I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 98 New Mission, Bloody Rainy Night! (Please Subscribe, Please Customize)


"How about we adopt a child!"

"They are so pitiful. I don't want their childhood to be filled with memories like this!"

In the hospital.

Hua Chen suddenly looked at Qiao Mingsen beside him.


Qiao Mingsen was stunned.

It seems that the decision made by his wife was somewhat unexpected.

But accidents are accidents, and this is actually what he had in mind.

Although my child has not been found yet.

But there are still so many children here!

Some of them had difficulty finding their families for a while.

Some are even directly orphans!

This made Qiao Mingsen feel a sense of compassion in his heart.

I think I can adopt a child.

Treat them well as you would your own children!


He didn't know how to talk to his wife before.

But what he didn't expect was that his wife actually said it before him.

This makes many problems no longer a problem!

So, Kun Mingsen said to Hua Chen, "This is exactly what I was thinking!"

Hua Chen felt very excited: "Really? That's great!"


Accompanied by a doctor, they chose a very well-behaved and lovely girl to adopt.

The girl was only lame in one leg.

Compared to most beggars here, they are already very lucky.

Before she was caught by Zhang Xifa, she was an orphan herself.

I have lived with my grandparents since I was a child.

Later, after my grandparents passed away, I wandered around alone.

Therefore, Hua Chen felt very pitiful for her.

He decided to adopt her.

As for the other children, although they did not adopt them, they did not just leave them alone.

Qiao Mingsen himself has a good family background.

He has several profitable companies under his name.

So, he thought of a way.

A large number of daily necessities are specially purchased for welfare institutions every month, which is essentially responsible for the food and daily life of these children.

Including their medical expenses in the hospital, Qiao Mingsen is solely responsible for them!

But no matter how much he did.

In fact, Qiao Mingsen's heart has never been able to calm down.

Because he felt that these children had suffered too much!

Moreover, my child has not been found yet.

Maybe only by doing more of these things can you feel better inside!

But even so.

There is still no way to heal the injuries of those children.

Even if Qiao Mingsen tried every means, there was no way he could do it.

This made him feel deeply guilty!

But a few days later.

There is good news from the hospital!

That is the injuries of some children, who are recovering slowly!

Whether it's an interrupted calf or a broken arm, they are slowly recovering!

Some children whose eyes were poked blind also received suitable transplant organs.

Except for those who have lost their hands and feet, there is really no way.

The other kids.

The injuries on his body that were originally considered incurable are now gradually recovering.

Even the doctors at the hospital found it incredible!

Let them have no idea what's going on!

Qiao Mingsen was of course overjoyed when he heard the news.

He believed that there must be some divine blessing from somewhere.

Otherwise, how could such a miracle happen?

As for some children who are indeed left with lifelong disabilities, Qiao Mingsen will also find ways to install prosthetics for them so that they can return to a normal life as much as possible.

Of course.

Qiao Mingsen’s story spread online.

It also received enthusiastic support from netizens!

There were already people planning to donate.

Now, more people are donating!

In addition to donations, there are many people who use their abilities to help these children.

For example, some bosses in the field of medical equipment and prosthetics got in touch with Qiao Mingsen.

They can provide these children with prosthetics and other things for free.

This is really great news for children!

Although they suffered a lot of torture and pain before, they will always get better and better in the future.

they do not know.

In fact, Zhou Chen was silently blessing all of this behind the scenes.

In the ward.

Zhou Chen was also silently observing their situation through the system.

This made Zhou Chen feel a hint of warmth in his heart.

The Wei Zheng template has not been activated yet.

But based on the current situation, we can get a glimpse of the capabilities of Wei Zheng's template!

have to say.

Wei Zheng deserves to be one of the four great judges.

Although it has not been activated yet, this little power alone is enough for him to bring great help to those victims!

In order to activate the Wei Zheng template as soon as possible.

Zhou Chen once again opened the book of sins.

New tasks are presented!

[Task Code: Bloody Rainy Night]

[Target: Hu Wenming. 】

[Reward: 50,000 merit points (merit points can be exchanged for items in the mall, and can be exchanged for money at 1:100)]

[Death limit: within one week. 】

[Target introduction: Hu Wenming, male, forty years old, he is an unsuccessful taxi driver. 】

【In the eyes of neighbors and outsiders, he is a sleepy and honest worker.

[But on rainy nights, he turns into a butcher, harvesting lives sickly and ruthlessly. 】

[After assaulting the woman who got into his car, he brutally killed her. 】

[These include stewardesses, dancers, students, and even a mother and daughter...]

[While the detectives were investigating, he dug out some broken bones, buried the murder weapon and the bones in the backyard of a mentally retarded villager in the same village, and framed the case. 】

【Causing innocent people to die, he himself escaped punishment. 】

Finished reading the mission description.

More information and pictures poured into Zhou Chen's mind!

Rainy night.

a street.

A woman was standing at the roadside bus stop waiting.

Now, there are no late buses.

It was still raining heavily and there were very few taxis on the road.

She just checked the taxi app and found that many taxis were very busy.

It took me a long time and no one took the order!

This made her anxious.

If you go back late, your husband will definitely be worried again!

As a last resort.

She could only fall back to her old ways.

Just put out your hand to stop the car on the roadside!

at this time.

A video was sent.

"Baby, are you back? I've already made dinner~!"

It was my husband.

In the video, he introduced the dishes on the table with a smile on his face.

Steaming hot!

Very rich!

My husband is not handsome, but he is a very good person.

Not only does he respect himself very much, he is also a very warm-hearted man.

Her name is Yin Yueru.

And her husband is named Ning Hua.

Today is their first wedding anniversary.

She even forgot about it, but when she was about to get off work, her husband sent a message asking her to go home early.

There is a big surprise waiting for her at home!

It made her feel warm.

"I'm waiting for the bus! Maybe it's because of the rain today. It's hard to wait for the bus!"

Yin Yueru also took a video of her environment.

To reassure her husband.

"Okay, I'll wait for you!"

Ning Hua replied again.

At this moment, a taxi drove up through the rain curtain in the distance.

Yin Yueru noticed quickly.

That car had an empty car light on it!

She immediately became interested and stopped the car with her hand!

She originally thought that this car would not pick her up.

But didn't expect it.

The car slowly stopped in front of her.

The car window rolled down, and a head poked out: "Miss, get in the car!"

Yin Yueru was a little excited.

It’s not easy!

She quickly opened the door and sat down in the back seat.

"Miss, where are you going?"

the driver asked.

“Go to Century Garden Community!”

Yin Yueru replied.

"Okay, you're done!"

The driver was very cheerful and just stepped on the accelerator to the bottom.


The car sped away.

Finally getting in the car made Ming Yueru feel relieved!


Even so.

Yin Yueru still sent a message to her husband.

She said that she had already got in the car and would be home in about twenty minutes, which reassured her husband!


Ning Hua responded with an OK expression.

After doing all this, Yin Yueru plugged in the headphones.

She worked all day and was really tired.

I closed my eyes, leaned back and listened to the music.


But she didn't know.

What awaits me is not the meal that her husband has already prepared.

But a terrible nightmare!

The car drove for a while.

Yin Yueru estimated that the time was almost up.

She opened her eyes and planned to see where the car was.

But when she looked out the window, she seemed to notice something was wrong.

Now this car doesn’t seem to be heading towards my home road!

Outside the window is a desolate scene.

Apparently we came to a very remote place!

"Master (Qian Zhao), master, are you going the wrong way?"

Yin Yueru asked.

But the driver didn’t answer!


An unknown feeling surged up in her heart.

It is precisely because of this.

Yin Yueru took out her mobile phone and said nervously: "Master driver, why did you take me to such a remote place? Tell me quickly, or I will call the police!"

After all, she is just a single woman.

It is indeed very scary to be taken to a place like this by a strange driver at night!


The driver still didn't answer.

Yin Yueru doesn’t want to wait any longer!

Because she is a very vigilant person!

Since the driver didn't want to say anything, he quickly informed the police.

In this way, you can also ensure your own safety!

But what she didn't expect was.

When she was about to dial the number, she found that her phone had no signal!

"W-What the hell is going on here?"

Yin Yueru felt incredible.

Although this place is very remote, where is there no signal now?

It’s not like there is no signal at all!


The driver stopped the car.

This made her heart skip a beat.

Through the rearview mirror, she noticed a very strange and sinister smile on the driver's face.

Like a demon from hell!

It gives people an extremely terrifying feeling!

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