I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 87 Soul-Calling! The Walking Master Appears! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)


"This is too much!"

"Thank you, teacher. I appreciate your kindness. But, I really don't need so much money!"

"I have decided to go out to work. I can support myself and my sister-in-law!"

Tang Weijie was shocked for a moment.

After a while, he waved his hands repeatedly to express that he did not want these things.

"Your teacher is right, you shouldn't go out to work at such a young age. If you do this, you will be sorry for your elder brother!"

at this time.

Another voice sounded.

Everyone followed the sound and looked over.

I found that Ouyang Meng was also here.

"Inspector Ouyang!"

Tang Weijie was stunned.

"The superiors have re-examined the matter regarding your eldest brother and decided to compensate your family two million yuan!"

Ouyang Meng also handed over a bank card.

two millions!

Tang Weijie was even more struck by lightning.

He never dreamed of so much money!

"Don't take it too much, this is the compensation your family deserves!"

"Pang Tianlong has done many evil things, and he should have suffered retribution long ago! What's more, this is not a lot of money for their Ponzi Group!"

Ouyang Meng said angrily.

"Yes, this is the money they should pay!"

The teacher also echoed.

"Weijie, just accept it. This is everyone's wish. Just study hard and finish college!"

"I think your brother doesn't want to see you go back to his old ways!"

Liu Feng finally spoke from the side.


Seeing everyone saying this, Tang Wei finally sighed.

16 Anyway.

The problem of his schooling was finally solved.

For this miserable family, it is also a blessing in misfortune!

After bidding farewell to Tang Weijie's family.

Ouyang Meng did not return to the Public Security Department.

Instead, he came to a mental hospital.

In a ward, there was a crazy middle-aged man locked up.

The man huddled in the corner, shivering.

And in his mouth, he also begged for mercy: "Don't kill me, don't kill me..."

this person.

It was Cai Quansheng.

"Doctor, how is he doing?"

Ouyang Meng asked the doctor standing next to him.

The doctor pushed up the glasses on the bridge of his nose, and then said in a slightly helpless tone: "Not very good."

"Because he had been greatly stimulated before, his brain activated a self-protection mechanism. It is quite difficult to get him out of this state!"

When the doctor said this, he sighed again.


Ouyang dreamed about it.

Soon, he added: "So doctors, I hope you can do your best to cure him, okay? Because this person is likely to be involved in a very important information!

"Hey, okay, I'll try my best!"

The doctor replied with a sigh.

The reason why I say this is of course because even doctors are not sure!

Ouyang Meng looked at it for a while.

Then, she was about to turn around and leave.

But not long after she walked out, she saw a man in a suit walking over from a distance.

The man looked younger.

Just in his early twenties.

He is tall and handsome.

Wearing a slim-fitting suit makes him even more handsome!

But his face was deep, and he seemed to have something very serious on his mind!

"Detective Ouyang, please wait a moment!"

The man stopped Ouyang Meng.

Ouyang Meng stopped: "Do you know me?"

The man nodded slightly.

Immediately, he introduced himself: "My name is Cai Dingkun, and I am the son of Cai Quansheng."

"What do you want from me?"

Ouyang Meng asked back.

She also heard about Cai Dingkun.

If nothing unexpected happens.

He must be Cai Quansheng’s future successor!

"I would like to ask, regarding the Inquisitor's investigation, is your Sheriff's Department still continuing?"

Cai Dingkun asked.

"Why do you ask?"

Ouyang Meng did not answer directly.

Instead he asked a question.

Cai Dingkun pointed at Cai Quansheng in the ward: "My father has become like this, and the judge must give me an explanation!"

"Don't you think this is the responsibility of your Public Security Department?"

He was a little angry.



Ouyang Meng heard this.

I couldn't help but laugh out loud.

Why Cai Quansheng appeared in that place, she could figure it out with her butt!

It’s nothing more than wanting to deal with the Judge together with Pang Tianlong and Qiu Jun!

But the judge did not take his life!

Because the other party only issued two death notices.

Cai Quansheng himself could not withstand the blow and was so frightened that he went insane!

Who can blame this?

The Public Security Department did not initiate an investigation into Cai Quansheng, which is quite polite!

After all, he is a mental patient now, so it is not convenient to investigate.

Cai Dingkun actually said such words!

This point made Ouyang Meng feel speechless.

"The Public Security Department will investigate the judge's information, but it will not give your father an explanation!"

"Compared with this, I suggest that Mr. Cai should send more security personnel while he is sleeping. Otherwise, he will not be able to find where his head is when he wakes up the next morning!"

Ouyang Meng became sarcastic.

"What did you say?"

Cai Dingkun glared.

"It's nothing! I have something else to do, so I won't chat with Mr. Cai!"

"Besides, I just hope Mr. Cai can be an honest man! Farewell!"

Nothing more was said.

Ouyang Meng turned and left.

Looking at Ouyang Meng's retreating figure, Cai Dingkun also had an extremely complicated look in his eyes.

And what about the doctor?

He was stunned in place from beginning to end.

The two were bickering, but he couldn't get in the middle of the conversation.

It's better to just stand aside honestly!

Looking at his crazy father in the ward, Cai Dingkun also sighed.

"Doctor, please let my dad leave the hospital!"

Cai Dingkun spoke.


"The patient's symptoms haven't improved yet. If he is discharged like this, will it be...?"

The doctor advised.

"Could it be that if you keep him here, you can cure him?"

Cai Dingkun asked back angrily.


The doctor was also speechless.


They have absolutely no idea how to treat Cai Quansheng.

In this case.

It would be better to let him out of the hospital!

In a villa.

After being discharged from hospital.

Cai Quansheng sat quietly on the sofa.

He closed his eyes slightly, and a series of very terrifying pictures flashed before his eyes.



Bull-headed horse noodles!


He screamed.

Then, his body trembled uncontrollably: "Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Beside Cai Quansheng.

Two people stood quietly.

One is Cai Dingkun, and the other is a short and fat man.

"My father has become like this since that night. Master, look, can you do anything to save him?"

Cai Dingkun looked at the short and fat man.

The short and fat man observed for a while, and two rays of light shot out of his small triangular eyes.

Soon, he replied firmly: "Boss Cai has lost his soul!"

"Lost your soul?"

Cai Dingkun frowned.

"That's right, I just lost my soul!"

The man repeated it firmly.

Lost soul.

Of course Cai Dingkun has heard of it.

This is a common folk saying.

Generally, if a child suddenly develops a fever or becomes unconscious, the hospital has no other options.

Your family will think you have lost your soul!


This situation usually occurs in children!

How could an adult appear?

The man seemed to see what Cai Dingkun was thinking, so he explained in a deep voice.

"Actually, the phenomenon of losing one's soul may not be limited to children. If some adults are extremely frightened, it is entirely possible for them to experience such a situation!"

"For example, my father, he saw a very scary scene. In the words of doctors, it can be understood that the brain has activated its self-protection mechanism!"

The man spoke eloquently.

But Cai Dingkun on the side listened, still somewhat disbelieving in his heart.

after all.

He didn’t see it with his own eyes either!

Of course I don’t know whether this person’s words are true or false!

The man smiled mysteriously: "Of course! If you don't believe it, I can cure your father right now!"

Cai Dingkun's eyes lit up: "Really? Thank you so much!"

This man was a corpse exterminator whom he found through his connections.

That is the so-called walking master.

It is said that this walking master is a man of great ability!

Seeing his unattractive appearance, Cai Dingkun was always doubtful!

And now.

The man actually said that he could cure Cai Quansheng directly.

This certainly makes Cai Dingkun very happy.

I saw the man coming to Cai Quansheng.

He took out a paper charm from his pocket and stuck it on Cai Quansheng's forehead.

Suddenly, Cai Quansheng, who was not quite noisy at first, suddenly became quiet.

Cai Dingkun looked like this.

I was originally dissatisfied with what the man did.

Because he felt that the act of sticking a talisman on his father's forehead looked like the zombies on TV.

Somewhat disrespectful.

Thinking of this man's identity, Cai Dingkun wondered if he really treated his father like a zombie?

Therefore, he was preparing to find an argument with the other party.

But when he saw his father, he immediately became quiet.

As soon as it reached my mouth, I swallowed it back.

He felt that this person might really be capable!

The man began to circle in front of Cai Quansheng.

While walking in circles, he was still mumbling something.

Finally, he pointed his finger at Cai Quansheng’s forehead: “Go home!”

A scream came out.

And Cai Quansheng's body trembled violently.

The man took off the talisman again.

With a wave of his hand, the talisman instantly burned to ashes.

He did not waste the talisman and poured it into a water glass.

Then he took out a gourd from the cloth bag at his waist.

Pour some water from the gourd, stir it with your fingers, and hand the cup to Cai Quansheng.

"Boss Cai, drink it!"

At this time, Cai Quansheng still looked like he was in a daze.

His eyes were empty, like a zombie.

But I listened to the man.

He just took the water glass and drank all the water in the glass.

Cai Dingkun watched silently.

A heart also raised to the throat.

After he was underwater, Cai Quansheng's originally empty and dull eyes finally regained their former look.


"What's wrong?".

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