I, The Judge Of The Underworld, Can Determine Life And Death Based On Sin!

Chapter 99 Missing Wife, Missing Daughter! (Please Subscribe)

"W-what do you want to do?"

"I advise you not to have any random thoughts, otherwise I will call the police!"

Yin Yueru said tremblingly again.

"Call the police? I installed a signal jammer in the car. Do you think your approach will be useful in front of me?"

The driver turned around.

At this moment, lightning flashed outside the car window.


Brighten up the dark car interior.

And Yin Yueru finally saw the other party's face clearly.


She couldn't help but be surprised.

Obviously, he recognized this person's identity.

This is exactly the same taxi driver who has been reported on local TV and online!

Hu Wenming.

Yin Yueru vaguely remembered.

At that time, a customer left his wallet in the taxi.

Hu Wenming, who had lost his money, just stayed at the place where passengers got off the bus, waiting to return his wallet to others.

In the eyes of people around you.

He is a very honest and honest person, even a little dull!

But now…………

But why did he become like a demon?

This is too strange!


Now is not the time for her to care about these things.

The most important thing she should do now is to find a way to get out of here!

Think of this.

She immediately took off her high heels.

Hold it in your hand as a weapon!

"Don't come over. If you come over, I will, I will..."

Yin Yueru was even a little incoherent.

But Hu Wenming was not afraid at all.

Instead, he got out of the driver's seat with a smirk on his face.

Then, he came to Yin Yueru's side.

Stretch out your hand to open the car door.

Yin Yueru was frightened.

She hurriedly got out of the car door on the other side and ran towards the distance without looking back!

In her opinion.

It seems that as long as you try your best, you will be able to escape from the opponent's clutches!

The rain was still pouring down outside.

Yin Yueru doesn’t care about anything else!

She allowed the road to be muddy and the heavy rain to obscure her vision.

Even 550, one foot accidentally tripped on a stone.

She still struggled to hold herself up and wanted to continue escaping from this terrible place!

An originally fashionable and beautiful urban beauty.

At this time, it has become synonymous with embarrassment and desolation!


Hu Wenming sneered.

He approached step by step, not giving Yin Yueru a chance to escape.

At this moment.

Yin Yueru's leg had been cut by a stone.

"Please, spare me."

"My family has money, I can give you some money!"

Yin Yueru cried so hard that the pear blossoms brought rain.

But unfortunately, Hu Wenming didn't care at all.

When Yin Yueru has no way to escape, she will only be violated by Hu Wenming!

Screams and shouts.

One after another in places like this.

But it's a pity.

No matter how hard she struggled, there would be no chance.

Because the more this happens, the more arrogant Hu Wenming becomes!

And there was loud thunder and rain.

It was again in a deserted wilderness, completely covering up Yin Yueru's cry for help.

When Hu Wenming stood up.

Yin Yueru's eyes were empty and lifeless, completely turning into a walking zombie!

She is a conservative person.

After encountering something like this, I didn't know how to face my husband's doctor.

I don’t know how to face the next life.

But soon.

Hu Wenming seemed to give her an answer quickly.

Because Hu Wenming had no intention of letting her go!

I saw him pick up a stone, and then hit Yin Yueru on the head.


Yin Yueru groaned.

He rolled his eyes and fainted completely.

And next.

Hu Wenming didn't stop at all.

His offensive hit Yin Yueru on the head again and again.

Soon, blood flowed out!

Yin Yueru was not breathing.

Hu Wenming's eyes only showed an extremely cold look.

There is no doubt that he did not take any of this seriously.

It was as if all this was already familiar to him!

He wasn't worried about leaving a mark.

Because before committing the crime, he had already made a very careful plan!


In this rainy night.

Hu Wenming disposed of the body.

When everything was done, he went back to his home to sleep with confidence!

On the other side of the city.

In a high-end apartment.

Zhang Huihong was sitting at the dining table waiting quietly.

He is waiting for the return of his wife Yin Yueru.


He has been waiting for a long time.

The wife still didn't come back.


Even if it rains heavily today, it has been more than an hour now, so my wife should be home by now, right?

Why isn't there even a shadow?

This made Zhang Huihong feel a little uneasy.

Could it be that something happened to my wife?

He quickly called Yin Yueru.

However, no one answered.

Send a message to Yin Yueru.

No one replied.

Get up and come to the window,

Looking at the pouring rain outside the window and the mottled neon lights downstairs.

Zhang Huihong's heart also jumped.

the other side.

In an ordinary community house.

With a thunder.

The woman who was sleeping in the bed suddenly woke up.

At the same time, she let out an exclamation.

And this exclamation also woke up her husband who was sleeping next to her.

"What's wrong?"

the husband asked.

"I-I dreamed about our daughter."

"She stood in front of me covered in blood, crying and told me, Mom, I'm cold, I'm so cold..."

"I asked her where are you?"

"She said I was in the water, I was so cold, please pick me up quickly..."

"While she was talking, her eyes began to bleed, her mouth began to bleed, and her whole body began to bleed!"

"The blood flowed and flowed, drowning me like a river!"

"Lao Guo, do you think Wenwen is entrusting me with a dream..."

My wife's voice was choked with sobs.


"Wenwen has been missing for more than a month, and she hasn't even been found yet. Maybe, I'll go to the Public Security Bureau tomorrow to ask..."

The man sighed.

Of course he didn't think this was his daughter's dream.

Moreover, even if the daughter is asking for a dream, this thing cannot be used as a clue. (bgeh)

The Sheriff's Department won't believe it!

Could it be that the daughter was killed and thrown into the river?

But there are so many rivers in the world? Where will she be?

You can’t let the Public Security Bureau search all rivers across the country, right?

But no matter what.

The man decided to go to the Sheriff's Department tomorrow to have a look.

Ever since her daughter disappeared, my wife has been so nagging that she is often woken up in the middle of the night by being frightened!

If you don't find a way to solve this problem, your wife's situation will definitely not get better.

As the saying goes.

If you want to see someone alive, you want to see their corpse if they die.

Although he didn't want anything to happen to his daughter, he still wanted to know what happened to his daughter!

"Go to sleep, go to sleep, it's getting late!"

Think of this.

The man comforted his wife a few more words.

The woman lay down.

Turning off the light, the man also lay down.

But he could no longer sleep.

I could only listen to the sound of rain and thunder, staring at the ceiling with my eyes blankly.

In a daze.

He seemed to have seen his daughter too!


Everything seems to be just illusion!

The next day.

Zhang Huihong reported the case.

The Sheriff's Department accepted the case.

They noticed that in the recent period.

The city is receiving reports of missing women one after another.

The identity of the missing person has not been fixed.

There are professionals, nightclub women, and students.

Most of the places where women disappear are in remote surveillance blind spots.

This made the investigation by the Sheriff's Department quite troublesome.

The only thing they have in common.

That is, these victims all disappeared on rainy nights!

However, they are not completely clueless.

Such as this time.

They discovered some clues!

Yin Yueru disappeared at a bus stop.

The bus stops must be monitored!

Therefore, the Public Security Department directly called in the monitoring of the station.

They discovered that Qiru had gotten into a taxi.

However, due to the angle, the taxi driver's face was not shown in the surveillance.

However, because the license plate number is very clear. In fact, the Public Security Department can still easily investigate who the driver is through this clue!

The Public Security Department attaches great importance to it!

They believe that if they follow this clue, they will find out.

This case will definitely come to light.

By then, even some other disappearance cases will definitely be able to make new discoveries!

It is precisely because of this.

People from the Public Security Department began to investigate along the clues.


They found it at the taxi company.

This car belongs to a driver named Hu Wenming!

When they found this person, they were all in disbelief!

Same as Yin Yueru.

in their impression.

Hu Wenming is an honest and dull person, it is impossible for him to do such a thing!

After all, Hu Wenming is also someone who has been on TV.

The detectives were still somewhat impressed.

Later, they thought that their understanding of Hu Wenming was wrong?

So he quietly visited some colleagues in his company, villagers around his residence, etc.

It was discovered that Hu Jianming was indeed what they said.

He seems to be a very low-key person!

But even so.

The Sheriff’s Department doesn’t intend to let go of this clue either!

Because they knew that Hu Wenming must have some unknown secrets!

Surveillance video doesn't lie!

Therefore, the Public Security Department decided to contact Hu Wenming personally.

See what's going on with him!

When the Public Security Department contacted Hu Wenming, they noticed that Hu Wenming did not actually drive out last night.

He said that he has always had the habit of not leaving the car on rainy days.

Because he hates rain!

Not to mention the car, I don’t even bother to go out!

at this point.

Many people can indeed confirm it!

This is something everyone knows in Hu Wenming’s village!

For a while.

The case seems to be at an impasse.

"Director, come and see!"

That's when.

A young detective discovers a clue.

They came to Hu Wenming's taxi and found that there were many wet mud kings living in Hu Wenming's taxi.

This means that the car was driven out last night!

Because it was a rainy night last night!

Moreover, there were muddy footprints on the car.

But this footprint does not lead to Hu Wenming's house.

But there is another place!

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