The sister is sick, and she lives together.

This sentence.

It's not for nothing.

The sisters' life chart can actually be said to be accurate.

One or two drawings are split in half.

In order to play the role of the sister's life chart, it must be carried on two different people.

And, most critically.

The two of them must also be sisters.

If not sisters.

It is simply not possible to play the role of this tattoo atlas.

The conditions can be described as extremely demanding.

But it is precisely such harsh conditions that make it extremely terrifying and extraordinary.

After Feng Xuan heard this, she was slightly stunned, nodded and exclaimed.

"It is worthy of Master Su. "

"He has a pair of fiery eyes. "

"It is true that there is a sister who is four years younger than me, named Feng Zhi. "

Su Yu nodded thoughtfully and said in a deep voice.

"If I'm not mistaken, your sister should have the other half of her sister's fate chart on her back. "

"And when she was eight years old. "

"Most likely, there was some accident that led to his imminent death. "

"You used this picture of your sister's fate to get it back. "

From then on, the two shared the same life. "

"But so?"

In fact, when Su Yu saw the tattoo picture on Feng Xuan's back.

These conditions were already in his mind.

There's no need to speculate at all.

The phrase "living with one's own life" already says it all.

Sister Destiny Chart.

The reason why the requirements are so high.

That's why.

This picture can give life to the dying.

As long as the two people who tattooed this picture are sisters, they can share life.

Even if one of them is on the verge of dying.

And it will be safe and sound.

And it's not just life.

Even good and bad will be shared.

In a sense, it can be said.

This tattoo is a life-saving tattoo.

But there are limitations.

Because this is a borrowing from heaven and earth, it must be punished.

For example.

From the day this map was tattooed.

The lifespan will be exponentially consumed.


The one who didn't suffer a lot in the first place.

After tattooing this picture.

Because life is shared by one's own own sisters.

The remaining life span can be said to be directly halved.

And the blessing of yin virtue is such a mysterious and mysterious thing.

On the contrary, it will increase.

After all, he is willing to cut his own longevity in order to keep others safe.

Even between siblings.

It is also extremely rare.


Feng Xuan can be twelve years old, the kind of age when everyone will be more selfish and rebellious.

Agree to tattoo this picture to share life with her dying sister.

Let Su Yu feel a kind of respect in his heart.

Feng Xuan's eyes showed a look of remembrance, and she said slowly.

"When she was eight years old. "

"Because I have an extremely rare disease, I have searched for a solution, but it is still useless, and my life is in danger. "

"When I saw her small body in the sterile room, she was so thin that only bones remained. "

"My whole heart tugged. "

"It happened that my uncle knew a man who was in the shadows. "

"That is, my master. "

"The previous generation of Yin Tattoo Master. "

"She gave a solution, which was to tattoo a sisterly life chart on the back of Feng Zhi and me, so that our lives would be shared. "

"That's it. "

Naturally, Feng Zhi can be rescued from her deathbed. "

"As for the consequences that will happen after the tattoo, my master has also told me in detail. "

"But be that as it may. "

"My sister is sick, how can I turn a blind eye. "

I still didn't hesitate to agree to get the picture tattooed. "

"It's a blessing in disguise. "

"My master saw that I had such a friendship since I was a child. "

"In the end, it was decided to take me as an apprentice. "

"Became the next tattoo master. "

"Do good deeds and accumulate virtue in the yin deeds in order to make up for your own shortcomings. "

"From then to now. "

"It's safe and sound. "

Speaking of which.

Feng Xuan paused slightly, and continued in silence.

"Actually, until now. "

"I never regret the decision I made. "

When Feng Zhi was six years old, because she was well-behaved and sensible, she was rewarded with a lollipop by the teacher in kindergarten. "

Feng Zhi, who got the lollipop, was very happy, but she didn't peel the candy and eat it. "

When her teacher asked why she didn't eat it. "

She clutched the lollipop tightly in her hand and said a word. "

"I'm going to give it to my sister. "

"It's just six simple words. "

"It's not easy to say it from a six-year-old child. "

"Even when Feng Zhi was in a coma. "

"My name is also in her mouth. "

"I have a feeling. "

"Maybe we were sisters in our last life. "

That's why there is such a special fate and feelings. "

Speaking of which.

Feng Xuan's eyes flickered with tears.

Su Yu also exhaled a deep breath of turbidity.

In this world.

Family affection is always moving.


Sisters and brothers who grew up together.

When you were a child, you might have been very noisy.

There is a big quarrel in five days, and a small quarrel in three days.

But as I get older.

The last quarrel will gradually disappear, replaced by the warmth of family affection.

When the moment when something really comes into play.

The most worried.

It's not the so-called boyfriend or girlfriend around you.

Instead, I found that the phone had not been able to get through.

In the end, I booked a plane ticket overnight and came directly to my sister or brother.

The reddened circles and worried eyes speak for themselves.

Wait until the moment when my sister gets married.

The person who cries the saddest will also be the younger brother.

What is family affection?

That's the last harbor in everyone's heart.

Even if the wind and waves are raging outside.

Arrived home.

will also be calm, and the heart will be like water.

Su Yu rubbed his eyebrows and thought carefully for a while.

After pondering in his heart for a moment, he said slowly.

"I looked at your fortune and fortune, yin and yang virtues, and I didn't find any problems. "

"When I first saw the tattoo. "

"Vaguely I found something weird. "

"The yin energy and karma in your body are all transmitted by the life-holding thread of your sister's destiny diagram. "

"Sisters share the same fate. "

"It's not just life, it's life luck, yin and yang virtue. "

Hence the issue. "

"Most likely it's your sister's..."

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