Su Yu's question.

In an instant, the woman was reminded of one thing.

He opened his mouth and said in a slightly frightened voice.

"Let's talk about sheltering the village. "

"I'm just a country peasant woman, and I don't know very well. "

"But there's one thing. "

"Even now, I find it a little weird and scary. "

Speaking of which.

The woman shuddered, as if she were afraid of alarming something, and whispered.

"This incident happened when Xiao Wu was nine years old. "

"Our village is located on the border of southern Longnan, so it is not like a coastal metropolis, and it was relatively backward at that time. "

"Therefore, the people in our village basically make a living from farming,"

And the whole village built a chicken coop and raised a group of old hens to give birth to eggs. "

"Every time I catch the market, I take it and sell it, which can be regarded as subsidizing the family. "

"So so to speak. "

"Fields and livestock are what we depend on for our livelihood. "

"We've always lived so peacefully. "

"Until Xiao Wu was nine years old. "

"We had a drought there. "

"Master Su, you should also know that our Longnan is basically close to the northwest region. "

"This drought usually comes once every three to five years, so we are used to stockpiling food. "

"But that year. "

"It's really the worst drought I've seen in all the years I've been born. "

"I haven't had a drop of rain for five months. "

"Not to mention irrigating food, even people's daily water use has become a problem. "

"All the grain in the fields has died, and it can't grow at all. "

"And it's not just us. "

"Even those animals are in a famine. "

"That's the problem. "

"When livestock can't find food in the mountains, they naturally come to our farmers' homes. "

The woman paused, looked in Su Yu's direction and asked.

"Master Su, you are well-informed, you should know such a thing as a yellow skin?"

Su Yu nodded in affirmation.

The yellow skin is actually what people usually call a weasel.

For something like a weasel.

Folklore has a lot of legends.

In some places, it is even called Wong Tai Sin.

Believe it or not.

There is always something taboo.

The woman shrank slightly, as if remembering something strange, and continued.

"One night. "

"In the middle of the night, there was a sudden cry of an old hen in our village. "

"You know. "

"In times of drought, these old hens are our most precious things. "

So every family put on their coats and ran to the chicken coop to see what was going on. "

"A dim flashlight shines into the chicken coop. "

"Take a closer look. "

"The chicken coop was a mess, with chicken feathers flying and blood dripping. "

"Dozens of old hens fell to the ground motionless, already dead, and could not die. "

"I don't know what beast, because of hunger, ran into our village's chicken coop. "

"And most critically. "

"After biting so many old hens, only one was taken. "

Everyone present saw this scene, and their hearts were dripping blood. "

"Say that there are wild beasts that are hungry. "

"If you bite one and take away the stomach, then we will forget it, and at most strengthen the chicken coop. "

"But now. "

"More than a dozen old hens were bitten to death, and everyone was angry. "

"If it hadn't come early. "

"I can't say that the old hens in the chicken coop are going to be bitten to death. "

"So we put a lot of iron clips next to the chicken coop. "

"That beast has been cheapened today, and will definitely come again. "

"The next day. "

Another rooster crowed. "

Everyone rushed towards the chicken coop. "

"This time. "

"Several more were bitten to death. "

"Just when everyone is lamenting and sighing. "

"In the dark. "

"Click. "

The crisp sound of the bullet suddenly sounded. "

"We've got something..."

Even if this thing has been going on for so long.

She still feels that the scene is vivid.

Touching his arm that was a little goosebumpy, he took a deep breath and continued.

"We after hearing the voice. "

He strode to the back door of the coop, where the sound came from. "

"Wait until we're closer. "

"I found out that it was a yellow skin. "

"As the saying goes: Weasels give New Year's greetings to chickens - uneasy and kind. "

"In our hearts, this weasel deserves death. "

"But just when we were going to kill this weasel. "

"Something very weird happened. "

The weasel gave up his hand, and his mouth let out a whimper begging for mercy. "

"All of a sudden. "

"But we don't know what to do. "

"Because in the word of mouth of each generation. "

"The yellow skin is already rumored to be a little divine. "

"And this yellow skin is even more whimpering and whimpering, and we are also worried that we will anger Huang Xian after killing it. "

"Right now. "

"An old man in our village said something very angrily. "

"Everyone says that Huang Pizi understands human nature, cultivates the Tao hard, and wants to transform into a human form and become a yellow immortal. "

"But like you, it's not enough to eat one, you have to bite so many old hens, insatiable yellow skins. "

"You can't be a yellow immortal in this life, and you will never want to be a human, you will always be like this beast. "

As soon as this sentence came out. "

Huang Pizi, who was still playing just now, suddenly let out a strange childlike cry. "

"After crying for a while. "

"It was a terrifying self that slammed into the wall. "

"Until you die alive. "

Everyone was stunned, not expecting Huang Pizi to commit suicide at all. "

"Despite this incident, every detail reveals a strange and terrifying one. "

"But at that time, it was a little difficult for us to even live, so we didn't have time to think about it. "

Some brave villagers directly took the dead yellow skin from the iron frame and found a place to bury it. "

"I thought this was going to be the end of it. "

But seven days later. "

"Something that sends chills down my spine happens. "

The woman turned her head to look at Xiao Wu, who was sitting quietly beside her, and said in a trembling voice.

"Seven days later. "

"As soon as the sky was bright, I found that Xiao Wu was gone. "

So I panicked and went looking for him. "

"As a result, in the City God Temple where I picked him up, I found Xiao Wu sleeping soundly. "

"On his side. "

"There are at least seven or eight corpses full of yellow skins..."

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