In the blink of an eye.

The situation was suddenly reversed.

Chen Song, who was originally arrogant and ruthless.

At this point, he couldn't control his facial expressions.

The expression is timid, and the two strands are trembling.

looked at Su Yu who came with an expressionless face.

and bodyguards lying on the ground around him, not knowing if they are still alive.

He swallowed in disbelief, his forehead covered with cold sweat.

Su Yu's horror was far beyond his imagination.

Now him.

More like a prey than a hunter.

The next second.

In the midst of incomparable panic and fear.

Chen Song took out the hidden pistol from his waist, raised it and roared at Su Yu.

"Stand back!"

"Stand back!"

"Or I'll shoot!!"

This is its final hole card.

Because Chen Song, who knew that he had done a lot of evil things, was worried about the revenge of the enemy.

At all times, he had a pistol pinned to his waist.

In this day and age.

In a sense.

Firearms are the strongest weapons.

But Su Yu didn't pay any attention to Chen Song's warning.

still walked forward, and the corners of his mouth showed a mocking color.

Despite holding a pistol.

Chen Song's trembling hand was unveiled, but it exposed his stubble.

Now Su Yu.

It's really scary.

Those red eyes were like lone wolves ready for revenge in the wilderness.

Chen Song's face turned blue because of fear, and his knuckles were even more pale because he was clenching the pistol.

looked at Su Yu, who was already less than five meters away, yelled angrily, and pulled the trigger hard.

"You step on a horse, give me death!!"

"Boom ————"

A violent roar suddenly rang out.

Blood splattered and severed fingers flew sideways.


Chen Song howled in pain as if his heart was rending.

Exploding !!

And the borehole was not because of the firearm at all.

He saw it with his own eyes.

Just when the trigger was pulled.

Half an iron rod was thrown out of Su Yu's hand and smashed towards the muzzle of the gun.

That's the blow.

Directly led to the explosion of the pistol.

At this time, the iron rod fell in front of him, and there were blackened burn marks on it.

I can react at such a close distance.

You also need to smash the pistol with precision.

to this extent.

It's not something that a normal person can do at all.

Looking at the blurred flesh and blood, with only three fingers left in his right palm, Chen Song's face was pale and speechless.

Ten fingers to heart.

Pain into the bone marrow.

This hand.

It's already scrapped.

Holding back the pain, he looked at Su Yu, who was still expressionless and walking step by step.

Chen Song couldn't afford to have the slightest idea of resistance in his heart.

Gritting his teeth, he lifted his somewhat limp legs and ran towards the walking ladder in a panic.


At this point, it was his only thought.

As long as you can get out of here.

With his financial resources, he can recruit more bodyguards.

If eight people can't subdue Su Yu.

Then look for eighty !!

Since pistols don't work.

Then use an automatic rifle!!

In Chen Song's heart.

No matter how strong a person is, he is as small as a mustard in front of money.

But the premise of all this is.

Escape alive from here.

Chen Song fled in the direction of the walking ladder.

His location was close to the walking ladder.

It was only three steps to the top of the staircase, and just as it was about to jump straight down against all odds.

Su Yu's ghost-like figure flashed.

Appears on the side of Chen Song.

Kick out !!

The huge force instantly swept from Chen Song's ribs to his whole body.

Chen Song's eyes widened, and he coughed up blood in his mouth.

Like a kite with a broken string, it slammed straight into the wall and slid to the ground.

I don't know how many ribs were broken, there was blood foaming between my lips and teeth, and the smell of blood in my throat overflowed.

Su Yu walked in front of Chen Song and looked at it condescendingly, the red glow in his eyes flashed, and the killing intent burst out.

At this moment, Chen Song felt what true death meant.

He no longer cares about the pain in his internal organs, and is about to raise his head and beg for mercy.

Su Yu stretched out his foot and stepped on Chen Song's head hard.

"Knock ————"

The sound of a violent thump between the skull and the ground rang out.

Su Yu's eyes were extremely cold, and he said in a cold voice.

"I said it. "

"Put your head under my feet. "

Hit so hard.

Chen Song's mind was dazed, and he was about to fall unconscious.

A sharp pain hit.

Feeling Su Yu's head stepping on his head getting harder and harder, he broke down and cried.

"Master Su, Master Su. "

"Spare my life, spare my life. "

"I have money, I have money. "

"I have a billion, please spare me, spare me. "

Su Yu shook his head and stared at Chen Songdao with the eyes of a dead man.

"It seems that you still don't understand. "

"Money. "

"You can never buy a life. "

"Got it?"

Stepping on the right foot on Chen Song's head, his strength became stronger and stronger.

Bones and floors squeeze and collide.

A tooth-aching 'gurgling' sound is emitted.

It's like the next second.

Chen Song's head will burst like a rotten watermelon.

Right now.

Cheng Banxian stepped forward and grabbed Su Yu's shoulder, shook his head and said.

"Wait, Su Yu. "

"Although he deserves death, it is not good for us to stain human life with our own hands. "

"Devoured by ghosts. "

"In the agony of life is worse than death, die slowly. "

That's how he deserves to end. "

Hearing Cheng Banxian's words.

Su Yu's scarlet eyes gradually dissipated, and after nodding, he removed his right foot from Chen Song's head.

Even now.

Chen Song still did not give up hope of life, looked at Cheng Banxian's position, and shouted weakly.

"Master Cheng, help me. "

"I was wrong. "

"I knew I was wrong. "

"Spare my life. "

"I'll give you all the money, all for you. "

"Please, please..."

Cheng Banxian didn't pay attention to Chen Song's pleas for mercy at all, and his face showed disdain.

Even now.

Chen Song still wants to use money to buy his life.

Cheng Banxian poured all the remaining scarlet blood in the bottle on the wall.

Dial the compass of the mountains and seas, and chant.

"Do good deeds and good fortune will not cease, if you do evil deeds, you will surely die, people are not grass mustards, money is immeasurable, people are not beasts, do not kill your own kind." "

"The wronged have a head, the debtor has a master, and the wicked have their own harvest; "

"Southwest Death Gate, open!"

"Demons manifest!"

With Cheng Banxian Dharma, the recitation was completed.

The evil ghost spirits that were originally suppressed under the foundation and made into human blood piles rushed out of the wall in an instant.

Rushed towards Chen Song on the ground.

The sharp ghost teeth were aimed at Chen Song's body, and the soul kept gnawing.

This pain.

It's better to live than to die!

Ten times more painful than before, a hundred times more painful!!

Chen Song screamed miserably, rolling back and forth on the ground, roaring viciously.

"I hate. "

"I hate it!"

"Even if I am a ghost, I will not let it go..."

It's not done yet.

The sound stopped abruptly...

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