The store fell silent.

Only Feng Zhi's voice was a little choked.

"As long as I can remember. "

"As long as I walked on the road, my sister would hold my hand tightly, as if she was afraid that I would get lost. "

"Because of my playfulness, I accidentally broke my uncle's vase, and I cried in fear. "

But my sister comforted me and said that it was okay, my uncle would not blame me. "

"But I saw it. "

My sister automatically admitted to her uncle that it was her broken vase. "

In the midst of my uncle's reproach, I bit my lip and held back my tears, never saying that I had actually done it. "

"I still remember. "

"In elementary school. "

"Because I'm afraid of the dark, I don't dare to go home alone at night. "

"My sister would travel through most of the city and pick me up after school. "

"On a rainy day once. "

"I've been waiting for a long time for my sister to come, and I'm the only one left in the class. "

"I thought my sister wouldn't come, so I ran home alone in anger. "

"When I got home, I found out. "

"My sister is not at home. "

That day, my sister didn't come home until after 11 o'clock in the evening. "

"I'm already soaking wet. "

"Even because I was worried, I ran all the way to find me and accidentally fell. "

"The skin of his hands and feet was frayed, and his body was covered with mud. "

"But the moment they saw me. "

"My sister didn't blame me. "

Instead, he hugged me tightly and kept telling me that he was sorry. "

"Said she was late and let me go home alone. "

But I ignored her angrily. "

"I didn't know until later. "

"It turned out to be that day. "

"My sister was actually stopped by a few little hooligans. "

"If it weren't for her homeroom teacher passing by, I can't imagine what would have happened next. "

"My sister must have been scared too. "

"But for my sake, she still traveled half the city to pick me up. "

"Even when they can't find me. "

"On a rainy day, look around. "

"She was looking for me when the rain was pouring on her, and she was looking for me when she fell and was covered in mud. "

"But I'm still blaming her, blaming her for not forgetting me, for not taking me to heart. "

Feng Zhi squinted and gently wiped away her tears, and continued.

"From growing up until now. "

"The best memory I could ever want. "

"Every minute and every second, there is the presence of my sister. "

"My sister is the best person in my heart. "

"So I started learning from my sister. "

"Learn my sister's makeup, learn my sister's dress. "

"Even the cheongsam on my body is only worn because my sister loves to wear it. "

"I knew I would never become a sister. "

"But I just hope. "

"It's okay to be like my sister for a few points. "

"Beautiful like a sister, as good as a sister, and as responsible as a sister. "

"I don't care if it's even if it's a shadow of my sister. "

"Because. "

"In my heart. "

"My sister is the best person in the world. "

"Gentle, caring, pretty, kind. "

"I hope. "

"One day. "

"My sister can be proud of me. "

"One day. "

"I can also shelter my sister from the wind and rain. "

"One day. "

"I can give my sister a shoulder when she's tired. "

"Be that as it may. "

"But I know. "

"What I did was far less than a tenth of what my sister did to me. "

Speaking of which.

Feng Zhi stopped talking.

A pair of peach blossom eyes looked at Feng Xuan, and her eyes were full of tears.

Su Yu exhaled a deep breath.

At this moment, he finally understood the beginning and end of this matter.

Feng Zhi has always had an obsession in her heart.

That is to become as good as Feng Xuan.

This is understandable.

In Feng Zhi's heart.

Her sister is the most majestic figure in her heart.

She wanted to get close to the figure.

She wanted to emulate it.

She wants to be Feng Xuan's pride even more.

In order to be the best person in your heart.

Paint up the look.

Put on a cheongsam.

Even the unique tattoo artist, she also tried her best to imitate it.

Finally, he picked up the bone needle.

This situation.

Su Yu didn't know if it was reasonable to use the word sick.

But the only thing that is certain is.

Sisterhood is deep.

In order to save his sister, he did not hesitate to tattoo his sister's life chart and share his life.

One of the people who wanted to be as good as his sister and got her praise picked up the white bone needle.

This kind of thing.

I can't tell.

But completely understandable.

Feng Xuan smiled from the bottom of her heart, rubbed Feng Zhi's head, and comforted.

"You don't have to be like me. "

"Because you have long been the pride of my heart..."

Then he turned his head to look at Su Yu, with worry in his eyes.

After taking a deep breath, his lips moved.

"Master Su, I want you to save Xiao Zhi. "

"Although Xiao Zhi looks like nothing unusual now. "

"But as a person in the underworld, I naturally understand that if I do evil things, there will be evil retribution. "

"But I think there's room for redemption. "

"If you can save Xiao Zhi. "

"Even if I give up my position as a tattoo master, I won't be able to hold this hairpin again. "

"I do, too. "

"If you have any other requirements, as long as you can save Xiao Zhi. "

"I will not resist. "

"I just hope. "

"Please help me. "

Su Yu frowned and thought silently.

Although said.

Feng Xuan and Feng Zhi have the existence of sisters with the same fate diagram on their bodies.

All kinds of yin and yang lifespan, blessings and disasters belong to the state of sharing.


There is a wrong, and there is a debtor.

Heaven and earth have a conscience.

You will not kill a good person by mistake, and you will not spare a wicked person.

Even if both of them have the existence of Yin embroidery.

But if there is retribution.

Feng Zhi will definitely be the only one who has an accident.

There's no doubt about it.

At most, Feng Xuan can't become a Yin Tattoo Master again.

Bone streak needle.

Extremely vicious.

Whether there is still a glimmer of life, Su Yu can't say.

After a moment of contemplation.

Su Yu tapped on the table and asked in a serious tone.

"I ask you. "

"Have you ever used a bone needle? "

"Have you ever tattooed any of them for someone else?"

Ps: Gou feels that the author is not in a state for the past two days, and the update is slow, I'm sorry everyone.

If you feel that there is a problem, you must tell the author in the comment area.

At the same time, the author will never be a eunuch and ghostwriter!!

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