be admitted to university and honor his ancestors!

It's not in vain that he has put in so many years of hard work.

But after so many changes, Tang Weijie has no intention of going to school now.

In fact, I have no money to go to school anymore.

Liu Feng is unable to work.

If Tang Weijie continues to go to school outside, they will have no source of income!

This is also the decision Tang Weijie made after several considerations!

"Sister-in-law, you don't have to worry about me.

"The so-called 360-year-old is the number one scholar in every field. After all, I have read a book, and my brain is much better than the average person. Therefore, I may not have a good way out if I work part-time!"

Tang Weijie forced a smile.

Looking at Tang Weijie's appearance, Feng Xin1.8chen felt really sad and sad for a while.

If there was hope, she would certainly not want Tang Weijie to go work!


Think of this.

Her eyes became moist!

"Weijie, what you said is wrong! You are meant to study. Wouldn't it be a pity if you just gave up?"

at this time.

A voice rang out.

Tang Weijie followed the sound and looked over and found a group of people approaching from a distance.

The leader is an old man.

There is a pair of glasses on the bridge of his nose.

Looks like a well-mannered person.



Tang Weijie exclaimed.


It was his teachers and classmates who came at this time.

"I came here without telling you in advance."

The teacher smiled and said, "But we also want to give you a surprise."

He came to Tang Weijie and took out an envelope.

Inside is a bank card.

"The school already knows about your family affairs. The school has exempted all your fees for the next few years and also applied for a scholarship for you.

"Including classmates, they have also organized donations for you."

"There are 126,700 yuan here, which is enough for your study and life in the next few years!"

The teacher said earnestly. .

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