Yin Qi boiling.


looked at Xu Dazui, who was lost and depressed, and walked away step by step.

All three had no expression on their faces.

Cheng Banxian silently put away the mountain and sea compass, as if nothing had happened.

The reason why that terrible ghost suddenly appeared just now.

It was because Cheng Banxian controlled the mountain and sea compass and directly opened the door of death.

Under the majestic roar of the Yin Qi of the Death Gate.

The powerful ghost behind Xu Dazui instantly appeared.

There is revenge, there is revenge.

Originally, the terrible ghost behind him.

It shouldn't have appeared so quickly, let alone be so majestic.

But it's all self-inflicted.

If you know that there is no cure, leave with peace of mind, eat and drink well.

After the last remaining period of time.

That's fine.

At least.

can still live a good life in the last period.

But he just wanted to threaten Su Yu and the three of them with three indiscriminate means.

was finally punished by Cheng Banxian.

Again, it makes sense.

And Cheng Banxian will not be contaminated with karma and karma because of this.

All in all.

Xu Dazui for his useless threat.

so that his life is about to come to an end.

It ended hastily.

This has to be said.

Everything is always retribution.

Cheng Banxian clapped his palms and said without any care.

"That's how this kind of person should be. "

"When you do all the evil things, you will have a harvest. "

Lao Lin, who doesn't like to talk, also touched his chin and said in a deep voice.

"The most critical thing is. "

"He has done evil and has not known it, and he has no repentance. "

Under such circumstances, I dare to blame the injustice of heaven and earth. "

"It's not a pity to die, it's more than innocent to die. "

On this one thing.

Cheng Banxian and Lao Lin have the same views as Su Yu, and they basically won't have any way out.

Some people deserve to die.

Saving a life is not only not enough to defeat the seventh-level floating slaughter.

It's even more provocative.

It is not for nothing that the story of the farmer and the snake has been passed down to the present day.

Save those who deserve to be saved.

punish those who do evil.

It is an eternal dogma in the yin.

This matter is for the three of them.

It's just a small episode.

In the Yin line for so many years.

I've long been immune to this kind of thing.

At all costs.

Stick to the Dharma in your heart, and you can find the blessing of heaven and earth.

The words of ordinary people.

It is enough to do not do evil, but to do much good.

After a moment of chatting over tea.

It was getting late in the evening.

The three of them also returned to their respective shops.


The sky was just dawning.

The sun has just shown its sharp corners.

After the Mid-Autumn Festival, winter has gradually begun.

The cold wind was biting, and the snot was running wildly.

The small stall vendors who do business on the road are in a hurry, for fear that they will not be able to occupy a good position.

For them.

A good location represents a good business for the day and a happy day.

Some of the old people.

They have long been gathered in various parks.

Some push and shove to exercise Tai Chi, and some hold sealed steel knives.

Others carried huge stereos and gathered a large number of people to dance the square dance.

It's quite an old and strong look, and there is no weakness in the bus.

A workhorse for early morning workouts.

It's never a young guy or a middle-aged person.

Instead, it's the old men and aunts who have retired.


In the eyes of others, it is happiness.

But there are some people.

A lifetime of hustle and bustle, retirement is simply an unattainable dream.

And others.

You may have just been born and retired.

Except for those who are vendors and exercise for the elderly.

A man who travels in the cold winds of early winter.

Basically, only those social animals who have just graduated, have just had a wife and children, or have entered a mid-life crisis.

Catch the first bus just to save on the high cost of renting a house.

Travel through most of the city.

It took three or four hours to go back and forth.

Stay up late into the night every day.

Just for a seemingly decent job, and some unequal wages.


It's their main theme today.


When I see the news of the sudden death of some of my peers, I will also be afraid.

But after being afraid.

still stay up late, work overtime, and work hard to live.

They don't know when this life will end.

In addition to these three categories of people.

Occasionally, I will see young people coming out of Internet cafes in twos and threes.

Curled up and shaking.

The sleepiness that had been overnight suddenly disappeared in the cold wind.

Bared teeth and dark circles under the eyes.

A picture of eye circles that did not wake up.

They don't have any distractions in their hearts, they just have fun.

It's a life, too.

I want to say whether I will regret it in the future.


But remembering these years.

I think of those brothers and friends who shrunk together and shivered in the cold wind.

I remembered that time.

A breakfast of meat buns has to be broken into three memories.

Only smiles.

I would like to go back to that time.

If you really want to say.

What time period can you see all kinds of life?

Early morning.

Undoubtedly the best time slot.

If you want to see the bright lights, neon romance.

Late at night.

That's more suitable.

Despite the fact that there are only twenty-four hours in a day.

But it has a different taste, savor and observe.

It's like a leopard in a tube.

Learn the philosophy of life.

As the sun rises.

In the middle of the street, there is a master who has some real skills.

They opened their doors one after another.

I've said it before.

Opening the door on time in the morning is an important part of the yin line.

And some of the shopkeepers who are exquisite.

There's even a stick of sandalwood lit and placed on the table.

Light incense in the morning, and everything will go well.

Su Yu has no habit of lighting incense.

But in the morning, I usually make a pot of morning tea to refresh my mind.

Just when it was time to make tea.

A strange voice sounded at the door.

"Excuse me, can you kill people here..."

PS: Finally, I will solicit everyone's thoughts on the heroine.

Recently, many people have asked the author and heroine questions, let's give an opinion in the comment area, do you want to or not...

I didn't write it before because Gou was afraid that he would not be able to write female characters well, after all, he was single and couldn't grasp the psychology of women.

I would like to ask for your opinions~

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