This seems to be a nonsensical statement.

But it made the woman look sluggish.

There was a sudden silence all around, and the atmosphere was slightly condensed.

The woman looked at Xiao Wu, who was still nibbling on steamed buns beside her, and sighed deeply.

Stretched out his hand to wipe away the crumbs of steamed buns from Xiao Wu's mouth, and said with a loving look.

"Xiao Wu is indeed not my biological child. "

"I picked up Xiao Wu next to the City God Temple on a snowy day twenty years ago. "

"Xiao Wu, who was wrapped in swaddling clothes at the time. "

"He was wearing only a thin piece of clothing and yellow paper with his birthday written on it. "

"But even though his lips were blue from the cold, the moment he saw me. "

I laughed happily, my eyes sparkling, and my heart melted at once. "

So I picked up Xiao Wu and took him home. "

"Originally, I planned to give him a good family, but I never expected it. "

"Except for me. "

No matter who picked up Xiao Wu, he would cry non-stop, and he couldn't be quiet at all. "

"In this case. "

"Those people don't have the slightest solution. "

"Since then. "

"I became his mother. "

"It's funny. "

"At that time, I had just gotten married, and I didn't have any children of my own, so I became a mother like this. "

Speaking of which.

The woman paused.

looked at Su Yu deeply and said with sincere admiration.

"This thing. "

"I almost never talk about it to anyone. "

"I didn't expect Master Su to be able to see it at a glance. "

"It's really a living immortal. "

Su Yu picked up the tea in front of him, took a sip and explained.

"It's not that I'm good. "

"It's that Xiao Wu is more special. "

"Because even I can't see his life clearly. "

"There are very few people who will have this kind of situation. "

"Combined with the situation that happened to Xiao Wu. "

"If nothing else. "

"Xiao Wu, it should be a-Zhenling person. "

Hear the word Soul Hunter.

The woman was puzzled for a moment, and asked out loud in confusion.

"Master Su, what do you mean by this spirit man?"

"And the Zhenling people and Xiao Wu are not my biological children, does it matter?"

Su Yu tapped on the coffee table and replied after sorting out his thoughts.

"It naturally has something to do with it. "

"The spirit townsman does not see his father before, and he does not see his mother after. "

This does not mean that there is no father and no mother. "

"It's that you can't see your biological parents when you're born. "

That's why I dare to speak so bluntly. "

"Xiao Wu is not your biological child. "

Although Su Yu explained it so clearly.

The woman's eyes were still full of doubt, but she didn't care about it.

With a look of expectation in his eyes, he asked tremblingly.

"Su, Master Su, since you know what Xiao Wu's situation is. "

"Will that cure him?"

"Please, please. "

"You have to cure him, you have to cure him. "

"That way, even if I'm gone, I can rest assured..."

Looking at the woman's expectant eyes, Su Yu could only sigh deeply and shake his head.

"It's not curable. "

"It's not that I don't want to help, it's that I really can't be cured. "

Su Yu's words.

It was like a hammer that shattered the woman's last hope.

After a few seconds of froze, the woman suddenly broke down and cried out.

"No, no, Master Su. "

"Obviously, you know what happened to Xiao Wu, why can't you cure it. "

"Why can't it be cured? "

"Do you want money?"

"Do you want money?"

"I'm rich, I'm rich. "

As she spoke, the woman trembled as she brought the small bag she was clutching beside her.

Unzip it and plan to take out all the change.

Su Yu stretched out his hand, pressed it on the zipper of the small bag, and persuaded in a relieved tone.

"It's not about the money. "

"It's not that I'm deliberately not helping you. "

"It's that I really can't help. "

"The Townsfolk are a very special kind of people. "

"This life. "

"In fact, they have come to atone for their sins, to ward off disasters for the village, and to be blessed by heaven and earth. "

"That's why I can't get a glimpse of his life. "

"Naturally, there is no way to solve his problems. "

The woman's eyes were glazed, her face was as pale as gold paper, and two lines of tears flowed down, and she asked in a choked voice.


"Why atonement?"

"Xiao Wu has grown up since I was a child, and I haven't done anything hurtful at all. "

"Why are you going to atone for your sins now?"

Xiao Wu, who was originally sitting quietly on the side, saw the woman's sad and sad appearance.

The whole person panicked, put down the steamed bun and pulled the woman's sleeve.

"Mom, what's wrong with you, don't cry. "

"Did Xiao Wu eat too much and make you angry?"

"Then I won't eat, I won't eat. "

The woman sobbed, wiped the tears from her cheeks, touched Xiao Wu's head and said softly.

"I didn't cry, my mother didn't cry. "

"Xiao Wu is good. "

"Sit quietly and don't speak. "

Xiao Wu showed a puppy-like aggrieved expression and nodded.

With his hands on his knees, he sat quietly like a child.

After Su Yu saw that the woman's mood had calmed down, he sighed.

"The town spirit people are also called village guards. "

"The atonement I have just spoken of is not the atonement for the sins of this world. "

"It's the sin of a past life. "

The woman opened her mouth and repeated it with a wandering look.

"Sins of past lives?"

Su Yu nodded and said in relief.

This is a calamity that he can't avoid, and he deserves it. "

"In his previous life, he was a fierce man, who had done all the evil deeds, and his hands were stained with evil blood. "

"Wake up before you die. "

"Volunteering to go to one of the three souls in the next life, and one to the seven spirits, to guard one side. "

"To repay the debts of the past life, suffer the suffering of this life, and enjoy the blessings of the next life. "

"This kind of people. "

"There are five disadvantages and three shortcomings. "

"No matter how old you are, your mind will be like that of a child. "

"But he is kind-hearted, desireless, helpful, and blessed with the blessings of the world. "

"For this reason. "

"Doing nothing all day long, walking from the head of the village to the end of the village. "

"Although he is crazy, he is honest and does not hurt others, so he is generally called a village keeper. "

"As for why Xiao Wu became like this overnight. "

"There must be some reason. "

"I'll ask you. "

"In these sixteen years. "

"Xiao Wu has ever done something to avoid disasters for the village?"

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