Hear here.

Basically, the whole thing started and finished.

It's pretty much clear.

Su Yu looked at Liang Fugui expressionlessly, and sentenced him to death in his heart.

Heaven has the virtue of a good life.

When someone is looking for a short-term view, it is extremely wrong not to stop it silently.

As a result, Liang Fugui not only did not dissuade him.

Instead, he hid in the dark and waited quietly for the bitter master to die.

In the end.

They even use a knife to cut their thighs to make meat sprouts.

Because Yongyi Cemetery belongs to the cemetery restructured from mass graves.

Usually, most people feel unlucky and afraid to set foot in it.

This provides a perfect environment for Liang Fugui.

And anyway, the bitter master is suicidal.

Even if something happens, you can't find his head.

But he didn't know a thing.

People are doing it, and the sky is watching.

Even if you can hide it from ordinary people, you can't hide it from Qingtian Haori.

Retribution naturally followed.

At this time, Liang Fugui licked his mouth, as if he was reminiscing, and continued.

"Master Su, you probably don't know. "

"It was for me at the time. "

"It's been six years. "

"I was finally able to eat the granes again at that time. "

"I don't need to say how happy I am. "

"Feel the maggots writhing in your mouth. "

"Finally, I gently bite it with my teeth, and the juice flows, and that taste really gives me a thousand dollars that I won't change. "

"But the next day. "

"It was itchy on my arm, and I understood it all at once. "

"Retribution is coming. "

"At first, I hid in the cemetery, hoping to resist this retribution. "

"But it didn't work. "

"The bulges on my arms are getting bigger and bigger, and my face is getting older. "

"Until now. "

"I can feel it clearly. "

"I'm going to die..."

"My body is full of maggots. "

"It's like gnawing at those corpses, they're gnawing at my flesh. "

"Master Su, help me, save me. "

"I'm young, I'm in my thirties. "

"I don't want to die, I don't want to die..."

At this moment, Liang Fugui, who has always been like a second-rate son.

Finally, he had a nervous breakdown and begged Su Yu to save his life.

On the occasion of real death.

No one can do it.

Mount Tai collapsed in front and the color remained unchanged, and the elk was on the left and the eyes were not instantaneous.

Pleading for a way to live.

It's perfectly normal.


Some people can't be saved, and they can't be saved.

Su Yu didn't have much expression, leaned back on the sofa, and said calmly.

"You, I can't save you. "

"People who deserve to die, heaven and earth are intolerable, how can I save you. "

After Liang Fugui heard this.

He opened his sleeves again, put his arm in front of Su Yu's eyes, and said in a trembling voice.

"Master Su, look at my situation. "

"The living life is maggots. "

"Don't you have a little compassion?"

"Saving someone's life is better than building a seventh-level floating slaughter. "

"Master Su, you can be merciful and save me, save me..."

See this.

Su Yu sneered and shook his head firmly.

"I naturally have compassion. "

"But not for you. "

"Saving someone's life is better than building a seventh-level floating slaughter, and the person you save must be a good person. "

"And you. "

"Not only are they not good people. "

"He is even more wicked. "

"Wait for death. "

Su Yu's words were already without any mercy.

He rarely said such things.

After all, if you are a man, you will see each other in the future.

But for people like Liang Fugui.

Su Yu was disgusted from the bottom of his heart.

I didn't plan to leave any more affection.

Speak up.

Sharply refused.

Liang Fugui opened his mouth, wanting to plead again but couldn't.

He knew it in his heart.

As normal.

Su Yu would never change his decision, nor would he save him.

Liang Fugui's eyes were cold, and he gritted his teeth suddenly.

Fell directly on the sofa, and spoke out in an extremely scoundrel voice.

"Master Su, I'll tell you so clearly. "

"You know, too. "

"I'm just a second-rate kid, I don't know anything. "

"But I'm afraid of death. "

"If you don't help me, I'll stay in your store. "

"Even if it's death. "

"I'm going to die in your shop too. "

"Do what you do. "

"If someone dies in the store, it must be a real bad luck. "

At this moment.

Liang Fugui, who was desperate and afraid of death, finally revealed his true nature.

Like a second-rate son.

directly relied on not leaving, wanting to persecute Su Yu with this.

This is also the usual trick of many street boys.

I don't smash things, I don't scold people.

I found a few friends.

Standing in front of a certain store, revealing cheap tattoos, staring fiercely at passers-by.

As long as that's it.

Those merchants will relent.

Because people like them are standing in front of the store, and what customers dare to enter the store.

Heard what Liang Fugui said, and what he did.

Su Yu's heart spontaneously had a greasy taste.

He's seen a lot of people and heard a lot of different stories.

Something more disgusting and cruel than Liang Fugui is enough to ruin the three views.

I've been through a lot.

Life is full of variety.

It's all in the tattoo parlor.

But it's the first time I've seen a dead-skinned person like Liang Fugui.

Most people hear that there is no cure at the time.

It's basically all dazed remorse.

But just from Liang Fugui's mouth, I never heard a word of regret.

It's really innocent.

Just when Su Yu's eyes were sharp, he was about to punish him.

A large, dark hand like a fan.

Sticking out from behind the couch.

directly and effortlessly pulled Liang Fugui's collar and lifted it.

It's like carrying a chick.

Throw it in front of the store.

In Liang Fugui's stunned eyes.

A man like a little giant said in an urn voice.

"One more step in. "

"Broken leg. "

After speaking, he no longer paid attention to Liang Fugui.

Step by step, he walked up to Su Yu and sat down, nodding his head.

"I'm coming. "

Su Yu smiled faintly and poured a cup of tea in front of the man.

"It's good to be here. "

As for Liang Fugui, who was sitting on the ground.

No one cares anymore.

Thinking of the man just now, the momentum that permeated his body.

Liang Fugui was even more trembling.

He had no doubts about going one step further into the tattoo parlor.

Maybe you don't have to wait for heaven and earth to retribution.

The man will go straight to heaven.

I could only get up and leave in a gloomy way, not daring to say another word.

As for the ending of Liang Fugui.

No one wants to know, and no one pays attention.

It's just when a certain family goes to the eternal memory cemetery to worship their ancestors.

Unexpectedly found Liang Fugui dead on a bamboo pole, covered with flesh buds.

A stab was made in the thigh.

There is a pot of flour on the ground.

The flour is full of tumbling and wriggling maggots...

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