Xu Dazui's eyes became more and more frightened.

Although he has never believed that there is such an incomparably strange thing in this world,

But when the facts came before him.

The impact on his heart is like the bursting of the embankment of the angry sea.

Xu Dazui took a deep breath and continued to speak hoarsely.

"When I see this in the mirror. "

"My whole scalp and back are in a state of complete numbness. "

"I didn't open the door that day, but someone was in my room, still crouching on the ground looking at the three urns. "

"This situation. "

"No matter which normal person you change, you will be scared out of your body and your seven spirits will ascend to heaven. "

"Especially. "

"After I took a closer look. "

"That ghost turned its head slowly, and looked at me..."

"I wanted to scream, I wanted to run away, but I found I couldn't even move. "

"Wait until the ghost turns his head and sees him. "

"I was too scared to say a word. "

The ghost had a blue face, wide teeth, and the most terrifying thing was that there were two lines of blood and tears between his eyes. "

"Speak to the mouth that I don't listen to. "

"I couldn't hear him at all. "

"Just when I thought I was going to die. "

The ghost that was originally squatting suddenly disappeared, and I don't know where it went. "

"In the meantime, I can get back on my feet. "

"The whole person collapsed on the ground, gasping for breath, and I felt like I had picked up a life. "

"It stands to reason. "

"When others encounter this kind of thing, they should all ask those masters to practice and take amulets. "

"But I can't help it. "

"Because I didn't have any money, I had to bite the bullet and stay in my room. "

"Even those three weird urns, I don't dare throw them out. "

"Again. "

"I don't have the money and I don't have the means. "

"I can only make a living by stealing boxes. "

"These urns also represent my life. "

"Strange to say. "

"In my previous experience. "

"These rich people should be very attentive to the ashes of their ancestors. "

"But more than a month has passed. "

"I didn't have any movement on my phone, it was like I was dead. "

"Even I doubt it. "

"Is it that these rich people don't care about their ancestors. "

The phone rang suddenly. "

"A sufferer called me. "

"He said that he wanted me to return the urn, but I didn't ask for money, and if I didn't pay it back, just let me wait for retribution. "

"At that time, I couldn't open the pot, and I couldn't afford to eat. "

Hear that. "

All at once evil courage came from the heart. "

The ashes of the rich man's ancestors were poured directly into the toilet and flushed away. "

Then he sold the urn to a funeral parlor for two thousand dollars. "

"It's also my first time. "

"Dump their ashes in the toilet and sell their urns. "

"It's a coincidence. "

"Right after I poured the ashes into the toilet. "

The phone rang again. "

"It was a man who called himself the brother of the deceased and asked me to meet him at a teahouse. "

After hearing this. "

I hurriedly cleaned up and walked towards the agreed place with the urn. "

"Place is remote. "

"I knew it was disgraceful, and I didn't dare to call a taxi or anything. "

"I can only ride my own motorcycle and walk towards the agreed place. "

"After getting to the place. "

"It was dark, and a cool breeze made me shiver and sober me a little. "

"I was in a hurry and panicked, and I couldn't wait to collect the money. "

"I didn't think carefully about how there could be a teahouse in such a remote place. "

"But that's it. "

"I can only bite the bullet and follow what I said on the phone. "

"Find the brother of the so-called deceased. "

"His face was pale, his eyebrows were cloudy, and his lips were even more bruised, which looked extremely terrifying, but I was surprised to feel that this person was very familiar. "

"We didn't say much. "

He poured me a cup of tea and asked me a question. "

"Do you do this kind of thing, are you afraid of retribution?"

I didn't answer, just looked at him indifferently and placed the urn on the table. "

Seeing this, he didn't say anything, just threw out a stack of red envelopes, and left with the urn. "

"The weirdest thing happened. "

"I just glanced at the red envelope, and when I looked up again, I found..."

"I found out that he had disappeared..."

"He disappeared before my eyes. "

The so-called teahouse also quickly decayed and dissipated, and finally became a deserted cemetery mass grave. "

"I finally remembered. "

"Why do you think he's familiar? "

"It's because. "

"This is because..."

"His appearance is exactly the same as the photo of the deceased pasted on the urn!"

"Whether it's facial features or expression, there's no difference..."

"I hit the ghost. "

Xu Dazui showed an extremely hideous expression, and said through gritted teeth.

"I'm scared too. "

"Actually, I'm afraid of ghosts. "

"Only. "

"I'm more afraid of running out of money. "

"Because for people like me, having no money means death. "

"If I could have a degree, or a craft, how could I be reduced to this point. "

"It's all to blame on God. "

"It's not fair at all. "

"Everyone else was born with a big house and a good life, but I don't have anything. "

"I can't be blamed for that at all. "

"Can't blame me!!"

in this world.

There will always be those who attribute their failures to the injustice of the world.

And then use that as an excuse.

Begin to go astray and earn money off the beaten path.

For example.

The able-bodied put on ragged and broken clothes and begged outside.

Throw your own shame on the ground.

There are even more people who give up on themselves.

All kinds of deceptions, tricks are exhausted, and they commit things that anger and resentment of the heavens.

This situation.

See a lot.

For this kind of person, Su Yu despises it.

Because in his opinion.

All excuses, the so-called helplessness.

It's just an excuse for my laziness.

In today's society.

Even if you don't have a degree, as long as you are willing to work hard.

Not to mention how good it can be.

At the very least, they can be fed and clothed.

If you don't want to be rich and rich, you can gradually become well-off.

And the so-called injustice of heaven and earth.

It's all just an excuse...

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