The yin qi is surging, and the ghosts are roaring.

It's less than ten seconds.

Chen Song, who was lying on the ground and kept rolling, had disappeared, leaving no trace.

It's not just flesh and blood.

Even the soul was eaten by the ghosts.

See this.

Cheng Banxian shook his head and said with a mocking look on his face.

"Still want to be a ghost?"

"If you do such a hurtful thing, I'm afraid you can't even do it. "

I don't pay attention to Chen Song, who has completely disappeared.

Cheng Banxian turned his head to look at the bodyguards who fell to the ground, and asked with a headache.

"Su Yu, there shouldn't be any big problems with these people, right?"

Just from the current point of view.

Although Cheng Banxian knew that the eight bodyguards were not dead, he didn't know what the specific injuries were.

The head is one of the most fragile parts of the human body.

was slammed with an iron rod by Su Yu in a fit of rage.

Even if he doesn't die, he is probably seriously injured.

The beastly aura on Su Yu's body had dissipated, and he said in a deep voice.

"Can't die. "

"But if you don't lie in the hospital for ten days and a half months, you shouldn't be able to get up. "

Cheng Banxian touched his chin and nodded, looked behind him, and spoke.

"Manager Lian, these bodyguards will help you send them to the hospital. "

"That's right. "

"Remember to inform the police station. "

"These people probably don't have clean hands either. "

After hearing Cheng Banxian's words, Manager Lian put away his stunned gaze and hurriedly asked with a stammer.

"Cheng, Master Cheng, this me, you, I..."

Cheng Banxian understood what Manager Lian was worried about, patted him on the shoulder, and said with relief.

"Rest assured, rest assured. "

"I'll give you a call later and give you a brief explanation. "

"You know, in this world, there are some things that are better to use than money. "

"But whether it's money or what, using it on the right path is the most important thing. "

Cheng Banxian has been in the rivers and lakes for most of his life, and he is naturally a capable person who knows all aspects.

Deal with such a thing.

It can be said that it is as easy as drinking water.

Even after the manager heard it, he stood straight and echoed very quickly.

"Good, good. "

"Master Cheng, don't worry, leave it to me. "

"I'm going to do it well. "

Then the whole person also relaxed.

He had no doubt about what Cheng Banxian said.

Because it's less than an hour.

Even the manager feels that his three views are already a little subversive.

Something unspeakable.

It turns out that it really exists.

Even in front of him, Chen Song was directly gnawed away.

It's even more fortunate.

When Chen Song was persecuting him for life and death.

Stick to the last bottom line and pure land in my heart.

Chose the right path.

Otherwise, it would probably be one of them lying on the ground now.

Cheng Banxian, Lao Lin, and Su Yu.

In the eyes of Manager Lian, he is already like a fairy.

Especially Su Yu.

It has already left an indelible impression in the heart of Manager Lian.

Knock down seven burly bodyguards in three seconds.

Throw an iron rod and smash the pistol into the chamber.

These two things.

If you say it, no one will believe it.

But even the manager is just thinking about it.

for even if he were given ten dares.

I don't dare to talk about today's events.

After Cheng Banxian solved the problem of the bodyguards lying on the ground, he looked at Lao Lin behind him.

"Lao Lin. "

"It's where you go. "

"Summoning those dead ghosts to transcendence. "

Lao Lin, who had been silent and did not speak, nodded and said.

"They were used as human blood piles, bound in these four buildings, not reincarnated, and miserable. "

"I want to help them send them to reincarnation and be reborn as soon as possible. "

After speaking, Lao Lin did not hesitate.

The index finger and middle finger are put together and the mantra is recited.

"The edict of the Supreme Lord, surpassing your lonely soul, ghosts and ghosts, four lives are governed, those with heads are super, those without heads are promoted, guns and knives are killed, diving into the water and hanging ropes, and the others are rescued and others are in a hurry to be overborn. "

"Go and reincarnate as soon as possible. "

With the sound of the spell.

At the foundations of four buildings.

began to glow with a demonic white light for no apparent reason.

The evil ghosts who have been imprisoned in the foundation and do not enter the reincarnation.

His body began to be stained with a little white light, and slowly sank into the ground.

The spell stopped.

All the ghosts also went to the Yellow Springs Underworld.

Waiting for the judgment of Hades and entering reincarnation.

Originally, the building was incomparably majestic, and the yin qi that made people's teeth chatter.

And then it disappears.

After all the living and dead things have been dealt with.

Cheng Banxian also breathed a long sigh of relief and said to Su Yu and Lao Lin.

"Let's go. "

"Things are pretty much the same here. "

Speaking of which. "

"It's really bad to encounter this kind of early in the morning. "

Su Yu and Lao Lin also nodded in agreement.

This thing.

It's also self-inflicted.

Chen Song, who had done all the evil things, was eaten by ghosts so much that he couldn't even keep his soul.

As for the rich people who bought the dragon and phoenix products.

Even if it is because of ghosts, it is overtaken by Lao Lin.

In the future, there will not be five more people dying in two months, as was the case before.

But it is also inevitable that the luck will not go well, and there will be small illnesses and disasters.

Unless you move away from the dragon and phoenix.

There is no other solution.

Because the outside of the community is still the feng shui pattern of dragon burial and phoenix fallen.

It's not that Cheng Banxian forgot about it.


Punishment for those who are rich.

Without demand, there would be no harm.

This group of rich people who live in the Longfeng community and hope to use their human blood piles to improve their financial fortune.

It deserves to be deserved.

The three of them also tacitly agreed and did not mention this matter again.

Here's the thing.

On the way back.

Cheng Banxian gently tapped on the steering wheel and asked Su Yu and Lao Lin.

"You say. "

"Why did you exchange money for your life even if you signed a life and death agreement? "

"Those ghosts will still turn into powerful ghosts, and they have a grudge against Chen Song?"

The three of them were silent for a while.

Su Yu crossed his hands on the back of his head, stared at the scenery outside the window and said slowly.

"It was said that a life and death agreement was signed. "

"Actually, they didn't even think about dying in their hearts. "

"Just like that father, don't you want to watch your children grow up?"

"The desire to survive is extremely strong, but there is nothing they can do. "

Coupled with Chen Song's instigation. "

will agree to sign the so-called life and death agreement. "

"Besides. "

"I don't think they thought of it either. "

"After death will be suppressed under the foundation.

"Eternal life shall not be exceeded. "

Over here.

Su Yu paused for a few seconds before continuing.

"The world is beautiful. "

"If it's not true, everything will be lost. "

"Who wants it to end hastily..."

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