In the tattoo parlor at this time.

The burly man picked up the teacup in front of him and took a sip.

The already petite and delicate teacup looks even more strange in the big hands of the man's pu fan.

The man took a sip and frowned slightly.

Set the teacup aside, and the urn sounds the urn airway.

"It doesn't taste good, I can't drink it. "

"A pound of tea that costs tens of thousands of yuan, in the eyes of a rough person like me, is not as good as a bottle of two-pot head for five yuan. "

Hear this.

Su Yu couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed, and could only shake his head helplessly.

For the true temperament of the man in front of him.

He already knew something.

So I wasn't too surprised by this performance.

After all, let him be such a martial artist.

Picking up a teacup and tasting tea, it is also difficult for some strong people.

Su Yu pointed to the stick-shaped object bound with a white cloth beside the man and asked out loud.

"Is this your dart gun?"

The man nodded lightly, put it on the coffee table with great pity, and said slowly.

"How many years have I been a yin-yang dart master, and this dart gun has followed me for many years. "

After speaking, he slowly lifted a corner of the bound white cloth.

A glowing spear head was revealed.

The two sides of the gun head are engraved with talismans, and the sharp cold light is like a dragon diving into the abyss, sharp and pressing.

Su Yu couldn't help but snort twice and said a sentence that circulated in the Yin Xing.

"The Yin and Yang dart master walks the Yin Dart, and a spear is sad. "

Xiang Long's identity in the Yin Xing is a Yin Yang Dart Master.

The word dart master.

It's a bit strange for now.

It is also a profession that has been gradually eliminated in the course of history.

But in ancient times.

The profession of dart master is actually extremely prosperous.

Large households, but if there are any valuables that need to be sent.

Basically, you will find a dart game to throw darts.

Once it is taken.

The master has an obligation to protect what his patron throws with his life.


It is a profession that integrates the spirit of the rivers and lakes and the worldly money.

Although the dart master and dart game in the yang world are almost extinct.

But the dart master of the shadowy line.

But it's always there.

Known as the Yin-Yang Dart Master.

The objects served by the Yin-Yang Dart Master are not living people, and those ghosts who have obsessions.

Give things to the people of the yang world for the ghosts.

This is also a good thing to accumulate yin virtue.

All the time.

Although not as famous as Mr. Yin Yang or Yang School Feng Shui.

But it's not a nobody.

Especially when it comes to Xiang Long's generation.

With the dart gun in his hand alone.

Going south and north, escorting the yin dart has never missed.

In the yin row.

It is even more famous.

After a little pleasantries.

Su Yu, who understood that Xiang Long was here to do something this time, also restrained his expression and asked out loud.

"Did you come here for something?"

Xiang Long wrapped the white cloth around the dart gun again, put it aside, and said in a deep voice.

"It's not like anything happened to me. "

"It's a dart that I received, and it gives me a bit of a headache. "

Su Yu then looked at Xiang Long with a puzzled look, waiting for his follow-up words.

Xiang Long took out a wrapped red cloth from his arms and put it on the coffee table.

Slowly open the red cloth.

A bracelet made of sterling silver, very simple and unengraved with any patterns.

appeared in front of the two.

Staring at the bracelet in front of him, Xiang Long said in a deep voice.

"If it's some Yin darts that have written requirements, then I naturally don't have any trouble. "

"Just take my dart gun and walk to the place that the sufferer asks. "

"But here's the problem. "

"This bracelet was picked up at the door of the dart game I opened, and there was no note left. "

"There wasn't a single ghost waiting around there. "

"It's such a clueless, somewhat weird object. "

"It stumped me all at once. "

"The darts I received before, those customers would say yes. "

"Where to send, to whom, to bring. "

"But now this dart. "

"But there was nothing, so I didn't know what to do. "

"With a dart gun in hand, I'm good at killing ghosts with darts. "

"Infer that the yin and the ghost communicate. "

"I'm far inferior to other Yin Masters. "

"So that's exactly what happened. "

"There's no way around me. "

"I came here to ask Master Su for help. "

"Now that the patron has placed something at the door of my dart board. "

"Naturally, I can't shirk this. "

"Just ask Master Su to help me palm my eyes. "

"Let's see if we can find any clues. "

After listening to Xiang Long's words, Su Yu also nodded.

As a person in the shadows.

In fact, one of the most feared things.

It's that something strange has happened to a colleague.

Came to a dead end.

to ask for their help.

You must know that since they are all in the yin.

The things we do must also be based on accumulating yin virtues.

Retribution for those who are blessed and in disguise.

I know it all too well.

In this way, he can still lose all his yin virtues and be retributed by heaven and earth.

What a great evil thing he did.

Needless to say.

In the underworld, people do evil things.

The retribution will only worsen.

This time, Xiang Long said that it was not for himself, but for the patron's dart.

Not only did Su Yu breathe a sigh of relief.

also looked up to Xiang Long a few points.

To know.

If Su Yu helped solve this problem.

The dragon owes a favor.

For the sake of the silver bracelet that came out of nowhere, do so.

It is indeed admirable.

Take a deep breath and put the clutter in your head away.

Su Yu carefully twisted the silver bracelet with his hand, and his eyes flashed with yin and yang eyes.

After a few seconds of careful observation.

Thoughtfully put it down slowly and asked out loud.

"If I had to look at this silver bracelet alone. "

"Just know where the patron wants to send it. "

"I can't do that. "

"But I see that the remnants of yin qi on this bracelet are still strong. "

"If that patron hasn't gone to the Yellow Springs Underworld to reincarnate, there is a way to summon his soul here. "

"So I wanted to ask. "

"If you summon the customer directly, will you commit the taboo of your lineage?"

Each vein has different taboos and things that cannot be violated.

can ask Xiang Long at this time.

Su Yu's words were already extremely sincere.

Xiang Long squinted his eyes and thought carefully for a moment, then spoke seriously.

"Originally, after I received the darts, I couldn't ask more questions about the customers. "

"But now I don't even know where I'm going to send it. "

"It's not taboo to summon a customer to ask about it. "

"Just ask Master Su to help me. "

"After getting the required information. "

"I'm good enough to hit the road in time. "

Su Yu smiled and waved his hand.

"There is a specialization in the art industry. "

"I can't do this thing. "

"Still. "

"There's someone better suited than me. "

That's all he said.

Su Yu did not hesitate at all.

I got up and walked to the shop next to me.

looked at Lao Lin, who was wiping the peachwood sword, and spoke.

"Lao Lin, don't take care of your peachwood sword yet. "

"Come to my shop. "

"Do me a favor. "

For Lao Lin and Cheng Banxian, Su Yu naturally would not be polite.

Lao Lin walked into the store slowly.

looked at Xiang Long, who was sitting on the side, and said with a smile on his face.

"I thought it was someone, it was a dart head. "

"What a rarity. "

"Say it, Su Yu, what do you want me to help with?"

Xiang Long then nodded to Lao Lin and said hello.

Su Yu handed the silver bracelet on the coffee table to Lao Lin and explained.

"You bring the owner of this silver bracelet, the conjuring spirit, to the shop. "

"I've just taken a closer look. "

"The remnants of yin qi have not yet dissipated, and the master should not have entered the Huangquan reincarnation yet. "

Lao Lin twisted the silver bracelet and didn't say anything more.

With his right hand, he pinched the Dharma Decision and drew it in the air, chanting in his mouth.

"Wandering souls, where to stay; Three souls descend early, seven spirits come; Riverside wild stoves, graves and mountain forests; false alarms are weird, lost true souls; today please mountain gods, the land; I am now on a mission, and the soul is possessed." "

"The gate of heaven is open, the gate of earth is open, and the boy of a thousand miles sends his soul to come; "

"Thousand Miles Soul Summoning Spell!"

The spell stopped.

A gust of yin wind swept in the tattoo parlor, and the yin qi was even more majestic and howling.

Right in front of the trio.

A looming woman's figure slowly solidified.

On top of its beautiful face.

With two lines of tears...

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