Just from the woman's description.

can imagine the extremely strange scene at that time.

A nine-year-old left in the middle of the night.

As a result, he was found in front of the City God Temple in the early morning, and there were several yellow-skinned corpses around him.

Such a scene.

It really makes people's scalp tingle and chills down their backs.

The woman, still a little frightened in her heart, clenched her fists and continued.

"I was really scared at the time. "

"You say how a nine-year-old child can run to the City God Temple in the middle of the night without a sound. "

"And those yellow-skinned corpses, there are no wounds on their bodies, and they don't know why they died. "

In the end, he could only take advantage of the fact that the other villagers didn't see it, and he was afraid to carry Xiao Wu on his back. "

"Pick up the bodies of those yellow-skinned people and find a place to bury them. "

"But nevertheless. "

"After all these years, this incident is still fresh in my mind. "

Su Yu tapped his fingers, touched his chin and thought for a moment, and said loudly.

"Just from this thing alone. "

"Originally, the yellow skin should have been a sperm. "

"Otherwise. "

"I won't cry and hit the ground because of what the old man said. "

"In our Yin Xing there is a word called - Fengzheng. "

"Some spiritual animals, when they have reached a certain level of cultivation, will find someone to plead for rectification. "

"Stop the passer-by and ask him if he looks like a man or a demon. "

And what the old man said to the yellow-skinned man was to cut off his path of cultivation. "

"Huang Pizi knew that his cultivation in this life was hopeless. "

"It was in great grief that he committed suicide by hitting the ground. "

"It's also self-inflicted. "

"But if it weren't for Xiao Wu, I'm afraid your village would have suffered a great disaster. "

Hearing this, the woman's eyes widened for a moment, and she hurriedly asked.

"Master Su, this, what does this have to do with Xiao Wu..."

Su Yu gently pressed his hand, interrupted the woman's words, and continued.

"Don't worry. "

"When I'm done, you'll understand. "

"The spirit of Huangpizi has a big family, and it is even more rewarding. "

"The small ones were forced to death by you, and the big ones naturally came out. "

"And Xiao Wu, as a town spirit person, originally came to atone for his sins and prevent disasters for the village. "

"Those yellow-skinned people came with bad intentions. "

"Since it will be blocked by Xiao Wu outside the village, it will not be allowed to enter. "

"In the case of persuasion to no avail. "

"Heaven and earth will use Xiao Wu's hand to punish those mountain and wild spirits. "

"That's why those yellow skins died by Xiao Wu's side. "

"Guarding the spirit of the village and town, redeeming the world. "

Su Yu's explanation made the woman extremely stunned.

I didn't expect that in this matter, there was such a strange situation.

After a few seconds of sluggishness.

As if thinking of something, the woman hurriedly spoke.

"Master Su, what you said is not right. "

"If it's as you say. "

"Xiao Wu should have been that kind of muddy appearance since he was a child. "

"But now it's sixteen years old before it becomes like this?"

The woman of the moment.

It is already like a traveler in the desert who has reached a desperate situation, not giving up any hope.

Su Yu picked up the teacup, took a sip and shook his head.

There is also a saying about why it became like this at the age of sixteen. "

"The Soul Townsman has a very strange personality. "

But there are two main types. "

"One is that the sins of the previous life were so great that they were about to be killed before they woke up and volunteered to redeem themselves in the next life. "

"In this case. "

"Born is a mess, and this life is like a child. "

"The second type is also a great sin in the past life. "

"But one day, if you come to your senses and are willing to end your life in this world on your own and go to the world of redemption and practice. "

"That's the case. "

Heaven and earth will have mercy on him and confess his repentance. "

"In the next life, I will find a family for him and live a good life for sixteen years. "

"Then you will go into a state of confusion until you die. "

"Xiao Wu is in this second case. "

"But it doesn't matter which of the two. "

"I can tell you clearly. "

"There's nothing I can do. "

This is what heaven and earth have determined, and it is his way of cultivation. "

"You don't have to worry. "

"Although the village keeper is like a child, he will definitely be free of disasters for the rest of his life. "

"Wait until the next life. "

"It will be blessed by the sky. "

The woman heard this.

Although he understood that Su Yu meant to comfort.

But I still couldn't help the grief in my heart, and two lines of tears flowed down.

The mother of the child is worried.

As a parent, I encountered this matter.

Even if you know it in your heart, that worry won't change in the slightest.

After the woman calmed down a little, she used her palm to wipe away the tears from her cheeks.

pulled up Xiao Wu, who was sitting quietly on the side, and bowed deeply to Su Yu.

"Thank you, Master Su. "

Although Xiao Wu looked puzzled, he didn't know what he meant.

But it was also repeated that the woman's words were a little difficult.

"Xie, Sue, Master. "

Su Yu waved his hand and comforted peacefully.

"No thanks, I didn't help. "

"It's enough to be able to do this for an unrelated person. "

"In the next life, it will be full of blessings and good fortune. "

The woman's eyes sparkled and nodded at Su Yu, took Xiao Wu's hand, and walked towards the outside of the store.

At the moment when the mother and son stepped out of the store.

Su Yu spoke again.

"As you said just now, you borrowed a lot from the villagers for Xiao Wu. "

"I'll get out of this shady street. "

"There's a lottery shop next to the bus stop, and you ask Xiao Wu to pick a lottery ticket. "

"You can't be rich. "

"But you can also pay off your debts. "

When the woman heard this, she immediately understood what she meant.

Kneel gently on the steps.

After a few seconds.

Left here with Xiao Wu.

Just this gift.

Su Yu did not refuse.

Just looked at the figure of the mother and son about to leave, and sighed deeply.

That's the limit of what he can do.

The woman who returned to Longnan.

Soon after.

He died of a serious illness.

Xiao Wu broke down and cried, kneeling in front of the mourning hall for seven days and seven nights.

The woman was blessed with great fortune after her death.

After the reincarnation of the Huangquan Difu.

Reincarnated into a good family.

The family is harmonious, and the life is smooth.

As for Xiao Wu.

He is honest and honest, and the people in the village treat him kindly.

Whatever happened to that family, they were the first to help.

So in the village.

is respected, and no one dares to scold and ridicule.

Although it is said that it is muddy for a lifetime.

But it's fine, too.

Guarding the spirit of the village and town, redeeming the world.

Waiting for a good end in this life...

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