Whether there is a tattoo on the back.

Hear this.

Let Feng Xuan, who was originally cold.

A blush suddenly rose on his face.

Keenly aware of what Feng Xuan was thinking, Su Yu coughed awkwardly.

"I just saw a gathering of yin qi on your back, so that's why I speculated. "

Feng Xuan tapped her head and replied loudly.

"Indeed, as Master Su said, I do have a tattoo on my back. "

"But this tattoo is not recent. "

"It existed as early as when I was twelve. "

"It's been so long. "

"Is this still the way it is?"

"Even according to the code of conduct, fortune has changed. "

"It shouldn't have been so sudden. "

Su Yu touched his chin and thought carefully for a moment, and said slowly.

"Whether it will cause this situation, I can't say for sure. "

"Take off your clothes. "

"I'll see if there's something wrong with the tattoo on my back. "

In the midst of the underworld.

Whether it's yin embroidery, yang embroidery or other tattoo maps.

will fundamentally differ from each other's behaviors and experiences.

Positive or negative changes occur.

For example.

The previous Guanyin tattoo on Boss Li's body.

and because of what they have done.

From the original Guanyin who opened his eyes, slowly closed his eyes.

This is all possible.

You can't see the specific situation from the yin qi alone.

Only by seeing with your own eyes.

can be seen in the real chapter.

Feng Xuan heard Su Yu's request.

Suddenly, Xia Fei cheeks and bit her lip to reveal a rather hesitant look.

All the time.

Although her face and dress are extremely charming.

But since he was a child, he has been clean and self-conscious, and he has never let a man see anything that he shouldn't see.

Although he knew that Su Yu had no other thoughts.

I'm still a little embarrassed.

Not to mention.

Su Yu is not the only one here.

Cheng Banxian was old and refined, and immediately sensed the worries in Feng Xuan's heart.

Hurriedly got up and walked towards the door.

As he walked, he muttered in his mouth.

"I suddenly remembered that yesterday Lao Lin seemed to ask me to go to him today. "

"This man is old. "

"There are some things that I really can't remember. "

"I don't think about it until now. "

"I'm going to go to his shop quickly, and I don't know what's going on. "

"Words here. "

"Su Yu, you can help take a look. "

"In case something goes wrong. "

"Come to Lao Lin's store to find me later. "

When I walked to the door.

Cheng Banxian even smiled ambiguously at Su Yu and closed the door with his hand.

See this scene.

Su Yu showed a helpless look, coughed lightly twice, and hurriedly explained to Feng Xuan.

"If not very convenient. "

"That's it. "

"You and I carefully talk about the specifics of the tattoo pattern..."

didn't wait for Su Yu to finish speaking.

Feng Xuan sneered, shook her head with a faint smile and said.

"Nothing was inconvenient. "

"But I, as a person in the yin, still have such concerns. "

"I hope Master Su doesn't mind. "

"Do you want to take off your clothes now?"

Su Yu took a sip from the teacup and nodded in reply.

"If you can. "

"Naturally, the sooner the better. "

In fact, Su Yu also expressed his understanding of the concerns Feng Xuan said.

It is a tradition that men and women do not give or receive parental.

It's normal to be hesitant and reserved.

If you don't shy away from it.

Su Yu felt a little strange.

Although the heart understands.

But it's still a little embarrassing.

Feng Xuan lowered her head and bit her red lip weakly.

"Trouble Master Su, just close your eyes and wait for a while. "

looked at the cheongsam Feng Xuan was wearing.

Su Yu also nodded in understanding.

Lean back on the couch and close your eyes.

Just close your eyes and do nothing.

This move.

Defend against gentlemen but not villains.

The sound of a murmuring rope sounded around him.

Wait a while.

Feng Xuan's voice sounded like a thin mosquito.

"Master Su, please help me see if there is something unusual about the tattoo on my back. "

After hearing this.

Su Yu also opened his eyes slowly.

At this time, Feng Xuan leaned on the sofa, revealing her smooth back.

The body trembled slightly, her pretty face was already red, and the atmosphere was a little delicate.

But Su Yu had no other ideas.

Just frowning and squinting.

Stared at the tattoo on Feng Xuan's back and took a closer look.

This large amount of yin embroidery basically covers half of her back.

The content of the design is a woman.

The carving is extremely exquisite, the face is charming, the eyes are like phoenix eyes, and the figure is even better.

In both hands he holds a thin thread that looms.

A closer look reveals it.

The faces of the woman and Feng Xuan in the tattoo are almost the same.

It can even be said that a template is drawn out.

But the whole picture looks a little weird, and there is a feeling of extreme incompleteness.

It's like.

Originally a tattoo drawing.

It is artificially divided into two parts.

The picture tattooed on Feng Xuan's body is only part of it.

And that's not even the weirdest part.

After Su Yu carefully looked at it again with the Yin Yang Sky Eye, he found out.

All the yin energy that covers the tattoo diagram.

It's all from that thin wire.

It's not even just yin.

There are even wisps of ghost energy revealed.

Once it appears.

It will be crushed and crushed.

Even now it is impossible to hold a wooden hairpin.


Feng Xuan is a person in the yin.

Yin virtue is abundant.

Naturally, all evils are inviolable.

Not to mention just wisps of ghostly energy.

See this tattoo in front of you.

Su Yu touched his chin and thought carefully for a moment.

It's already corresponding to a certain yin embroidery in the brain.

glanced at Feng Xuan's back again, and said slowly.

"That's it. "

"I close my eyes now. "

Su Yu closed his eyes again, and his mind was settled.

After a while.

Feng Xuan's coquettish voice sounded again.

"Master Su, do you see anything wrong?"

Su Yu also opened his eyes at the right time.

After touching his chin and groaning for a few seconds, he slowly spoke.

"This picture of your back. "

"If I'm not mistaken, it's called the Sisters' Destiny Chart. "

There was a pause.

Su Yu continued with a solemn look in his eyes.

"My sister is sick, and she lives together. "

"If not what I expected. "

"You should have a sister..."

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