Living human blood piles.

These four words alone are combined.

It's extremely weird and terrifying.

Manager Lian suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, and hurriedly asked.

"Cheng, Master Cheng, what are you talking about the blood pile of living people, what do you mean?"

In fact, it's not just even managers.

Even Su Yu and Lao Lin were a little puzzled when they heard the blood pile of the living.

Cheng Banxian exhaled a long breath, glanced around at the three of them, and explained.

"It's normal for you to not know the blood pile of the living. "

"Because this is an extremely vicious technique in our Feng Shui lineage. "

"When I was cultivating tall buildings. "

"A living person is cut on the left and right wrists, coagulant, and then thrown into a cement-filled foundation. "

"When you just throw it in, you don't die right away, you struggle in the cement. "

"As the struggle becomes more intense, the blood will flow more dramatically from the arteries in the wrists that have been cut. "

"Because of the anticoagulant effect, the blood will never clot on its own. "

"Until finally, because of the blood drained, he began to go into shock, and the whole person suffocated to death in the cement. "

"Blood can also stain the cement scarlet, which is extremely terrifying. "

When Manager Lian heard this, his whole body trembled, and he muttered in disbelief.

"Impossible, impossible. "

"Master Cheng, are you mistaken? "

"How could this be, impossible, impossible. "

Cheng Banxian snorted coldly, staring at the frightened Manager Lian and said sharply.

"It's impossible, you'll find out when you see it. "

"Su Yu, you should have the blood to bring the Yin Lines, right?"

"Lend me one. "

Su Yu didn't hesitate at all after hearing this, took out a jade bottle from his pocket and handed it to Cheng Banxian.

Cheng Banxian took it and walked to the wall on the side.

Directly unscrewed the cap of the bottle, and poured the scarlet blood in the bottle on the wall.

After a few seconds.

The liquid slid down the walls, splashing on the floor.

Manager Lian, who had already been frightened, saw that there was no strange situation.

Relaxed a little, he asked softly in a happy tone.

"Master Cheng, are you mistaken, I don't think there is any problem. "

Cheng Banxian glanced at Manager Lian, directly slapped the mountain and sea compass on the ground, and drank in a low voice.

"Feng Shui gossip, yin and yang five elements. "

"Death's door. "

"Open. "

He didn't say any mantras, he just opened the door to death.

Right now!

Mutation sudden!!

Three incomparably terrifying human faces suddenly appeared on the blood-stained walls.

opened his mouth and roared at the four people, and his expression was extremely resentful and terrifying.

The wind howled.

The ghost howled and roared.

The energy-saving lamps used for ceiling lighting are also flickering strangely.

This picture.

is more terrifying and thrilling than any horror movie.

Even the manager was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground.

His mouth grew and trembled like chaff, revealing a look of disbelief.

I want to speak, but I can only make a hoarse voice.

Seeing this, Cheng Banxian slowly put away the mountain and sea compass pressed on the ground, and said in a cold tone.


"These are the evil spirits that are used as stakes for the blood of the living. "

"Under the medium of the blood of the supreme yin vein, it is revealed. "

"The three faces that just appeared, representing three people, died under this building. "

"In fact, as soon as the three of us walked into this building, we all felt an incomparably majestic yin qi and resentment. "

"And the yin qi of each layer is weak. "

"This shows that there is something wrong with not one family, but the whole building. "

"When I reached the nineteenth and thirtieth floors, the compass of the mountains and seas in my hand rotated back and forth between the door of life and the door of death. "

This means that during this time, the door of death must have been opened. "

"Opening the door of death means harming someone, and this is the case in an entire building. "

"Then with the feng shui pattern we see in the community, the identity of the owners of the community is slightly inferred. "

"The incomparably vicious spell of the living human blood pile jumped out of my mind directly. "

"Even Manager. "

"Do you think I'm still mistaken?"

Even the manager was covered in cold sweat, his face was pale, and he couldn't say a word for a long time, let alone answer Cheng Banxian.

But an ordinary person would see such a terrifying scene.

No matter how bold you are.

For a while, it will definitely be so frightened that the three souls will tremble, and the seven spirits will tremble.

Lao Lin looked at this situation, exhaled a breath of turbidity, and asked out loud.

"Cheng Banxian, according to the current point of view, this kind of thing should be extremely vicious. "

"It stands to reason that if you use it to build a building, you will inevitably attract evil spirits, and you will encounter evil spirits asking for your life. "

"What was his purpose in building this?"

Facing Lao Lin's doubts.

Cheng Banxian was also very clear in his heart, and explained in a deep voice.

"Lao Lin, this is what you don't know. "

"Feng Shui is a vein, and the doorway is very deep. "

"The extremes of things must be reversed. "

"You've probably heard of it, too. "

"This kind of human blood pile is to use extremely evil and poisonous techniques to accumulate the resentment of those who died in vain. "

And through the feng shui pattern, those grievances are transformed into wealth. "

"We just walked around the neighborhood and we found out. "

"The objects placed around and even the feng shui pattern of the green plants are presented as suppression and sealing. "

That's why we said at that time, 150,000 square meters is not expensive. "

"Now it seems. "

"I'm afraid that someone has instructed you to suppress the resentment of these ghosts who have been made into human blood piles. "

"To accumulate wealth, to gather wealth. "

"I can even speculate on a possibility. "

"The reason why the house is sold so expensive, it still makes so many people flock to it. "

"There may be this kind of rumor. "

"Otherwise. "

"Everyone's money is not blowing in the wind, so why pay 10 times more than the market price to buy a house here. "

"If not, there is a feng shui Jedi of dragon burial and phoenix fall here, which has inspired the resentment of these evil spirits. "

"Invalidate the town-guarding pattern in the community. "

"I'm afraid that this matter will be buried under these four high-rise buildings for the rest of my life, and no one will know about it. "

After Cheng Banxian's words were finished.

Even the manager had already reacted from the loss of his soul, and he asked with only a glimmer of hope.

"Master Cheng, do you want to go to other floors to have a look? "

"Let's make sure again!"

Cheng Banxian waved his own, his eyes narrowed, and his face was extremely cold.

"No need to go any further. "

"Call your big boss directly. "

"I'd like to see. "

"Is it a dragon crossing the river or a snake on the ground. "

"Dare to do such a sinister thing!!"

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