Bone streak needle.

Because the process of making it is extremely evil.

As a result, the needles are full of yin qi and resentment.

If you use a white bone needle to tattoo someone else, it is not tolerated by heaven and earth.


The bitter lord had come to seek a place of hope with sorrow in his heart.

As a result of the white bone stitches.

Caught in an even greater crisis.

The rest of his life was entangled by yin energy, and disaster fell from the sky.

these cases.

It will all be liquidated on those who use the bone stitch.

Heaven is angry and people are resentful.

Doom to come.

Immortals are hard to save.

Feng Zhi was silent for two seconds, wiped away her tears, and replied in a choked voice.

"Nope. "

"I never thought about getting a tattoo for someone else. "

"I don't give people tattoos either. "

"I just want to be closer to my sister, I just want to be a shadow of my sister. "

"That's it. "

"That's enough. "

In Feng Zhi's heart.

Feng Xuan is a light that really lights up her life.

It is she who deserves to be followed and admired for a lifetime.

In order to get closer to Feng Xuan.

She would rather give up herself and hope to become another Feng Xuan.

This is the most sincere thought in her heart.

Sitting on the side, Feng Xuan's eyes were full of heartache.

Stretched out a slightly trembling hand and stroked Feng Zhi's cheek.

Su Yu touched his chin and thought for a moment, then continued to ask the most important question.

"That bone stitch of yours. "

"Where is it now?"

Whatever the specifics may be.

Finding the bone stitch is extremely important.

Feng Zhi bit her lip lightly and slowly picked up the handbag beside her.

Unzip it up.

A blue jade box was revealed.

Although it is jasper that drives away evil spirits and avoids disasters, there is still a majestic yin qi permeating out.

There is even a resentful aura wrapped around the jade box.

Su Yu frowned deeply when he saw this.

After a slight hesitation, he directly opened the jade box.

It's just a small crack that has just opened.

Yin Qi gushed out.

Directly open the jade box.

There was even a resentful roar ringing in the ears of the three of them.

See this scene.

Feng Zhi was actually frightened and shrunk into a ball, and muttered confidently.

"How could it be. "

"How so. "

"That's not how I watched it before. "

For Feng Zhi's expression.

Su Yu was not surprised.

Because really.

Feng Zhi is not a person in the yin line at all.

For all kinds of taboo matters in the yin line.

It's just that you just know something, and how can you really know the taboos.

The white bone needle is an extremely evil thing.

Moreover, with the passage of time, yin qi and resentment will continue to accumulate.

In the end.

Not even the person who made this white bone needle could touch it.

Once touched.

will die violently under the erosion of yin qi.

To avoid this.

There is only one way.

That is, constantly using the white bone needle, and constantly using it to tattoo the map.

That's all there is to it.

In order to consume the yin qi that the white bone pattern needle has been accumulating.

This is pushing people to evil.

But just tattoo a picture.

There's no going back.

However, judging from the current state of the white bone needle.

Feng Zhi is indeed as she said.

No bone stitches have been used.

Or it can be said that you dare not use it.

As for how Feng Zhi made this white bone needle, there is no need to delve into it.

After all, this is the end of the story.

The whole truth is basically revealed.

Feng Xuan looked at Su Yu with expectant eyes, and asked a little hurriedly.

"Master Su, Xiao Zhi's situation should be able to help, be able to help. "

"She didn't tattoo anyone else with this bone stitch, as long as she could get forgiveness from the unjust soul who was bound in the stitch. "

"It should be okay, it's okay..."

Su Yu nodded and replied loudly.

"It stands to reason. "

"That's exactly what you said. "

"Because the dying person is about to run out of life, although the hope for life is extremely strong. "

"But in general. "

"The punishment and karma of heaven and earth will be much smaller, so as long as you can forgive the unjust soul in bondage, you can save your life. "

"But it's so difficult to get forgiveness from this kind of unjust soul who can't live in peace before death..."

Su Yu didn't finish his words.

To Feng Xuan, she also understood the meaning.

It is self-evident how difficult it is to get the forgiveness of such evil spirits.

Feng Xuan pursed her lips and was silent for a few seconds, then made the final decision and said in a low voice.

"Master Su, please help me. "

"As long as I can save Feng Zhi, I am willing to give all the yin virtue accumulated in the past few years to the evil ghosts in the white bone pattern needle. "

"This too. "

"My last request. "

After hearing this.

Su Yu's eyes narrowed suddenly.

The Yin virtues earned by Feng Xuan are all obtained from the Yin Tattoo Master's lineage.

With these yin virtues.

In exchange for Feng Zhi's life, it is more than enough.

But once that's done.

She will no longer be able to hold the hairpin that represents the Yin Tattooer.

One could even say.

is no longer a tattoo master, and his Taoism will also dissipate.

Su Yu asked in an extremely solemn tone.

"This thing. "

"Have you figured it out?"

"You should know all the consequences, right?"

Feng Xuan stared at the wooden hairpin in the box next to her.

His eyes were moist, and he nodded vigorously and said hoarsely.

"Master Su, I have made up my mind, please help me. "

Su Yu stared at Feng Xuan's eyes without saying a word, seeing his extremely determined eyes.

I already knew what she was thinking.

After a deep sigh, he waved his hand.

"Let's go. "

"Take your sister with you. "

"This thing. "

"I'll help you. "

"But what will happen in the future, you should know it yourself. "

"Will you regret it?"

"I can't tell. "

Feng Xuan hurriedly stood up, not caring about the somewhat untidy cheongsam.

Pulling up Feng Zhi, who was also sitting on the side, the two of them gave Su Yu a blessing.

Under the outline of the cheongsam, the figures of the two are extremely charming.

Feng Xuan had tears in her eyes, bit her lip, and said from the bottom of her heart.

"Thank you, Master Su. "

"I don't regret it. "

"I'll never regret it. "

After all that's said.

He saluted Su Yu again.

After Su Yu sighed, he waved his hand to signal the two to leave.

Feng Xuan pulled Feng Zhi up, and the two walked out step by step.

Just when I walked out of the yin street.

Feng Xuan's whole body suddenly trembled, and wisps of blood overflowed from the corners of her mouth.

The feeling of being deprived of yin virtue instantly filled her whole body.

Seeing this, Feng Zhi suddenly dropped two teardrops, and hurriedly asked in surprise.

"Sister, what are you, what's wrong. "

Feng Xuan smiled, wiped away the tears on Feng Zhi's cheeks, and said softly.

"Don't worry about Zhi. "

"I just lost something important. "

"But me. "

"But it guarded something more important. "

"Let's go. "

"Let's go home together..."

The figures of the two drifted apart.

At this time, Cheng Banxian's shop.

A soul with a majestic yin virtue wrapped around its body, arched its hand at Su Yu, and then fell towards the Huangquan Underground Mansion.

And on the coffee table.

There are two stitches that have been completely broken.

A white bone.

A stale wood...

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