That's it.

What happened to Xu Dazui.

It's basically out of the blue.

Saying goes.

When people walk by the river, how can they not get their shoes wet.

Xu Dazui has been stealing boxes for a living for so many years.

Until now, there has been retribution after all.

As for the specifics of those three urns.

Su Yu also thought about it in his heart.

In fact, except for those large families, they will find the right time and day to be blessed.

Some people who died in vain.

Nor can they be buried in the ground immediately.

Because of the people who died in vain, all kinds of evil spirits and resentments are extremely surging.

Immediately buried.

Not only is there no benefit, but it will also cause an effect.

Yin Qi accumulates and cannot be dispersed.

It will be a curse.

So this kind of people who died in vain.

Basically, they will find the most suitable day to go to the ground.

And the rest of the time is naturally placed in the Buddhist shrine.

Because jade can ward off evil spirits.

Therefore, there is a high probability that the urn made of jade will be used.

It is used to appease and ward off evil spirits.

And one thing is important.

Even if it is an urn made of jade, it will never use black jade normally.

Basically, only jasper or topaz will be used.

The black jade is black.

Regarded as ominous.

will use black jade to make an urn, which is most likely not a good thing.

Look at it this way.

The three urns that Xu Dazui took before.

It must have been the source of this outbreak.

But it can't be said that it was bad luck this time.

It's that he's been doing so many years.

Retribution for doing so many immoral deeds.

Hitting ghosts is also self-inflicted.

Li Dazui was a little indignant at this moment, and said with a little anger.

"Since that day. "

"I hit ghosts, and every time I pass by anything that reflects light, whether it's a mirror, a wall, or a water, I can see a person. "

Holding the urn of Moyu in his hand, he grinned with wide teeth, his eyes were dripping with blood and tears, and he looked at me hideously. "

"No matter what I do, he is close to me. "

"I'm afraid. "

"I'm really scared. "

"I think about it sometimes. "

"Is it that when I sleep, he also looks at me with an urn?"

"Is it that when I go to the toilet, he is also holding the urn and looking at me?"

"Even. "

"Didn't I go to the foot washing shop, looking for those little girls, he was also holding an urn and looking at me. "

"I'm really scared, I'm really scared. "

Su Yu snorted coldly and said meaningfully.

"What are you afraid of?"

"Stealing people's urns to make money. "

When he couldn't ask for it, he poured the ashes of the bitter master into the toilet and bought his urn. "

"It's so terrifying. "

"When you did this kind of thing, you didn't think about retribution?"

"I guess you know, right?"

Su Yu's words seemed to poke at the sore spot of Xu Da's mouth.

His face turned pale, his eyes were full of coldness, and there was a kind of anger that had been exposed.

As if he was giving up on himself, he roared at Su Yu and threatened.

"Master Su, I think you have misunderstood this matter. "

"I even got the red envelope, and all the money in it turned into dark coins. "

"I didn't get anything, let alone retribution. "

"People like me. "

"I have no wife, no children, no money, and now even the only life I have to take away from heaven for me, joking with me. "

"You tell me. "

"Is that what I was wrong?"

"If heaven and earth can take care of me, will I need this?"

"Why do you need to do such a trivial thing, stealing ashes for a living?"

"It's the world that's wrong. "

"And not !! me"

Xu Dazui's emotions were extremely excited at this time, like a volcano that could erupt at any time.

When he was about to die.

I felt Su Yu's indifference and undisguised disgust for him again.

It was already the ugliest face.

It is also the deepest thought in his heart.

After Su Yu heard Xu Dazui's roar, the disdain and disgust on his face became even more obvious.

It's like looking at a dead person, unmoved.

"The world says. "

"Heaven and earth are unkind, and all things are used as dogs. "

But I don't know. "

"People are doing it, and the sky is watching. "

"Good is rewarded with good, and evil is rewarded with evil. "

"While saying that heaven and earth are unfair, he is doing disgusting evil things. "

"Obviously with sound limbs and in the prime of life, he has to steal boxes for a living. "

"I don't even think I've done anything wrong. "

"For people like you. "

"All I can say is. "

Su Yu paused when he said this, and said in a cold voice with an expressionless face.

"There is no cure, and there is no cure. "

"I advise you to go back, while there is still some time to eat and drink well, and then go on the road with peace of mind. "

"As for surviving. "

"That's a dream. "

Xu Dazui heard Su Yu's indifferent words, and his eyes were full of anger.

Clenched his fists hard.

After a few seconds of silence.

Suddenly, with a smile on his face, he turned his head to look at Lao Lin and Cheng Banxian on the other side.

"Two masters. "

"I'm here to find you this time, so it's up to you two to decide whether you can live or not. "

"What outsiders say can't be counted. "

"You're taking a closer look at me, can I survive?"

"Think about it. "

"I have no other skills, only a good ability to steal and unlock locks, and the last remaining rotten life. "

"This rabbit is in a hurry and bites. "

"Something. "

"If you can leave some leeway, it's better not to make yourself unhappy. "

"Lest you die in the middle of the night. "

The meaning of Xu Dazui's words does not need to be explained too much.

It's already a complete blackmail.

Saying goes.

Hades is easy to provoke, and the little ghost is difficult.

How disgusting it is to be remembered by such an outlaw villain, needless to say.

If it's a normal person.

Adhering to the idea that more is better than less, maybe you will directly agree to Xu Dazui.

But among the three people present, which one of them was an ordinary person.

This situation is even more surprising.

Cheng Banxian had a playful look on his face, playing with the compass in his hand.

Slowly dialed to the door of death, pointed behind Xu Dazui's back and said.

"Xu Dazui, do you see who's behind it?"

Hear this.

Xu Dazui looked back in confusion.

Just a glance.

The whole person collapsed to the ground.

At this time, he saw it.

It was the same demon I had seen before, holding his urn in his hand.

The face is wide and grinning, and it is extremely terrifying.

This time.

The demons are closer and more vicious than they have ever been before.

There is a lot of anger and resentment all over his body.

In an instant, Xu Dazui's remaining will was dispersed, and he lost his mind.

It's like the walking dead.

Dejected, he walked towards the door of the store.

I don't know where it is going.

When he's found again.

He had already died in his rental house.

The head is stuck in the toilet, and the scalp is flushed with water until it is puffy like a rotten watermelon.

On his side.

There is also an urn.

There is a posthumous photo of himself pasted on it.

But that picture.

but he is kneeling to atone for his sins...

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