This hand came out of nowhere.

and that somewhat immature and honest voice.

Su Yu was slightly stunned.

He turned his head to look at the young man on the side.

At this time.

The young man was grinning at Su Yu.

Because I can't control my facial expressions well, I look a little weird and hideous.

The eyes are pure, the teeth are sparse, and he is not familiar with the world.

Seeing that Su Yu didn't take this half of the steamed bun.

The young man stretched the steamed bun forward again, opened his mouth wide and said with difficulty.

"Brother. "

"Eat. "

"Mom - Mom said that things should be divided - shared with good friends to eat. "

A sentence that is incomparably short in the eyes of normal people.

The young man paused several times before he spoke, and his eyes flashed with expectation.

But even so.

Looking at the half steamed bun with saliva on it, Su Yu was also powerless.

The woman reacted at this time, pulled the young man's outstretched hand back, and whispered comfortingly.

"If my brother doesn't eat it, Xiao Wu will eat it himself. "

After speaking, he used his sleeve to wipe away the crumbs of steamed bread from the young man's mouth.

After Xiao Wu heard this, he nodded no longer reluctantly.

Holding the steamed bun and nibbling alone, the mouth that had just been wiped was covered with crumbs again.

The woman stared at Xiao Wu's appearance, her eyes full of love.

Looking away, he sighed deeply and apologized to Su Yu.

"Master Su, I'm sorry to make you laugh. "

"Xiao Wu looks quite big, though. "

"But his mental age and IQ are only about five years old, so that's why it's like this. "

"Please also ask Master Su not to take it to heart. "

Su Yu waved his hand and said indifferently.

"It's okay, I understand. "

"The key is to talk about what happened. "

In fact, with Su Yu's keen observation.

I have long discovered the differences between Xiao Wu and his peers.

Naturally, he doesn't care about his performance at all.

The woman relieved herself a little, and continued to speak miserably.

"Master Su, Xiao Wu is actually twenty years old now, but he still looks like this. "

"I'm really worried about it. "

"And most critically. "

"If Xiao Wu has been like this since he was a child, then I will accept my fate. "

"But before the age of sixteen. "

"Xiao Wu is really no different from a normal child. "

"Just after his sixteenth birthday. "

"Overnight. "

"It's what it is now. "

"The mind is the same as that of a five-year-old. "

"At that time, I thought he was suffering from some kind of illness, and I took him everywhere to check on him, but I didn't find any problems. "

"The old people in the village all said that Xiao Wu was evil. "

"There's really nothing I can do. "

"You can only use a dead horse as a live horse doctor. "

"Dancing the gods, drinking talisman water, inviting yin people, but everything I can find, I have tried it all. "

"But it didn't work. "

"Finally someone mentioned the master, and I rushed here overnight. "

"I'll tell you the truth, and I won't hide it from the master. "

"For the past few years. "

"All my savings have basically been spent, and I even owe a lot of money to the villagers..."

The more the woman spoke, the quieter she became, and her eyes were already moistening.

It doesn't matter who it is.

When encountering such a situation, a sense of powerlessness arises.

Originally a good person.

Becoming like this overnight is a little hard to accept.

Su Yu touched his chin and pursed his lips and thought for a moment, then his eyes flashed with yin and yang gossip and looked at the woman.

Slightly surprised.

Judging from the observation of the Yin and Yang Sky Eye.

Not only is there no resentment and yin in the woman's body, but there is also an extremely strong blessing.

But this blessing source.

But it was hidden behind a dead air.

This situation says one thing.

Only after the woman died.

Go to the Huangquan Prefecture to reincarnate in order to enjoy the benefits brought by this source of blessings.


Not to mention the rich.

At the very least, it is a harmonious family and a smooth life.

I didn't see resentment and yin.

Su Yu's face was much kinder.

In fact, life is in the world.

You don't need to be a saint or a good person.

It is enough to be an ordinary person who does not do evil things.

But for the death of the woman.

Su Yu secretly speculated in his heart and reminded loudly.

"This thing. "

"I'll do my best to help you see if I can fix it. "

"But after this incident. "

"I suggest you go to the hospital for a proper check-up. "

When the woman heard this, she was stunned for a few seconds, and her eyes flashed with sparkles.

"Thank you, Master Su. "

"But I went to the hospital some time ago. "

"The doctor said: It's too late, there's no way out. "

"But compared to myself. "

"What I'm more worried about now is Xiao Wu. "

"If I'm gone. "

"What is he going to do? "

Xiao Wu, who was sitting quietly on the side, saw the woman's eyes sparkling, and suddenly shouted in a panic.

"Mom, Mom, how- why are you crying. "

"Xiao Wu will be well-behaved in the future, he won't make you angry, and he won't make you angry again. "

He stretched out his crumb-stained hand and gently wiped it away against the woman's face.

The woman didn't dislike it, but choked up slightly.

"Xiao Wu is good, my mother didn't cry. "

"You sit well. "

"When mom is done, I'll take you to buy ice cream to eat. "

After hearing the ice cream.

Xiao Wu also grinned happily and sat quietly on the side.

It's exactly a five-year-old child.

When Su Yu saw this scene, he exhaled a deep breath of turbidity, and his heart was also a little heavy.

On the occasion of dying.

It's still his children who are still worried.

This world.

The most difficult thing to part with is family affection.

He picked up the teapot and poured the woman a cup of tea, and whispered comfort.

"For the past few years. "

"Except that overnight it became childish. "

"Does Xiao Wu have any other weird performances?"

The woman restrained her sadness, thought carefully for a moment, and then said.

"I don't know if it's weird. "

"Before Xiao Wu was sixteen years old, the cats, dogs and other beasts in the village did not dare to approach him. "

"Even when I see Xiao Wu, I will clamp my tail. "

"But since Xiao Wu became like this. "

"Those kittens and dogs are amiable to Xiao Wu, and they will come to Xiao Wu's side and lick his face. "

"And. "

"I used to find a master who was good at yin. "

"The master asked the ghost to come up and leave him. "

"I just touched Xiao Wu. "

The palm of his hand was like touching a hot piece of iron, and bursts of white mist rose up, and his mouth was even more ghostly. "

"In the end, they didn't even confiscate the money and drove us away. "

"Something else is in your mouth. "

"I can't mess with it, I can't afford to mess with it. "

After Su Yu heard this, he already had some guesses in his heart.

After a few seconds of silence.

The eyes flashed with yin and yang heavenly eyes, and he looked towards Xiao Wu seriously.

Just a glance.

Su Yu saw a cloud of mist enveloping Xiao Wu's body.

Unable to probe

This is unprecedented.

Su Yu frowned and thought for a moment, then said in a deep voice.

"Xiao Wu. "

"He shouldn't be your own son..."

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