Cheng Banxian after coming to a conclusion.

Without the slightest hesitation, he looked up at the towering residential buildings around him.

I took out the mobile phone in my pocket and dialed the call.

"Hey, Manager Lian, is it?"

"I'm here in Building Three, so please come here. "

After all that's said.

Cheng Banxian put away his mobile phone, turned his head to look at Su Yu and Lao Lin and explained.

"A neighborhood like this. "

"There must be extremely strict precautions. "

"We can't get in alone, so we still have to find their property. "

Less than three minutes passed.

I saw a middle-aged man in a suit with a big belly trotting all the way.

While running, he waved at Su Yu and the three of them, shouting.

"Master Cheng, why don't you tell me why you're here. "

"I'm sorry to keep you three masters waiting here for so long. "

For this sentence.

No one will believe it at all.

It is estimated that when they entered this community, the three of them were already under the surveillance of the camera.

Cheng Banxian just smiled and didn't expose it.

He pointed to Building No. 3 beside him and said.

"Okay, don't say so many polite words. "

"I want to go into this building and have a look, even the manager, you can help me open it." "

Manager Lian, who was smiling, hesitated for a few seconds and said.

"Originally, we had to apply for access to these four houses. "

"But it's a special thing. "

"I'm going to open the door for the three masters. "

Although Manager Lian is obese, his movements are very neat.

Stride up to the gate and first look at a monitor with your eyes.

With a 'click'.

The door lock on the first floor is forbidden to open, and a password fingerprint lock pops up.

Manager Lian pressed his finger on the fingerprint sensor lock again, quite proud.

"The various anti-theft measures of our dragon and phoenix products can be said to be the best in the whole Gusu, and there is no one. "

"The cost of this upstairs lock alone is at least seven figures. "

"It's directly linked to the police system, and anyone who tries to open the door will be recorded. "

"No thief has dared to come to us. "


A clearer unlocking sounded.

Manager Lian pulled the door open, bent down and stretched out his hand to the three.

"Three masters, you can come in. "

"This is the elevator hall of our building, and there is a walking elevator next to it. "

Cheng Banxian walked in front and stepped into the room.

Just walked in.

Cheng Banxian felt a cold air coming towards him, making him goosebumps straighten up.

followed by Su Yu and Lao Lin.

Feeling the yin qi around him, he quickly narrowed his eyes.

Even the manager hurriedly explained when he saw the three of them like this.

"We used the latest insulation for this building. "

"It has a natural effect of being warm in winter and cool in summer, so it's normal to feel a little cold now. "

The three of them exchanged glances with each other.

I have a bottom in my heart.

Cheng Banxian snorted coldly with an expressionless face.

"I'm afraid it's not as simple as being warm in winter and cool in summer. "

"Alright, let's go to the second floor and have a look. "

As soon as the words fell.

Cheng Banxian took out the mountain and sea compass and walked towards the walking ladder with his feet raised.

Manager Lian asked in amazement.

"Master Cheng, aren't you taking the elevator?"

Cheng Banxian glanced at Manager Lian, did not answer, and continued to walk upstairs.

Manager Lian then looked bitter.

But he could only drag his two-hundred-pound body and follow behind.

Ground floor.

Second floor.

Third floor.


Nineteenth floor.

All the way from the first floor to the nineteenth floor.

Cheng Banxian finally stopped.

Look at the direction pointed in the compass.

He asked Manager Lian, who was sweating profusely.

"Have there been any major problems with the residents on this floor?"

Even the manager was a little out of strength at this time, and his mouth was dry and he looked at the floor sign next to the wall.

Suddenly, his face changed suddenly, and he replied timidly.

"This, this. "

"The residents of this floor, before last month, did not know what was going on. "

"A good person, suddenly died. "

After hearing this answer.

Cheng Banxian also thought silently for a moment, and then walked upstairs again.

Twentieth floor.

Twenty-first floor.


Thirty floors.

Cheng Banxian stared at the mountain and sea compass, stopped again, and asked.

"Residents of this floor, what happened before?"

After climbing more than 30 stairs in a row, Manager Lian's face was already as pale as gold paper.

Holding on to the railing, he gasped for a few breaths before replying.

"The hostess of this floor was murdered more than ten days ago. "

Lao Lin suddenly had some doubts, looked at Manager Lian and asked.

"Didn't you say that the security here is the best in Gusu?"

"How can there still be homicides?"

Manager Lian showed a somewhat embarrassed look and explained.

"We're good at it. "

"But I can't stop the owner from luring the wolf into the house by himself. "

"Even now, I don't know who this murderer is, it's as if he has evaporated out of thin air. "

The yin and yang gossip in Su Yu's eyes gradually dissipated, and he asked in a cold voice.

"It's outrageous that you can still act like no one else when this happens. "

Manager Lian sighed helplessly, looked left and right a few times, and then put his hand to his mouth and whispered.

"Actually, we people are also beating drums in our hearts. "

"But there was no way, the big boss said that no matter what happened, everything was with him. "

"Our big boss is also the developer of Longfeng Yipin, and our property is naturally under his hands. "

Actually, we can understand what he meant. "

"After all, just for now. "

"This place is more than just a place to live, it's a status symbol. "

"The people who live in it are also people with heads and faces. "

"If it really gets into trouble. "

"That's a big problem. "

"So we can only pretend that nothing happens. "

"Cover up as much as possible. "

"Even the owners who live in the community may not know what has happened in the past two months. "

"That's what I'm secretly telling you three masters. "

"Someone else. "

"I don't dare to say a word. "

After Manager Lian said these rather secret words, he looked at Cheng Banxian and asked.

"Master Cheng, do you still plan to go up?"

Cheng Banxian put away the mountain and sea compass.

After glancing at Su Yu and Lao Lin, he replied in a cold tone.

"No need. "

"I've found the problem. "

"You big boss, you're really bold. "

"Even now, I dare to fight. "

"Living Human Blood Stake !!"

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